Nintendo Switch OLED Unboxing In New York 2021 – Destiny Fomo

0:00 – “So I’m pretty known, in the Youtube space, for doing Nintendo Switch unboxings.”

Why is she so bad at English?  This is the only language that she speaks.

Let me clear something up in case there’s any confusion.  Madam Fomo is not Hispanic, as I thought she was for a long time, and as many people think.  She’s mixed race.  Black and white, presumably.  

So there’s no excuse for her not to be able to speak the English language.  It’s not like English is her second language or something.  

I’m just thinking, I knew a Chinese British woman with a really noticeable Chinese accent.  So I asked her where she was from and she said, “London”.  She was born and raised in London but her parents spoke whatever Chinese dialect at home.  Listening to her, you would assume that she’s Chinese.  And obviously, she looked Chinese.  But she did not sound English.  

Nevertheless, her command of the language was the same as any native speaker.  Except for Destiny Fomo, for whatever insane reason.

Okay, Madam Fomo comes from a poor family.  She’s said as much.  She has a lot of siblings.  Madam Fomo is also a prostitute and let’s assume that she’s not the first person in her family to enter the profession.  How does that explain anything?  Poor people can still speak English.  

Let’s say that Madam Fomo is totally uneducated.  It still doesn’t make sense.  I’ve known people who are illiterate.  Their spoken English is as good as anyone else’s.  Why wouldn’t it be?  

I don’t know.  Madam Fomo just can’t speak English.  I have no idea why.

0:15 – Shout out to her “social media platforms”.  All of them.  She hides the OnlyFans link, though.  It’s there, it’s just mis-labelled.  

Oh, and then she puts it in giant letters on the screen.  That’s what this video is about.  Her pimp TuanX wasn’t happy with how little money she was making.

1:15 – The words, “New shelves, who dis” appear on screen.  Maybe somebody who speaks Ebonics can explain this one to me.

Maybe that’s the problem.  Maybe English actually is Madam Fomo’s second language.  Maybe her native language is Ebonics.

1:30 – Shout out to the bell icon.  God, this is desperate AS FUCK.  Doesn’t she get it?  Hit that bell icon.  Don’t forget to subscribe.  She’s only 90 seconds into the fucking video.  She’s going to do this throughout the entire video, I suspect.  Constant reminders to subscribe and hit the bell icon and subscribe to her Only Fans.

1:45 – She said “OLED” about six times in 30 seconds.  What’s “OLED”?  I don’t know and I don’t care.  But she seems to think that it’s really important.

5:30 – Shout out to giving the video a thumbs up.  

9:15 – Give a thumbs up.  Leave a comment.  If you don’t want to leave a comment, you can send her a text from some scam that she’s running.  Make sure you subscribe.  Push notifications.  Only Fans.  

Ten minutes and five seconds.  This way the video gets monetised and TuanX gets paid.

This was total dog shit but that shouldn’t be surprising to anyone.  She’s not even interested in this shit but that’s a minor point.  

Oh yeah, and she has “Double D Unboxing” as the thumbnail.  

Is there anything I’m missing?  No.  She’s just boring.  And desperation is not attractive.

I’m reminded of the drug-addicted old prostitute who was actually stopping people on the street offering her services.  In broad daylight.  Not a single person took her up on the offer.  

You have to have some finesse.  You’re on the street, you have to advertise your services, but be subtle.  Don’t just approach everyone you see and offer to suck their penis.  

If you just stand there, and you’re dressed a certain way, people who are interested in that stuff will approach you.  If you want to help give a hint as to your line of business, you can maybe discreetly greet a potential john.  Nothing obvious like, “Are you looking for a good time, sailor?” but something.  I think even “Hello” would work.  I think that I’d be okay with “Do you party?” or the like as long as it’s obvious that the person in question seems receptive.  Like if they’re looking at you and trying to figure out if you’re a prostitute or not.

Madam Fomo should know all of this and apply it to her trade.  But she doesn’t.  And according to the escort reviews, which Madam Fomo got deleted but I have copies of, Madam Fomo would actually call former clients and ask if they wanted to have another go at it.  It’s desperate as fuck.  

And the reason why she was so desperate is because her services, by all accounts, were AWFUL.  

Same fucking thing here.  She makes AWFUL content on Youtube and OnlyFans and that’s why she’s always so desperate to advertise her shit.  It’s ridiculous.  Make good content, whether it be on Youtube, OnlyFans, or the local Motel 6 and people will WANT to continue to make use of your content.  You won’t have to badger them.

She just doesn’t want to be doing any of this.  She likes the money but she hates everything else about it.  So this is what you get.  Absolutely shit tier content.  

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