7 Games to play on XBOX GAME PASS this Halloween | Cosmetic DLC – Cannot Be Tamed


Why does she have “Cosmetic DLC” in the title?  That’s her dead channel about makeup.  Maybe this was a mistake or maybe all will be explained…assuming I can make it through this video.

So it’s October: that special month when “Youtubers” start cranking out bad Halloween “content”.  I don’t know about anyone else, but it doesn’t get me pumped up for Halloween, it just increases my disdain for Halloween.  Now I have to put up with this shitty “content” for a month.  And it’s all so commercial.  They’re doing this to get clicks, which turns into pennies.  

According to the description, all of the gameplay footage in this video is from the fucking trailers.  How lazy is this?

I’m at 4:30.  The halfway point.  Pam is just droning on, of course.  But I can do this.  

Okay.  So I got through the video.  Wow.  BORING!  You’re BORING, Pam.  Be less BORING.  

And yeah, this “Cosmetic DLC” in the title was just an accident.

Fucking Halloween.  Have I done my Halloween *nostalgia* stories already?  I think I have.  Yeah:


I need more childhood stories.  That’s the problem when you don’t do anything.  It’s why Erin is so fucking boring and all of her stories are about things that she DIDN’T do.  

This video is 9:11 long.  Hey guys!  Remember 9/11?  I do remember 9/11.  

I was watching it on the news while getting ready to go to class.  I was going to graduate school.  Wait…so did this happen in the morning?  Let me check.

Yeah, the first crash was at 8:46.  The second one was at 8:49.  I remember this second crash happening and then I had to start heading off to class.  Maybe class started at 10:00.  I was living on “The East Coast” so these times should all match up.

So I’m watching this and I’m thinking, “Is class cancelled or what?”  Because you didn’t know.  Few people had cellular phones, even the internet wasn’t something that was mainstream.  So there was no way to contact people on a mass scale.

I suppose that I could have called the school.  But maybe lots of people were doing that so the phone lines would have been jammed.

Anyway, I just went.  I was fanatical about going to class every day.  I didn’t get those perfect attendance awards in high school for nothing.  It takes more than a national tragedy to keep me at home.

So I get to the campus and meet some fellow student.  He was a nerd.  And I ask him if classes are cancelled or what and he said that he didn’t know.  I don’t remember what happened after that.  We probably just went to the front doors, saw that they were locked, and decided to go home.  

I believe that classes resumed the next day.  I remember some student talking to a professor about what a tactical stroke of genius this was, albeit a national tragedy.  

I remember a different student talking to a different professor about people he knows from New York who died or possibly died or something.  This guy was from New York and he was really broken up about it.  “Yo, Uncle Vinny’s Pizzaria is gone.  I can’t believe it.  It was the best place to get a slice on the West Side.”  And the professor, who was a woman, didn’t care in the slightest.  This guy is almost crying and she didn’t give a fuck.  She must have hated New Yorkers talking about New York even more than I do.  She just kept saying, “yeah” and trying to end the conversation.  

And there was a Muslim woman in a head scarf.  She was a student as well.  This was the first Muslim person I had ever seen.  She had the head scarf, as I said, but her hair was showing so she wasn’t really militant about this.  And she was talking about how this isn’t representative of what Islam is about.  It’s the religion of peace and whatnot.  The religion of peace strikes again.

Actually, she was the only Muslim I’ve ever seen in the US.  Then when I moved to London…what a contrast.

So that’s my 9/11 *nostalgia*.  That’s when things started getting crazy.  The rise in jingoism, for example.  Somebody put up a giant banner over a billboard that said, “United we stand, divided THEY fall”, with “they” in all caps like that, showing a wanton ignorance over what these words mean.  He was trying to be clever and “improve” on this phrase but just exposed himself as an idiot instead.  

And it was just like a bedsheet or a tarp or something with spray-painted letters.  It looked like it took about two minutes to make this thing.   

That banner was up for…fuck…a month?  Something like that.  In any other time, they would have removed that banner within hours.  It’s covering up a fucking billboard, after all.  Some company is paying for that advertising space.

And this was right on a main street.  Everybody saw it.

After a couple of weeks, I noticed that the “THEY” was crossed out and replaced with “WE”.  Maybe somebody told the guy what the problem was so he came back and made a sneaky edit.  But by then the damage was done.  He had revealed himself to be a total dope who doesn’t understand the message that this phrase is conveying.


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZB96cvBjy8]

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