Haunting Starring Polterguy on SEGA Genesis! – Erin Plays


Mike talked about this game in a recent podcast.  As here:


I don’t have a timestamp but it’s somewhere in there.  Gee, Erin.  Where do you get your ideas?

I’m not saying that Erin watched the video to get this idea.  She doesn’t watch any video game related videos.  But obviously, she had a discussion with Mike about what spooky game she could review for Halloween and Mike suggested this one.  

Oh my god.  Thirty-six minutes?  Fuck you.  Come on.  How can I watch this?  See how it goes.

0:00 – She’s wearing a “sexy” dress with skulls on it.  Let me check…oh, my penis actually went into my torso.  I’ve never seen that happen before.

0:15 – Wikipedia dot com.

0:30 – “The first thing I ever noticed about this character…”


God, I fucking hate these constant lies.  

There’s no need to repeat her observation.  It’s idiotic as per usual.

Oh my god.  She’s just going to comment on everything that’s happening in the game.  This is horrendous.  Who is watching this?  

2:15 – “Ew!  I’ve never seen that one before!”

Erin…who the fuck do you think you’re kidding?  This is the first fucking time that you’ve ever played the game.  Why the lies?  Just say that this is your first playthrough.  It’s not a big deal.  We all know it anyway.

2:30 – “I have played this before but I’ve never seen that exact scare.”

How much have you played this before?  I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and say that she played it once, for about five minutes, right before doing this video.  Or maybe during a “variety stream” for about five minutes.  But that doesn’t count.  No normal person would say that they’ve played a game based on playing said game for FIVE MINUTES.  But Erin does this.  She thinks that she’s fooling someone with this ridiculous bullshit.

She’s really bad at the game, by the way.  She has no idea what to do.  This is what happens when you’ve never played a game before.

14:00 – “That was funny.  I don’t remember that.”

This is what she’s doing for the entire video.  She just keeps saying, “I’ve never seen that before” and the like.  It’s fucking idiotic.

14:45 – “I don’t remember this.  What do I do.”

I just can’t.  This is fucking trash.  Massively.  Even by Erin’s standards.  

And she actually “premiered” this.  She thought that this was good.  Thirty-six minutes of Erin saying, “I don’t remember this.”  

36:00 – “This game is really fun.  I highly recommend it if you haven’t played it.”


All of the comments from the horntards are about Erin’s dress and how hot she is.  

Gameplaylick gave her $2.00.  I’ve never seen that before.  Apparently, you can now just give people money in the comments section on Youtube.  And Erin is taking full advantage of these mentally retarded horny losers.  She’s making less than $10,000/year from all of this shit.


Erin re-tweets some guy who says that you should re-tweet people’s Youtube videos.  Naturally, Erin makes it all about herself.

THIS. I truly appreciate it when any of you retweet my videos. Seriously. Especially since my videos seem to die off on views rather quickly these days, it’s really a mood booster to see the support on twitter!

Erin…your videos are terrible.  That’s why they get low views.  I don’t even want to watch them any more.  And this is my fucking non-paying job.

This latest video that I just reviewed is at less than 10,000 views after a day.  That doesn’t seem good by Erin’s historical numbers.

It seems that Mike’s departure from Cinemassacre and the advertising of Erin’s channel that he would do there has taken a great toll on Erin’s view counts.  Erin has probably given Joe from Gamesack and Retail Archaeology a heads up that she might be leaving Mike soon.

But yeah, it’s good news.  Erin seems to be discouraged by how her channel is performing.  Could we be near the end of this long nightmare?  

Will I continue the blog when Erin leaves?  I don’t know.  Maybe I’ll take a seven month hiatus to think about things.  Like all tv shows, it’s important to take the odd seven month break.  

I could focus on Crystal Quin, I guess.  But then that would require watching her Talking About Tapes episodes.  I don’t think that I can do that.  And she’s completely one dimensional.  She thinks that she’s hot and everybody wants to have sex with her.  

Although, my complaints about Erin are pretty limited too.  She’s a fraud and knows absolutely nothing about video games.  

Stuff about Cinemassascre always does well but…it’s not on-brand.  

Destiny Fomo stuff also always does well too but she doesn’t make videos any more (at least on Youtube) and I don’t want to talk about her OnlyFans or her prostitution, although this would be popular content.  The most popular articles by far are the ones where I’m talking about exactly these topics.  But it just doesn’t interest me.  And Madam Fomo reports every single post about her.  She reported the recent one about NYC Demon Diva.  Nothing ever happens but it’s still ridiculous.

This whole Erin Plays saga has been a fascinating thing to me, though.  An average-looking woman in her late 20s, with no charisma, with no interest or knowledge in video games, started a Youtube channel about video games.  That would be weird enough right there.  

But then she went on a calculated campaign to try to get into a relationship with various popular “gaming” Youtubers.  She spammed a bunch of different channels trying to get these people’s attention.  And it was Mike Matei who was desperate enough to take the bait, having recently ended a relationship.

Then Erin moves across the country to live with this man who she doesn’t even know, all in an effort to get this ridiculously bad channel off the ground.  She literally exchanges butt sex for Youtube promotion from the Cinemassacre channel.  She quit her job over this.  She left her family and whatever friends over this.  

How on earth did she think that this was going to work?  At what point in this whole series of events did she realise that this is not going to work?   Is she not yet at that point?  

Did she do any research at all?  There are a handful of women on earth who are making good money from playing video games on Youtube.  And look at them.  They’re all smoking hot.  They have at least SOME personality.  Erin lacks all of this.  And she knows NOTHING about video games.

It’s baffling stuff.  Everybody makes bad decisions in life but this is a whole series of monumentally bad decisions.  And she just keeps doing it.  I can’t understand it.  

2 thoughts on “Haunting Starring Polterguy on SEGA Genesis! – Erin Plays

  1. i don't want erinplays to end. if she's ever done with video games, she can convert to islam, start doing videos on it and reinvent herself as erinprays.

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