Why Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is amazing – Cannot be Tamed


Whoa!  You’re going to need the extra absorbent paper towels for this one.  Three-ply.  Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining is desperate for views again!

1:15 – Pam is drinking some wine and I think we’re supposed to be jerking off?  Is that what we’re doing here?  The wine is supposed to be like blood, right?  And this is sexy to people?  Sexy vampires?  This is a genre that I’ve never masturbated to, I have to confess.  And I’m certainly not going to start with fucking Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining.

Oh, I just thought of a sexy vampire.  Vampirella.  The comic book, obviously, but I also had a couple of variant covers that had an actual woman on the cover, dressed as Vampirella.  At least one of these women was the girlfriend of the artist of the comic or something.  Let me look this up.

Jesus god.  No, I don’t remember it being that 40 year old butter-face.  But it was a Vampirella #1 from Harris, I’m sure.  Let me keep looking.

Yeah, this was it.  It was Vampirella Strikes that I was thinking of.  She’s a little easier to look at.  Sascha Knopf.  What is she doing nowadays?  Probably getting fucked in the ass.  

Well, probably that but also according to Facebook, she’s an actress, acting coach, mentor, and photographer.  Then you check her out on IMDB and…she hasn’t exactly been setting the acting world on fire.  

Anyway, you can get those comics for about $10 now.  That’s not too far off from what I paid for it new.

7:15 – She’s boring as fuck, of course, but it just dawned on me how pointless this all is.  She’s reviewing a game from 20+ years ago.  And it’s a game that’s pretty well known.  Who’s benefiting from this?  

If the review was funny or entertaining in some way, I’d get it.  But it’s none of those things.  

And she’s so fucking condescending.  Who’s jerking off to this stuff?  I don’t get it.  

14:15 – Some “cringe” from Pam.  I won’t even describe it.  See for yourself.  Shit tier acting.

So anyway, that’s the video.  Terrible, terrible stuff as usual from Pam.  

Huh.  A surprising dearth of horny comments.  Maybe Pam just doesn’t have it any more.

Oh, wait.  Here’s one:

– “Damn Pam no disrespect to you boyfriend or anything but wow that’s make ups hot”

Uh huh.  It’s the makeup that you found appealing.  I’ll bet.  

But good news, Uno One.  Pam is a happily single 40 year old woman.  Well, that’s not quite true.  There’s her dog Lily.  Plus, she’s not into men.  Or possibly even humans.

That’s enough of that filth.  Let’s think about attractive vampires.  Oh, what about Elvira?  She was all the rage when I was a kid.  This was before the internet so porn was hard to come by.  I remember a kid on the bus describing some girl and saying, “She has bigger tits than Elvira”.  So that was the standard back then.

And just recently I saw an interview with Elvira by Joan Rivers.  Joan Rivers was awful but the interview reminded me why Elvira was so confusing to me as a kid.  She’s doing a California valley girl impression.  Not being from California, I had no idea what this was.  I still don’t know what it is.  

Pauly Shore is a similar example of this.  I never got the humour and I couldn’t understand why.  Now I know why I didn’t get it.  He’s doing some California surfer impression.

Why would somebody not from California find this shit at all appealing?  I don’t even get it now, as an adult.  

I suppose that this is why neither Elvira nor Pauly Shore had much longevity in the entertainment industry.  They were pushed for a while because some idiot Hollywood producer found this shit entertaining but then when the results came in that America in general doesn’t understand these fucking California tropes that they’re trading on, it was all over.  

Broader appeal.  That’s what’s needed.  Don’t have such an isolated world view.  I’m just giving general advice now.

It’s like how John Riggs talks about Yakima, Washington a lot.  We don’t give a shit.  We’re not from Yakima.  Can you give a message that appeals to people outside of Yakima?

 Well, whatever.  Maybe Pam can dress as Vampirella the next time she’s desperate for views.  Putting out good content might be an idea too.

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