Ranking Video Game Movies with Scott the Woz – Cinemassacre


From the description:

Unfortunately, James is busy working on upcoming videos, like the rest of Monster Madness and AVGN episode 200, so Justin and Kieran joined Scott on this adventure. 

People don’t like being lied to.  Do they not know this?  If you don’t want to say, “James is a lazy fuck so he’s at home playing with his excrement” just don’t mention James.  

I think that what’s going on here is that they’re trialling a podcast without James.  If this thing goes well, we know for 100% certainty that James is the problem.  

By the way, Kieran is wearing a mask.  I discussed this in another article but I haven’t yet published it so I’ll explain here.  Kieran is wearing a mask because he went to Too Many Games and is a paranoid fuck.  He did the same thing on a recent (unwatchable) episode of Talking About Tapes.  He’s afraid that because he went to this nerd convention, he’s going to infect everyone or everyone is going to infect him or something.  And the mask is somehow going to prevent covid.

0:00 – Justin says, “Are you guys ready for a Cinemassacre video without James Rolfe in it?”

Dude…I’m there.  Give it to me, Justin.  I’m fully erect here.

Then he gives the same lies that I mentioned earlier and are in the description.

0:30 – Then Scott the Woz promotes his Youtube channel.  I watched one of his videos before and even reviewed it.  As here:


It was bad.  REALLY bad.  It was a camp gay man singing and dancing for an hour.  I’m not even joking.  It was a fucking musical, like something you’d see in the 1950s minus the charm and talent.  

1:00 – Justin says, “The kids nowadays love tier lists” and then there’s a graphic that features John Riggs.  

It’s true.  John Riggs really does beat this tier maker thing into the ground.

3:45 – Kieran says that the Super Mario Bros movie was “neato”.  He’s used this word before.  He seems to be saying it non-sarcastically but…how is it possible for somebody to say “neato” non-sarcastically?  This must be some sort of stupid joke that he’s making.

5:45 – There’s a stupid rule that Justin introduced in the beginning where anyone can give a movie an “S” grade, but only one per person.  So instead of coming to a consensus about what grade a movie should have, somebody can just say “I’m using my S grade for this one” and it’s an “S”.  

The rule makes no sense and I don’t know why he did this.  It’s made all the more illogical because Scott and possibly Kieran don’t even know what all of the movies are going to be.  

So Scott immediately ruins what was already an idiotic idea by using his “S” card on Double Dragon, a movie that he hasn’t even seen.  So it’s an “S”.  Even though I assume that the movie is really bad.  I haven’t seen it either.

By the way, I’m six minutes in and Justin is witty, Scott has interesting stuff to say, and Kieran is also doing well.  I think that we’ve figured out what the problem with the Cinemassacre Podcast is: JAMES “AUTISTIC SCATMAN” ROLFE.

7:15 – Then Kieran gives Street Fighter: The Movie an “S” rank so that’s another “S” rank movie.  He claims that it’s the best movie he’s ever seen, which completely destroys any credibility he has a film reviewer.

So now we’re at two “S” rank movies and one “B” rank movie (Super Mario Bros).  This is not going to go well.  We’re not going to get anything approaching a bell curve.  But if we ignore the terrible movie preferences of these folk, I’m enjoying the video so far.  I guess.  I don’t want to oversell it.  If I wasn’t writing this, I probably wouldn’t be watching this shit.

31:15 – Kieran said, “Total RE-quest Live”.  Weird pronunciation of “request”.  

By the way, the video is playing but I’m doing other stuff and only half-listening.  I’ve never seen ANY of these movies so it’s tough to be invested.  But it’s still better than any episode of the Cinemassacre Podcast.

Okay.  I’m at 48 minutes.  That’s good enough.

Yeah, I’d put this on par with an average Talking About Tapes that doesn’t feature Crystal Quin.  It’s something that you can sort of listen to while doing other stuff.  It’s non-offensive.  It’s mildly engaging.  

There’s a natural flow in the conversation, which is quite unlike anything with Jimmy Rolfe in it.  Nobody was reading from notes or old library books.  Indeed, I don’t even think that Scott (and possibly Kieran) were told what movies were going to be discussed, which makes it all the more impressive that they were able to talk about this shit.  

I would be more invested if I was even remotely interested in these movies.  The fact that Kieran said that he saw that Street Fighter movie literally hundreds of times is something that he should be deeply embarrassed about.  This is not remotely normal behaviour.  Even if it was a good movie, which it isn’t, what lunatic is watching a movie hundreds of times?  

But yeah, I think that this was a test run to see: a) if Jimmy is in fact the problem; and b) who a suitable replacement might be.  Because it’s fucking obvious that Jimmy is GOD AWFUL and he’s contributing NOTHING to the success of Screenwave Media.  People talk about how Jimmy should get rid of Screenwave.  No.  It’s totally backwards.  Screenwave should get rid of Jimmy.  He’s a complete zero.  They’re doing all of this work for him and he’s giving back jack shit.  

Justin has suggested numerous times that he’s tried different things to try to motivate Jimmy into doing his job.  Why?  That’s not how this works.  If Jimmy doesn’t want to do his fucking job, get rid of him.  I assume that Jimmy is a client of Screenwave.  Just drop him like Screenwave have done to many of their other clients.  How can it be at all profitable?  

And their association with Jimmy makes Screenwave look bad.  People watch the awful AVGN and the awful Rental Reviews and the awful podcast and they don’t say “Jimmy is awful” they say, “Screenwave is awful”.  

If Screenwave was working with somebody with a modicum of charisma and a desire to actually make good videos, it’s likely that good videos would be produced.  But Jimmy is a total dud.  Jimmy is the problem.  This video proves it.  

I don’t give the slightest of fucks about movies based on video games and I don’t like Scott the Woz but I watched 48 minutes of this.  It was adults having a semi-intelligent conversation, albeit about something idiotic.  There was no poop talk.  Nobody suddenly started reading a book about chupacabra.  It wasn’t just a bunch of awkward “yeah”s.  It was three non-autistic people having a conversation.  

Jimmy is just fucking awful.  I don’t take any pleasure in saying this.  I sympathise.  It’s a tough position to be in.  He has absolutely no conversation skills but he’s being asked to do all of this unscripted stuff.  If he had any sense of awareness, he’d be terrified at the mere idea of this, and then he’d be completely mortified when he saw the finished product.  All of James’ unscripted stuff is unwatchable.  Why keep doing it?  

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