The Best Bands of All Time (with James' Childhood Friend) – Cinemassacre 

Wholly unwatchable.  It starts with James giving his 10 point criteria for determining which are the five greatest bands of all time.  As below:

1. Impression as youth
2. Still holds up
3. Unique
4. Signature sound
5. Longevity
6. Versatility
7. Eras
8. Relatability
9. Image
10. Just because

Then he immediately throws all of that out of the window and just picks the usual 1970s/1980s heavy metal bands that he likes.  

Everyone else has a more varied list, although Kieran and Justin’s lists are still largely heavy metal.  What fucking year is this?  And I know that people’s musical tastes get formed in their teenage years and this continues for the rest of their lives but they weren’t teenagers in the 1970s or 1980s.

Just to get it out of the way, James’ list is:

1. Black Sabbath
2. Judas Priest
3. Metallica
4. Iron Maiden

Do you want to join us in the 1990s, Jimmy?  Why is this all shit from the 70s and 80s?  And none of this is remotely obscure.  You expect a music curator to include at least one lesser known band to show his depth of knowledge.  That’s what Kieran and Justin did.  

So Kieran’s list is:

1. Hall & Oates
2. Dir en Grey
3. Rush
4. Rage Against the Machine
5. Killswitch Engage

I never heard of Killswitch Engage but it’s some 2000s heavy metal band from the American Northeast.  Rage Against the Machine is probably just the one band on his list that he genuinely likes.  Rush is…I don’t know…he’s just picking an old band to add some diversity.  Dir en Grey is his obscure Japanese choice.  And Hall & Oates because they’re from Philadelphia.  I mean, what else can it be?  Fucking Hall & Oates?  As his top band?  Maybe he’s just coming out of the closet on this video.

Justin went with:

1. Metallica
2. Daft Punk
3. Iron Maiden
4. Amon Amarth
5. Immortal

Immortal is one of his obscure heavy metal choices, Amon Amarth is the other one, Daft Punk is his “I like this non-ironically, aren’t I a zany guy” choice, and then fucking mainstream heavy metal shit that he cribbed from James’ list to try to lick that autistic man’s boots.  

Actually, Justin said that his number one band was Rex Viper and Jimmy said, in all seriousness, “Are you kidding?”  For a second, Jimmy actually thought that Rex Viper was Justin’s favourite band.

Then John, Jimmy’s childhood friend who they keep wheeling out to try to keep this anaemic podcast going, had:

1. Phish
2. Grateful Dead
3. 311
4. Pearl Jam
5. The Beatles

He’s the only person who took this seriously.  Or he’s the only person who’s a remotely normal human being.  He chose bands that were popular when he was in high school.  And The Grateful Dead are old but they were popular with stoners in “the 90s”.  And The Beatles are pretty good too, right?  Let’s put them on the list.  I mean, what the fuck?  

It’s just such a stark contrast when you have a normal human being on this podcast and then these three fucking buffoons.  

Here’s my list:

1. Dead Kennedys
2. Soundgarden
3. Rammstein
4. Melt-Banana
5. The Sex Pistols

“Well, what the fuck?  Why is there 70s and 80s shit in here?  You just shit all over James Rolfe’s list for just this reason.”

I started listening to punk as an adult, in my 20s.  The Dead Kennedys have the best lyrics, the best message.  It’s political.  It’s intelligent.  I’m all for it.  

I enjoyed Soundgarden as a young man and continue to enjoy it.  Realistically, if I was to make a genuine list, a list of my favourite bands, it would be Dead Kennedys at the top, and the rest of the list would be alternative bands from “the 90s”.  But that’s boring so I mixed it up a bit.

Rammstein is my “international music” choice to show what a broad minded guy I am.  And it’s music to listen to when you want to start some mayhem.  I also appreciate how it all seems vaguely right-wing but the actual lyrics are progressive.  Similar to the Dead Kennedys.

Melt-Banana is my wacky Japanese choice.  Also shows some love to women in music, something that none of these misogynistic fucks bothered with.

And The Sex Pistols to show my fondness for punk and my undying passion for England.  

Maybe Jimmy Rolfe and the Screenwave Bunch gave reasons for their choices but I couldn’t listen to that shit.  I made it about 15 minutes in and then I had to stop.  I skipped around a bit after that and heard shit here and there but really, really bad.

How much longer before they stop doing the show and then Tony from Hack the Movies repurposes the set and starts Gabbing About Games?  And he just brings random people on to the show?  And he turns this complete shitfest into something half-way decent?

My suggestion is to have Tony, that chubby Asian woman who appeared in a few Cinemassacre videos, and just some random male friend of Tony’s.  Or if no male friend exists, just pick some random dude off the street.  There’s your team.  

You have the random dude, who acts as a foil to Tony.  The gay men on Reddit will all say how great this random guy is, as a way to insult Tony.  

Then you have the chubby Asian woman to appeal to the horntards.  And not just the usual horntards.  You’d also appeal to a broader international base.  Tap into the Asian horntard market.  There are fucking billions of people in Asia.  Think of the views.  Plus, you have the chubby chaser demographic.  

And then of course you have Tony to lead the discussions.  He can go through Super Mario, for example.  Level by level.  “So in level 1-3, you’re at Bowser’s castle.  This is the first time that it appears in the game.  You have to beat Bowser by shooting fireballs at him or jumping over him and hitting that axe thing or whatever.  Then there’s a cut scene where you meet Toad.”  And it goes on like this for two hours.  

It’s a sure-fire hit.

Anyway, speaking of homosexuals on Reddit, I wish to extend my welcome to the homosexuals on Reddit.  Somebody recently posted something about the blog and I got a big influx of views.  The post has since been deleted because…this is what they do on that censorship-free board.

Actually, you know what it’s like?  It’s like how on the official Cinemassacre subreddit you used to get banned just for mentioning Bootsy.  The gay men on Reddit LOVE talking about this.  “All I did was mention Bootsy and I got banned!”  Same thing here.  All you have to do is mention GamerGrrls and you get banned.

The guy who posted that liked the blog.  The people who commented all liked the blog.  Even this guy:

At first I thought it was going to be ass kissing all over but hell no.

But no time (and no fcking interest) to read more than one ‘review’.

Then you go to his profile and all he does is talk about how Screenwave are “fatasses”.  Like 15 times a day, he talks about how they’re “fatasses”.  

So I take it as a compliment that he decided that the blog wasn’t his thing.  

I mean…yes, long form blog posts aren’t for everyone.  “You must be at least this intelligent to enjoy the blog.”  And it’s not like I’m writing about any highbrow stuff.  I’m writing about gamer grrls on Youtube.  But yes, it does require a certain minimum level of intellect to be able to read so many words.  No “memes” about “fattasses” here.

The url alone makes think it’s best for me to avoid that site.

I bet it’s a bunch of fake gamer girls and a couple beta soyjacks.

Unless it’s a parody site, and these days it’s hard to tell.

Then somebody replies:

I took one look at the banner and thought, yeah this has to be satire

I found it hilarious that people thought that this was a genuine blog praising gamer grrls.  Then that guy saw a drawing of Bobdunga in a straight jacket and thought, “Wait a minute…something’s not right here.”

Somebody else says:

Lol what an odd one. From first impression it seemed like a bland 2006 blog, but these commentaries on the videos are quite something. A whole rant about USA militarism in the PS4 themes review LOL. What a strange site, but whoever behind it and if the name is meant to be serious, not a terrible writer. Could probably script a much better episode than Screenwave.

I was reading the Irate Gamer Sucks blog recently and was thinking, “Man…this guy’s writing isn’t very good.  I do better than this.”  But I didn’t want to toot my own horn.  Fortunately, de-baser over here comes through with the compliments.

Then this guy:

I enjoy ribbing and nitpicking quite a bit but I skimmed through a couple of the posts about a recent ErinPlays video and everyone’s least favorite movie hacker … they’re pretty spot on with the criticisms but a bit too intense for me.

Again, he liked the blog but it’s just too much to read.  I get it.  It’s like 10 minutes to read each article.  You have to be invested.  There are only so many hours in a day.  I’m competing with The New York Times and Youtube and video games and making homosexual “memes” of the Screenwave guys where you take Justin’s face and put it on a naked fat man’s body.

And then a couple of moderators reply and that’s when they deleted the post.  

I’ve told this story before but I was banned from there because I suggested that SlipperyPete fellate me.  This was after SlipperyPete threatened to ban me because my posts were too popular.  That’s all that it was.  People liked me posting there and SlipperyPete was jealous like a little boy in school.  Oh, I’m taking attention away from the homosexual memes.

I was the one who introduced reviewing videos.  Not just of Erin, I did this with the fucking regular Cinemassacre videos.

“Do you mean to say that nobody was talking about the Cinemassacre videos before you showed up?”

That’s exactly what I’m saying.  It was 100% homosexual “memes” before I got there.  I attempted to actually TALK ABOUT THE VIDEOS.  It’s a wild idea, I know.  But that’s what I did.  So now there’s a discussion thread for every new video that comes out.  Before me, they didn’t do this.  

Everybody liked my posts except for this gay man SlipperyPete and EggplantDoctor, who’s a complete lunatic and was posting under a different name.  This guy was banned numerous times for posting insane, obsessive, anti-semitic spam about Justin Silverman.  He would get banned and SlipperyPete would immediately bring his new alt account as a moderator.  Rinse and repeat.

People even challenged SlipperyPete over banning me.  I remember one guy saying, “I didn’t see anything wrong with his posts.  Are you sure that it’s not a personal matter with you?”

There was also a moderator there who told me to continue to posting there in spite of the fact that I got banned.  Because he knew that the bans were complete bullshit and it was just because SlipperyPete is a pathetic loser.  Not to mention gay.

These moderators are the biggest fucking losers on earth.  Not just on that particular sub but anywhere.  Look at the people who ran TheCinemassacre subreddit.  There was a picture circulating of one of the moderators that I always assumed was a joke.  It was a stereotypical fat nerd eating chocolate chip cookies in a La-Z-Boy recliner.  It wasn’t a joke.  That was really him.  And that guy had an Asian wife.  I mean…all of the usual signs of being a nerd.  And he took that message board REALLY seriously, as these “mods” always do, because that’s that only thing that he has going on in his life.  

They’re complete assholes.  Same applies to these “Youtubers” who always delete “negative” messages.  And you give these fucking losers even the tiniest bit of power, for example moderating a message board or their Youtube channel, and they abuse it.  Almost every time.  I can count on one hand the number of semi-decent “moderators” that I’ve ever seen.  They’re almost always complete dogshit.  And then when you learn a little about their life, or lack thereof, it all starts making sense.  

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