Zap Cristal is Ripping off CannotBeTamed?

Compare the two videos above.  In the first one, Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining recommends some games on XBox Game Pass.  In the second video, Zap Cristal recommends some games on XBox Game Pass.

Pam released her video on 15 August and Zap released her video on 24 August.

In Pam’s video, she starts off by telling the viewer what Game Pass is.  I found this helpful, because I didn’t know, but thought it was an unusual thing to do because surely most people watching the video know what this is.

Zap also starts the video by talking about what Game Pass is.

At least the games chosen were all different.

Then at the end of the video, Zap suggests that she might make this a regular series where she recommends games on Game Pass.  I’m pretty sure that Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining does this.  

Yeah…she’s done loads of these videos.  She’s done five of these in the past nine months.

I don’t know.  Maybe this is just a coincidence.  I mean, is Zap really watching Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining’s videos?  

Maybe this is a genre.  Maybe loads of people are doing videos where they recommend games on Game Pass.  Let me look this up.

Yeah.  Even MetalJesus did a “hidden gems” video on Game Pass.

Maybe Pam could borrow something from Zap.  Like this tank top.  Imagine Pam doing this boring as fuck video but with her titties hanging out.  That will get some views.  Although, it doesn’t seem to be working for Zap.

I don’t know why I suddenly thought of this but what about a Chinese bootleg version of these videos?  You find a Chinese woman, put her in front of a shelf of games, for added irony, the games can all be bootlegs, and you have that woman read word for word what Pam, for example, just said.  

It’s bound to take off, especially if you find a hot chick.  And would this even be illegal?  Or actionable?  

Why is nobody doing this already?  China is full of bootleg shit.  Stuff that you would never even imagine would be bootlegged.

I went out with a Korean woman and she talked about her trip to China and how they even had “bootleg McDonald’s”.  I’m not entirely sure what she meant.  Was it like restaurants with similar names like Tennessee Fried Chicken with a similar logo to KFC or did she mean a restaurant that’s actually using the same name and approximating the menu of McDonald’s?

There was that bootleg Apple store in China a few years ago that used the Apple name and logo and presented itself as genuine.  Was it like that?

And wasn’t there a scandal where some company was selling bootleg baby formula and babies died as a result?  Yeah.

KFC seems to be really popular outside of America.  Moreso than McDonald’s.  I read that in Japan, going to KFC on Valentine’s Day is a big thing.  Like it’s a treat to go to KFC.  And maybe somehow romantic.

Subway is big too.  I don’t know about Asia but everywhere in Europe I’ve been to, there’s a Subway on every street.  

McDonald’s versus Burger King…well, McDonald’s has the clear lead but you see some Burger Kings as well.  

Wendy’s, forget it.  No presence outside of the US.  There are a small number of Taco Bells in the UK.  

No Dunkin’ Donuts but a fair number of Krispy Kremes.  That surprises me.  Dunkin’ Donuts obviously isn’t interested in international markets.

Oh, and Domino’s.  That’s surprising to me . I don’t know why.  But there are a lot of Domino’s in the UK.  Same with Pizza Hut.  A lot of Papa John’s too.  That’s perhaps the most surprising of all in terms of pizza.  

There are a few Five Guys as well.  I never saw one in the US but I think it’s a fairly recent chain.  I’ve been to a few.  It’s the most pretentious fast food place I’ve ever seen.  Bunch of hipster douchebags in there.  And it’s the home of the £10 burger.

I’d like to see a White Castle open up near to me.  Maybe I should start a franchise.  But it wouldn’t be the same as in the US anyway.  All of these restaurants…they share the same name as the US counterpart but the food is a rough approximation at best.  

Subway is a largely different menu than what one finds in the US.  And the equivalent sandwiches are…not terribly equivalent.  

Domino’s is another one.  The pizza is entirely different than in the US.  They’re not even trying to approximate what a Domino’s pizza in the US looks like.  They just took the name.

Anyway, a little fast food *nostalgia*.  There are no Carl’s Jrs, by the way.

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