Destiny Fomo is Spending Thousands of Dollars on Comic Books

She spent $2800 on an Avengers #4.  

TuanX, also seems to enjoy comic books.

It doesn’t take a genius to see what’s going on here.  She’s laundering money through COMIC BOOKS because that’s what her idiot pimp wants.  She’s giving him the comic books.  Everything she owns is his.  That’s how the pimp business works.  

She’s getting money from OnlyFans.  It can’t be that much because she’s constantly promoting it and the content is awful but let’s say that she’s making…$100,000/year from OnlyFans.  I don’t know if that’s anywhere near accurate.  Let’s say that she’s making $100,000/year from all of her social media shit: OnlyFans, Youtube, Patreon (if she has one) whatever.

That money is all legitimate.  It’s all legal.

What a sensible person would do is open a bank account, put the money in the bank, and pay taxes on it.  

Then she has this other job, the one that that involves a lot of “travelling”.  That money is illegitimate.  What she should do with that money is launder it through gold, jewellery, this sort of shit.  Go to pawn shops.  Make a purchase of less than $1000 and then go to the next pawn shop.  Rinse and repeat.  There must be thousands of pawn shops in New York.  You’ll never run out.  

But because she’s controlled by this pimp, who’s a complete moron, all money gets laundered through video games and comic books.  

By the way, wasn’t she leaving New York?  Where’s this new place that she got?

Also, what happened with her job at the comic book factory?  She had a two year contract to write an original comic book.  That was signed back in January 2019.  The contract is nearly over.  Where’s the comic?  She made a couple of references about working on it, well over a year ago, and then it just stopped.  I was really looking forward to this comic.  A woman who’s barely literate writing a comic book.  That would have been a first for the industry.

So somebody in the comments asks her how much these comics all cost.  She says, “im eating a sandwich tonight… nuff said lol”

Hey guys!  Remember when Stan Lee would write “nuff said” at the end of his responses to readers’ letters?  Well, Madam Fomo is doing that now too because she’s a comic book writer just like the late Stan Lee.

Did Stan Lee ever have sex for money, though?  Not as far as I’m aware but anything is possible, I guess.

But yeah, she’s eating a sandwich.  Because she just spent ALL of her money on comic books.  She’s budgeting, guys.  She’s an “escort” who spends thousands of dollars on comics but she’s also on a strict budget.  Just like you guys.  Money is a real concern for Madam Fomo.

She can only afford a sandwich tonight.  That’s Madam Fomo’s idea of poverty.  Eating sandwiches.  

It’s all lies of course.  Her pimp buys everything.  Using money that she gives him.  And she might be making reasonable money now but the pimp is blowing it all on comic books and the usual stuff that pimps purchase.

According to the online reviews, Madam Fomo was REALLY BAD at her “night job”.  So I don’t even know if she was making much money off of that.  Whatever.  I mean…it’s just such a disaster.  What a fuck up.

Oh, Super Geoff replies.  Super Geoff also regularly goes to Erin’s streams.  Super Geoff is a mentally retarded man who works in a grocery store.  

Somebody else says, “Well one shows2,800 so that must mean her only fans popping off.”

It’s tough to give financial advice.  The pimp is the problem.  If it weren’t for the pimp, she wouldn’t be doing any of this.  She wouldn’t be on Youtube, she wouldn’t be on OnlyFans, and she wouldn’t be “travelling”.  

But if she did get rid of the pimp and still wanted to do all of that stuff, I have to assume that she’d be handling her money more sensibly than this.  Who the fuck launders their money through comic books?  Her pimp is dumber than she is.  

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