Borderline Forever – Scott The Woz 

I have no idea what this is.  But it starts by saying that this is his 200th “episode.”

I can just barely accept the concept of “episodes” for Youtube videos.  But what really annoys me is when people break their videos into “seasons”.  No.  When does one season start and the next one begin?  In television, at least traditionally with American television, there’s a summer hiatus.  So the summer delineates the seasons.  Is it the same with “Youtubers”?  They take breaks during the summer?

So I’m two minutes in.  I can barely even understand what he’s saying.  He’s speaking really quickly.

2:00 – There’s a montage of “Youtubers” nodding their head.  The only person I recognise is PeanutButterGamer and I only know him from his “collab” with Pelvic Gamer.

2:30 – Metal Jesus appears for a second.

By the way, I still don’t have any idea what the video is about.

2:45 – That Arlo puppet makes a one second cameo.

I think that I’m starting to understand the video now.  He’s doing a “comedy” video about how to make Youtube videos about video games.  I think.  I could be wrong.

3:30 – One second cameo for Jimmy Rolfe.  I can’t understand what he’s saying either but he’s the first person to get a line.  I think that he said, “Duly noted”.  

4:30 – One second cameo for Pelvic Gamer.

5:00 – One second cameo for Retro Ali.  She’s looking really awkward.

5:00 – One second cameo for Justin Silverman.

Is this all this is going to be?  What’s the point?  

6:30 – He starts singing.  Oh, this is bad.  It’s in post-production and just overlaid on the video.  This better just be a short “joke”.

It’s not a joke.  This gay man is doing some kind of half-parody of a Hollywood musical.  Complete with costume changes.  

How am I going to watch an hour of this?

He’s still singing.

9:00 – It’s finally over.

This is brutal.  He’s doing like five second reviews of various Nintendo games now.  I don’t know.  Did I ever like this stuff?  Youtube videos about video games?  I must have done because I watched AVGN and Metal Jesus and Game Sack and Pat “Contri’s” podcast.  Unironically.  

It’s been at least three years since I watched any Youtube video about video games with genuine interest.  Did everyone suddenly become shit or did I suddenly lose interest?  I still play video games.  Maybe the formula for these videos got stale.  Maybe there’s a limit to how many times you can watch a review on River City Ransom.

I’m 25 minutes in now.  He’s been going through the games on the various Nintendo consoles through the years.  I was modestly engaged but now I’m starting to tune out.  He’s just talking so quickly and the stupid edits.  He edits things to make things go even faster.

He also yells a lot.  It’s annoying.

27:30 – Oh great.  Some stupid skit.

I feel myself nodding off.  

Yeah.  You know what?  I can’t do this.  I’ll pause here and get back to this tomorrow when I’m fully refreshed.  Fucking skits.  I just want to see that gay man Relax Alax.  Is that asking too much?  Maybe he already appeared in a one second cameo and I blinked and missed him.  Oh god.  I don’t want to have to watch this again.

Okay, it’s the next morning.  Oh.  These fucking skits.  He even made a joke earlier in the video about unfunny skits.  We all know that they’re not funny.  So why do them?  It’s terrible acting, terrible writing, and terrible production values.  I don’t want to see this school play bullshit.  

31:00 – He’s inside of his brain looking at his memories.  I don’t know why.  And the memories are depicted as various video clips.  So he points at one of them and says, “That’s when I saw a white guy” and then points to another clip, one of himself, and he says, “That’s when I was a white guy.”

What bizarre comments.  Why is he mentioning race, particularly his own?  It has no bearing on what he’s saying.  

Oh, maybe I should mention the “plot” of this skit.  Such as it is.  It’s something to do with a blue border that appears around the video.  This is referencing the fact that his videos tend to have blue borders around them for some reason.  I guess.  I only knew this from looking at his older videos just now.  I’m not sure if I’ve ever watched any of his videos before.

32:30 – Oh god.  Now this Nancy boy is singing again.

Can I just fast forward?  God.  I fucking can’t because I’m waiting for Relax Alax to show up and the cameo is probably only going to be a second long.

I think that he actually hired a professional band and singer(s) for this shit.  It’s just so fucking pretentious.  These are YOUTUBE videos.  You’re making videos about video games.  Who the fuck cares?  

This guy thinks that he’s some kind of celebrity and we should all give a fuck about his 200th “episode”.  Let me check SocialBlade.  This video has over a million views.  I’m sure that he’s doing well for himself.  But let’s just see exactly how well.

He’s making about $250,000/year.  Good for him.  Spend it wisely.  Save it.  Invest it.  Whatever.

It’s not so much money that you shouldn’t think about your life in the long-term.  This Youtube shit isn’t going to last forever.  But he’s completely up his own ass.

God, they’re doing some painful skit about veganism now.  And there’s a bunch of other “Youtubers” in this.  I don’t know who any of them are.  I don’t know what the fuck is going on.

And I just realised that I don’t even really know what Relax Alax looks like.  Maybe he’s already appeared and I just didn’t recognise him.

Now they’re on a fake talk show with a real gay man and the “joke” is that it’s a talk show about throats.  Or something.  I assume that it’s a gay reference.

Fuck.  There’s another 25 minutes of this.

This is just really terrible.  It’s this guy fucking masturbating himself over what a genius he is and how awesome his channel is.  

 44:15 – This bum boy is singing again.

There are images from World War II during this song.  I don’t know why.  

But it got me thinking.  Men of a previous generation worked in factories, went to war, they were handy around the house, they knew how to fix cars, they weren’t squeamish around fishing.  I can’t do any of that.  Compared to men of my parents’ generation, I’m a real limp wristed fairy.

But you look at the young people today and I think that the difference is the same.  I mean, these guys are on Youtube and they’re singing and dancing.  And all the “SJW” shit, and “simps”, and whatever that’s popular with the young people today.  Compared to these pansies, I’m a real manly man.  

Is this the progression of humanity?  Men are going to become gayer and gayer, generation after generation?  How much gayer can it even get?  

Anyway, back to this fruit singing and dancing with a bunch of other men.

Now they’re going into space and, once again, I have no idea why.  I don’t know what the fuck is going on or who any of these people are or why I should care about any of this.

He paid for a Bret Farve video on Cameo or something.  I don’t know what any of this is.

Also Vince Young.  Vince Young is another retired American football player.  I guess.  

55:45 – Pelvic Gamer makes another one second cameo.

56:00 – Oh.  Finally.  Relax Alax makes his one second cameo.  He’s in some…I don’t know…Grim Reaper or something cheap Halloween costume.

57:00 – Our favourite twink is singing again.

That’s the video.  He ends it with the credits where he gives himself multiple credits.  Like “Produced by Scott Wozniak”, “Written by Scott Wozniak”, et cetera.  There are numerous examples of this.  And I don’t think it’s a joke.  He’s just really full of himself.

So closing thoughts.  Well, effort went into this.  But it’s gay.  Super gay.  And I didn’t understand any of it because I don’t watch his videos.  This thing didn’t make me want to start watching either.  

But yeah, Bobdunga was raging over this video because Relax Alax had a one second cameo in it.  Then Mr Wozniak, rightly, just ignored her pathetic “dm”.  So now Scot the Woz is “gaslighting” Bobdunga.  Hilarious.

Anyway, you boys keep on doing your thing, I guess.  But it’s not for me.


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