Ranking every NES game I've reviewed – Cannot be Tamed


From the description:

It’s fun to rank things! Been seeing other people ranking various games and other things and thought it would be fun to rank all of the NES games (plus 1 Famicom game) I’ve ever reviewed on my channel. All 41 of them.

Yeah.  John Riggs.  Just admit that you stole this idea from John Riggs.  That man has been running this ranking thing into the ground for at least a year now.  He’s completely run out of ideas.  Just keep ranking shit.  

Speaking of which, I ranked the gamer grrls in a post here:


It’s one of my better posts.

0:00 – “Today I’m going to be doing something a little different.”

Yeah, I can see.  You’re wearing a pink top.  Were all of your black tops in the wash?  Maybe her lesbian beard friend took all of her black tops in the breakup.

She has braces too.  I think.  Has she always had braces?  I’ve never noticed these before.  I usually watch Youtube in windowed mode so I miss out on the details.  I should be watching this shit in full screen mode on a giant tv so that I can appreciate every detail.

“John Riggs has been ranking NES games by developer.”

Well, at least she gives him the appropriate shoot oot.  

She also says that makeup channels that she watches do ranking videos.

Speaking of makeup, WAY too much on old Pam today.  I never make these sorts of comments.  I never even notice these things, to be honest.  But yeah.  Too much.  Tone it down, Pam.  Let your natural beauty shine through.

1:00 – Then she explains the system.  How many people even know what “S tier” means?  I know that you see this in a lot of games, like if you do really good in a game, you’ll get an “S” score but why?  I think that this is how the Japanese school system operates.  “S” is the highest grade.  

Okay, but I’m not Japanese, Pam isn’t Japanese.  Why use this system?  People are just used to it from video games, I guess.

Well, I’m eight minutes in.  She’s ranking games.  I’m eating to try to build my strength and stay awake through this shit.  But…I don’t know.  I might be reaching my limit.  I’ll try to press on.  Let’s try to at least get to 12 minutes.  The halfway mark.  I can do this.  Just break down difficult tasks into smaller sections.  That what they say, right?  

Okay, I’m done.  I made it to exactly 13 minutes.  I had an eye on the timer the whole time.  THIS SHIT IS FUCKING BORING!

But 13 minutes.  I put the time in.  That’s more than half of the video.  I gave it a chance.  I’m done with it.

Let’s see what the horntards say.

– “Yo I just found your channel and I LOVE it. I marathoned a lot of the videos. This is one of my favorite retro channels. I’d love to have you on my podcast sometime.”

Well, that’s just disingenuous.  He’s only saying these things because he wants Pam to appear on his shitty podcast.

Well, he does have 700,000 subscribers.


All of his videos appear to be about anime.  His podcast seems to be about video games as well, though.

You couldn’t pay me enough to listen to any of this shit so I just have to assume that it’s all terrible.

– “Congratulation to such a long history on YouTube. I remember the days when you’ve had around 300 subscribers and here we are at around 62,000. 😀 I’m getting old.”

Well, we all are.  Especially Pam.

– “Hi Pam. How are you? You look so cute in that pink shirt ^ _ ^”

Good luck getting a date with this.

God, even these messages are boring.  I can’t with this.

I don’t know what it is with Pam.  She’s awful.  She’s aggressively boring.  

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