MetalJesusRocks Consorting with Painted Ladies – DestinyFomo

MetalJesusRocks included Madam Fomo in a video he did about….fuck, I don’t know.  Video game consoles that you miss.  Or something.

It’s just Madam Fomo showing her usual foot of cleavage and aimlessly talking about the Sega Saturn.  Nothing interesting there.

But MetalJesus, who I believe is a married man, has a peculiar relationship with Madam Fomo and we all know what she does for a living.  

Just go to Twitter and type “(from:MetalJesusRocks) (to:destinyfomo)” in the search bar.  There are messages back and forth between them.  Just random shit about her trip to Japan (with self-confessed lover of massage parlours KidShoryuken) and music and whatnot.

Then you can reverse the names, so “(from:destinyfomo) (to:MetalJesusRocks)” and see some more messages.  They go back to 2019 when MetalJesusRocks was complaining about some flack that he received for his basement flooding scam (or something) and Madam Fomo had some “comforting” words but really it was just her talking about herself (as usual).

According to some angry folks on the internet I’m not ALLOWED to move, even after 14 years, because I have a Patreon. I didn’t know this was a rule. Do the other 130,000+ people w/ Patreon pages know that!?

Madam Fomo replied:

The same angry people on the internet that do no research about anything they talk about and just go by what they hear other say. Do what’s best for you dude, let them hate. I can’t wait to see the new set up

There’s also this:

MetalJesusRocks posted a MadamFomo video on his website.  

So let’s just look at some comments from this latest video.  Save them before they get deleted.

– “Destiny Fomo isn’t a creator, she’s a barbie doll fake with a sugar daddy.”

– “I see her destiny’s gaming talent, it’s right there in front of you. Hard to miss em.”

– “I wonder if it was an accident that Destiny Fomo’s Instagram account is listed in the description and not her Youtube like with the other creators… 🤔”

Good point by Lorien.  Why Instagram?  If you don’t want to use her Youtube for whatever reason why not her Twitter?  Because her Twitter makes it plain as day what she does for a living?

– “Destiny Fomo a OnlyFan girl… Complete turn off.”

– “Ugh why Scott and Destiny? They’re the worst.”

– “Destiny Fomo… smh..”

– “Destiny still milking the simps I see lmao”

– “Destiny Fomo, aka “I have tits and play games””

– “Destiny fomo shouldnt really be among such wonderful people…just saying”

– “Oh god, Why is Destiny Fomo on here. She don’t really play games.”

– “Can’t do scott or destiny. Pass”

– “Skips the part with Destiny Fomo. Not worth the view.”

– “Destiny’s only fans is super explicit and NOT family friendly.”

Well, not really.  It’s tame as fuck.  But yeah, she’s objectionable.

– “Good to see Destiny on YouTube again talking in front of her fake game collection”

People can see that this shit is fake a mile away.  But that’s not even the biggest problem.  

Can these nerds really be this naive?  SHE DOES CERTAIN STUFF FOR MONEY!  

The fact that MetalJesusRocks openly associates with this woman tells you all that you need to know about him.

Maybe he’s just emulating his namesake.  Jesus of Nazareth loved prostitutes too.  If it’s simply in that respect, that’s admirable and I withdraw any suggestion of impropriety on his part.

But I suspect that it’s much sleazier than that.  It doesn’t take a fucking genius to figure this one out.  

What MetalJesusRocks does in his private life is his own business.  But don’t fucking advertise.  

I had a roommate who boasted about going to prostitutes.  Dude, I don’t fucking need to know this.  There’s nothing admirable about this.  Are they handing metals out for fucking hookers?  It’s some weird Bizarro World for these johns.  They think that people want to know about this.  They think that people are impressed with this.

Anyway, this is maybe a new low for MetalJesusRocks.  Let’s hope that he doesn’t start soliciting donations for his leaky sex dungeon next.

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