Brazilian Gamer Grrl Sentenced to 116 Years in Prison for Fraud

Could this be the start of a trend?  Erin should be worried.

It’s just some big titted “e-sport” “athlete” who played Counter-Strike.  It seems that she’s “retired”.   The fraud relates to some online store that she ran.  People weren’t getting what they ordered.

Anyway, that article is from a year ago.  What actually happened?  

She’s still posting on Twitter:

Maybe she smuggled a phone into the prison.  You know.  Anally.  A Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra.

But she’s also still posting on Instagram:

There are a bunch of pictures of her posing on a yacht in a bikini with some heavily tattooed douchebag.

So it seems that she successfully appealed.  That’s what I was able to surmise from the few articles that have been posted subsequently.  Not many major news outlets covered this important story.  The Sun was one of the few who dared.  They’re always on top of breaking stories involving women with big tits.

Hey guys!  Remember The Sun?

I remember.  I used to buy the paper every day when I first moved to the UK.  It was just so crazy to see tits in the newspaper.  And I didn’t have a computer at the time so this was old school porn that I had to rely on.  

I thought that there was going to be tits everywhere in the UK.  On television and billboards and whatever.  No.  It’s pretty disappointing.  

Eurotrash was on when I first moved here.  There were some tits in that show.  And Big Brother had some nudity but it wasn’t gratuitous and it wasn’t even really anything that you wanted to see.  

Katie Price had some “reality” show and there was a lot of nudity in that.  That was actually pretty good.  Nudity-wise, I mean.  Content-wise, it was dogshit.

I also saw some Andy Warhol movies.  One of them was just a naked guy sitting on a sofa for 90 minutes.   

But it seems like as the years have gone by, television in the UK became more and more conservative.  It’s been years since I saw any nudity on television.  I stopped watching tv like five years ago but even before that, it was probably at least five years since I saw any nudity on tv.  

Even just in like mainstream movies how there might be a scene with some nudity…I haven’t seen anything like that in years.  They used to show it.  But then it seems like they stopped.  

Of course, in the US they edit out all of the nudity from films and the profanity too.  It seems that this puritanical view has taken over the UK television industry as well now.

I don’t think that The Sun has topless women in their paper any more either.  Yeah, it apparently stopped in 2015.

Not that anybody buys newspapers any more.  But I lived with some scumbags from Poland many years ago and they’d pin particularly hot Page 3 girls on to a bulletin board in the kitchen.  And these guys lived with their girlfriends, I think.  Wait…were they their girlfriends?  No, I think it was just random Polish girls.  There were two Polish girls who shared a room and two Polish guys who shared another room.  And then there was another Polish guy who had a room.  Anyway, nobody cared.  And they all drank all day.

There was another place I lived that had some scumbags from India there and for some odd reason, they just had a copy of the Sun open up to page 3 lying in the living room.  Then the landlord, who was also from India, comes in with his young son, takes the newspaper, folds it over, and gives me a dirty look like I was the one who fucking did it.   I just answered the door.  It was nothing to do with me.

But we live in more enlightened times now.  If you want to see tits nowadays, you have to watch a “feminist” playing video games.  

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