Re-visiting Erin's Dying Channel on SocialBlade

About a year ago, I looked at Erin’s shitty channel numbers on SocialBlade.  Let’s see if the predictions were accurate.  Here’s my original post:

First thing we can see is that she moved up from a C+ to a B-.  But this isn’t school.  The grades don’t matter.  Give us the figures.

She actually moved down in subscriber rank.  That means that more people have passed her subscriber numbers in the past year.  Same with view rank and country rank and “games rank”.  That last one, I assume, is the category rank that she chose for her channel.
She seems to be having a good month by her standards.  2100 new subscribers this month and the month still has another week to go.  She usually gains about 800 subscribers a month.  That Blockbuster video did twice as good as her typical video.  Oh.  I know why.  It was promoted by Cinemassacre.  I don’t know why Cinemassacre is still promoting Erin’s shit.  Justin must be trying to get something going with Erin.  I think that he does go to her streams a lot.
I review that Blockbuster video here:
Spoiler: it sucks ass.
But yeah, the money.  This is the most important bit.  She’s making a little more than TWICE as much money now.  Holy shit.  That’s like getting a 100% pay rise.  But in Erin’s case, it just means going from $110/month to $275/month.  
Still…that’s pretty good.  Youtube was right to call her one of the Women on the Rise.  If you were a kid and getting $275/month, you’d be balling.  It would be more money than you’d know what to do with.  
And I remember when I started reviewing her shit, I would always say that she’s making $50/month, because that’s what SocialBlade was saying at the time.  This was maybe two years ago.  
So yeah.  She’s doubling her income every year.  If she keeps this up,  in two years, she might just be making the minimum wage in the state of Pennsylvania.  Of course, by then the minimum wage might be higher.  Pennsylvania has one of the lowest minimum wages in the country.  It’s just the federally-mandated $7.25/hour and there’s talk about raising that to, I think as much as $15/hour but I’d be shocked if that happens.

She started the channel in January 2017.  The earliest data we have is from May 2017.  You can see the graph in my other post.  Growth was completely stagnant up until July 2018.  So from January 2017 to July 2018, she was getting like 300 subscribers a month.  Something like this.  Then there was a big jump in July 2018 when she got 2700 subscribers.  What happened in July 2018?  Presumably, that’s when she moved in with Mike and he started promoting her channel in exchange for buttsex.

Then we see a few spikes.  This is from when he would promote her channel on Cinemassacre.
But really, there’s a not a huge difference in growth before she met Mike and after.  She was getting like 300 subscribers a month before she met Mike and now she averages about 800 a month.  It’s more than twice as much, of course, but you would expect a lot more from an affiliation with a channel as big as Cinemassacre.  Certainly Erin expected a lot more.  But no.  This is not a success.  
She was getting 300 new subscribers a month just by herself, just from putting videos out and maybe spamming a few retro gaming channels.  It was a hobby.  She wasn’t taking it seriously.  
Now this is her job and she’s getting fucked in the ass on the regular in this sleazy agreement.  And…for what?  For twice as many subscribers as you were getting when you weren’t even trying?  What a colossal mistake this was.
I get like 100 hits a day on this blog.  I don’t promote the blog.  I don’t give a fuck if anyone reads it.  
But if some fat chick in Slovenia said, “Hey, if you move to Slovenia with me and let me fuck you in the ass every night, I’ll promote your blog and promise you DOUBLE the hits” I’d say, “Thank you, but no.”  The difference is negligible.  I’m not going to completely turn my life upside down for those sorts of numbers.  Not to mention the ass fucking.
But Erin did it.  I mean…if she weren’t such a horrible person, this would be a really sad story.  
In April 2020, SocialBlade predicted that Erin would reach 100,000 subscribers in June 2024.  Now they say she’ll reach it in July 2022.
I think it’s just because she had an unusually good month this month, thanks to Justin Silverman promoting her channel.  I’m thinking that they only take the most recent month into consideration.  Or at least give a lot of weight to the most recent month.
Finally, we can compare her to Mike’s channel:
As predicted last year, Mike has surpassed Erin in subscribers.  The red line (UCX…) is Erin and the blue line is Mike.  Again, you can see at the very end of Erin’s line a slight increase from this latest Justin Silverman promotion.
But Mike has just steadily climbed.  

When we look at views, Mike is way ahead and has been ahead since about July 2019.  I think that he posts more videos and longer videos so that helps.  
Then the estimated earnings, helpfully in dollars for some reason, about $3,600/year for Erin and $8,500 for Mike.  I just take the average.  So Mike is making about 2.5 times a much as Erin.
Still not worth doing, of course.  All of those fucking streams.  For hours.  I know that they make money on Twitch too but how much can it possible be?  
And with Erin, it’s the same handful of horny losers in every fucking stream.  Shishi and NewWaveJunkie and Marcus and whoever.  Are the mentally challenged known for being wealthy?  They have poor money handling skills and are easy to take advantage of but when you come down it, these people don’t have much money.  Even if ShiShi and the gang were giving all of their money to Erin, it’s not much.
So there’s been very little progress with Erin’s channel over the past year.  Indeed, there’s been very little progress since January 2017.  Here’s the problem: the content is bad.  Nothing can fix that.  It’s not about marketing or the algorithm or shifts in consumer viewing habits.  It’s about bad content.  Erin has that in spades.  At what point do you decide that this isn’t working and go get a job?  Or don’t get a job.  I don’t give a fuck.  Be a housewife to the love of your life Mike Matei.  But Youtube is not working.  
No personality + no knowledge of video games + no interest in video games = no money.  It doesn’t matter that you’re a woman.  The channel will never be a success because the content is bad and you’re bad and you should feel bad about all of this.  It’s a scam, you’re a scammer, your scam didn’t work.  Do something else with your time.

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