Rex Viper – Nintendo Power of Love (Music Video) – Cinemassacre

They’re “premiering” this.  So this gives me an opportunity to first check out rexviper dot com.  Screenwave helpfully linked to this site in the description section.  You can “grab” their songs.

It’s just a series of links.  They want you to PAY for these songs.  It’s Apple Music, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Youtube Music, Bandcamp, and Deezer.  

IHeartRadio doesn’t work at all.  Every other site wants you to either pay $1 for the song or sign up for the service, which presumably costs money.  

Who on earth is doing that?  

I genuinely try to be as positive as possible.  I take no pleasure in tearing people down.  These gamer grrls produce horrible content and they’re horrible people so I say so but I don’t enjoy it.  I’m simply pointing out the unfortunate reality.  

The Screenwave crew have to endure a lot of shit from those catty homosexuals on Reddit.  And I know that they’re just trying to do a job.  I don’t say that they’re bad people.

But this is fucking trash.  You can listen to the music video for Mighty Wings on Youtube.  There’s a link to it.  For whatever reason, they don’t link to the actual video but you can hear an audio version.  It’s dogshit.

Who is the intended audience?  This is the world’s worst idea.  

I have to assume that this was James’ idea.  James went to Screenwave and said, “I want to start making music videos.”  So Screenwave said, “Okay then.”

Why did they agree to this?  They must have known that this is a horrible idea.  Why didn’t they tell James that this is not going to work and it’s going to erode the channel even further?  

And forget about James, it also erodes any reputation that Screenwave has.  So why agree to do this?  

Screenwave went all in with this.  They’re members of this “band”.  By the way, the “band” is only in Zoom form.  Jimmy “Rainman” Rolfe is so petrified of coronavirus that he refuses to meet with anyone.  He’s the Howard Hughes of shitty Youtube channels.  He’s collecting jars of his own faeces but in fairness he was doing that long before coronavirus started.

It’s garbage.  You can’t have a fucking band where everybody is in their own home and recording separately.  It’s fucking idiotic in the extreme.

The above link takes you to a recent video that Rainman did where he gives you the “lore” of Rex Viper.  Everything has to have a “lore” with little Jimmy.  

It’s about time travel.  Jimmy loves time travel.  Everything he does includes time travel.  It’s one of his autistic fixations.

So there are 100 minutes before this video “premieres”.  “Cinemassacre” replied once.  “Thanks, ‘stop motion movie.’ Haha, glad you’re pumped! So are we!”  That doesn’t sound like Rainman.  That sounds like a committee.  Who’s actually writing for “Cinemassacre”?  

Then you have the usual ass lickers and people talking about how James is having a “midlife crisis”.  The latter group are probably the catty homosexuals from Reddit.  I don’t buy that argument, though.  This is just a horrible, horrible decision.  It’s nothing to do with his age.  

So I’ll come back to this when the video is released.

Oh, somebody “leaked”, in a sense, the audio.

It’s a cover of some Back to the Future music.  I guess.  That’s how it starts, anyway.  Then it’s just some dude singing.  Is this from the movie?  At least some of it is.  

I confess that I’ve never watched any Back to the Future movie in its entirety.  I don’t give a fuck about that shit.  Even in the 80s, and as a child, I knew that the movies and the music and the tv shows were all shit.  I have no *nostalgia* for this.  

Anyway, the song just sort of ends.  I’m no music critic but this was just bad.  There was no big guitar solo that I could remember.  Lyrically, it didn’t build to any sort of crescendo.  It just ended.  

Don’t get me wrong.  I didn’t want more.  It was five minutes and 23 seconds longer than it should have been.  But this was bad.

What can you expect when everybody is recording separately?  Or even together via Zoom?  You know how it is with Zoom or Skype or whatever.  The audio regularly gets garbled and you have to ask the person to repeat themselves.  How the fuck are you going to record music like this?  

Well, we see what happens.  

And that first song, the Haduken or whatever one, what was that even referencing?  If anything?  The video has footage of the Top Gun game.  I did see Top Gun.  Once.  Years ago.  I don’t remember this song.  And there certainly weren’t references to hadukens and sonic booms and Street Fighter shit in there.  Is this just an original song?  I don’t understand any of this.

Why is James even *nostalgic* for the 80s?  He was 9 years old in 1989.  I’m two years older than him.  I don’t give a fuck about the 80s.  It’s before my time.  

People who are *nostalgic* for ANY period are sad bastards who have given up on life.  They’ve got nothing going on so they pine for a time when they were doing shit.  

This is why the elderly talk about olden days.  They haven’t fucking done anything in 30, 40, or 50 years.  Is this what you aspire to?  

Go out and do something with your life.  Get a job.  Get a girlfriend.  Move to Pago Pago.  Start taking down some petty tyrants.  Do your part to make the world a better place.

If you’re doing something with your life, you won’t give a fuck about Diff’rent Strokes or the Pet Shop Boys or The Breakfast Club or white washed jean jackets.  You’ll be too busy packing your days with adventure.  

Then when you’re too broken down to do anything, possibly getting bathed by some scumbag like Super Retro Gal, possibly for public consumption, you can look back and say, “Wow, I really did some shit” rather than, “Oh, I sure did reminisce a lot.  I’ve wasted my life.”

Listen to Erin’s stories.  Take it as a cautionary tale.  She hasn’t lived a day in her life.

The video premieres in two minutes.  The chat is really excited.  Spamming shit about LJN and whatever.  I assume that they’re kids.  

“Hello from Mother Russia.”  Great.

Okay.  Yeah, they’re doing this on Zoom again.  

Somebody in the chat says “lame”.  I concur.

Bad CGI.

“Greetings from Poland.”  Great.

More bad CGI.

God, this whole thing is bad CGI.

Then we’re back to jamming on Zoom.

Bad CGI.

And then yeah, it just ends abruptly.

Somebody in the chat says, “I hate it.”  I concur.

“James” encourages you to go to rexviper dot com to get some of these sweet singles.  Even though you can listen to it for free on Youtube.  Not that anyone would want to.

But the overwhelming majority really seemed to enjoy this.  I have no idea how.

That’s the video.  Absolute trash.  Even if it was a good song.  Even if the video was done well.  Even if they actually recorded together like a normal band.  Who would want to watch this?  

James Rolfe is a mentally challenged man who has been manipulated by people probably his entire life.  His understanding of the world is probably limited.  I can’t understand how his handlers could have allowed this.  If Screenwave wasn’t sensible enough to stop this, why didn’t his wife intervene?  Anyone with a brain knows that this is not going to work.

I always go back to Mike telling James that the skits in AVGN are bad and he should just focus on the reviews.  It’s true.  Mike knows what works.  But for whatever reason, James, who’s clearly mentally challenged, must have some say in what happens because he was doing these god awful skits from the beginning, even though Mike was the one in charge.  

So maybe this “band” is the same thing.  James just insisted that it happened.  These are clearly the decisions of a mentally challenged man.  

2 thoughts on “Rex Viper – Nintendo Power of Love (Music Video) – Cinemassacre

  1. occasional nostalgia is actually good. when you encounter something by chance that causes you to reminisce about a past event or period in your life. and if it happens in an entirely impromptu way. it's just unhealthy when you make it a habit to constantly pursue it.what else. the skits. a few youtube channels actually manage to make skits interesting. they usually turn out to be mercifully brief and unpretentious, only made to stress out a point made previously in the review. and it has to be done without forcing it. sometimes people have what they deem a great idea and they assume that everyone will love it. it takes self-reflection and humility to refrain from carrying on with a bad idea just because you thought it upin james' case, skits are made to highlight his “skills” as a content producer (i refuse to call him a film maker), insert his same fixations over and over and exert his penchant for “lores”. they almost seem out of context and don't tie in well with the overall theme.

  2. I concur. And his obsession with lore is horrendous.Board James did not need lore. You Know What's Bullshit did not need lore. AVGN doesn't need lore. None of this does. It's just an excuse for him to make little movies. Horrendous movies.

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