Never Before Seen Pokemon Game | Today In Retro – Retro Ali 

It’s Pokemon Picross.  That’s the game.  Big deal.

But Ali wants to hide this information from the title.  Because she knows if she put “Pokemon Picross” in the title, nobody would give a shit.

I had Mario’s Picross as a kid. Wait…1995?  I was older than I thought.  Well, anyway, I wasn’t impressed with the game.  I still played it, though.  

It’s just fucking…like you have to fill in a little pixel art thing.  They fill one horizontal row and one vertical row for you and you have to figure out the rest.  It’s kind of like sudoku, I guess, but not really.

Then if you fill everything in correctly, you get a little picture.  And that’s it.  You move on to the next one.  There’s like 500 of these pictures to do.  It’s a Game Boy game, by the way.

So Ali recently streamed this Pokemon Picross.  I guess that the game was complete but just never released.  I watched some of this VERY briefly.  She’s horrendous.  But it’s the same fucking game but Pokemon pictures instead of Mario pictures.

The game is…I don’t know.  I played it quite a bit but even at the time, I didn’t like it.  It was just something to pass the time, I guess.  Entertainment options were more limited back then.  It was either Mario’s Picross or a hoop and a stick.  

Absolutely no way would I play that game today.  I mean, the game is fine but…it’s like doing sudokus.  Nobody really wants to do sudokus.  It’s just something that you do on the train or at the airport.

So let’s check out Ali’s boring video.  At least it’s only five minutes.

Apparently, there was a leak of Game Boy games in September.  Let me Google this.  Anything to get me away from Ali’s boring video.

Just some fucking Game Boy games that were leaked, I guess.  I read the list.  Nothing screamed out at me.

1:30 – Then she just shows footage of her recent streams of this game.  This is the exact same boring content that Erin does.  Ali seems to copy Erin A LOT.  Why?  Is it working for Erin?  Maybe emulate somebody who’s actually successful.

2:45 – Great footage of Ali picking her ear and then rubbing it on the chair.  

3:45 – She reads a Japanese game title.  Why?  She doesn’t know what she’s saying.  She doesn’t know if this is pronounced at all correctly.  Maybe it’s just because it has the words “cocky master” in it and this is something for the pathetic losers watching this to jerk off to.

So that’s the video.  She didn’t mention Mario Picross once.  I assume that she doesn’t know about it.  She mentioned the Super Nintendo Picross game, though.  

Let’s check out her Patreon.  She advertised this thing at the end of the video.  Said that there were some cool perks.

FOURTEEN PATRONS!  Let the good times roll.

And as for the “cool perks”, for $1 you can have your name at the end of some of her videos.  For $5 you can join her Discord.

Why would anybody pay to join a Discord?  Especially one that must have less than ten people in it.  

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