REVIEW Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection (PSP) – Pelvic Gaming

This is just so terrible.  She’s wearing blue lipstick as per usual but there’s a gold spot in the middle bottom lip.  Why?  Why did she do that?  It’s distracting and deeply, deeply unpleasant to look at.  Why does she make herself look as unappealing as possible?  Can she possibly think that this looks good?

Let me check out the comments first.

– “Girl ur lipstick is amazing. Thank you for showing JRPG gamers can have STYLE”

Pelvic Gamer replies, “Haha thank you. Nerds and fashion can mix damnit!!”

It’s insane.  

Let’s just try to watch this terrible video.  I wish that she’d do something else once in a while.  It’s been these fucking JRPG reviews for ages.  Where’s the crazy content she used to make where she gives Valentines Day advice to the horndogs or dresses up as a man and seduces herself?  

I can’t do it.  I got to 6 minutes.  This video is exactly 10 minutes long.  I assume that this has something to do with monetisation.  I have to turn this off.  It’s just fucking boring.  I’m not interested in this shit.

Let me check out her Twitter.  Try to pad this out.

Yo, I know I’m a JRPG junkie, and I’m not so up my own ass to think every game is meant for me.But my God, I found #TheGameAwardswas boring.

Well, we can agree on that.  

Oh, I’ll put this here.  I was going to do a whole post on this but it didn’t turn out good so I erased it.  But SupaPixelGirl is posting half-naked pictures of herself again in a desperate bid for attention.

Download that one quickly if that’s your thing.  She’ll delete it soon.  She already deleted a weird version where she put Boba Fett’s helmet over her face.

But yeah, this picture…since she’ll delete it soon I’ll describe it.  She’s wearing a bra and some weird trousers with a frilly waistline.  Maybe those are her panties.  Big panties.  The picture is in black and white, low resolution, grainy, blurry, there’s weird lighting, and she’s at like a 45 degree angle.  She used every trick in the book to make this look presentable.

One of the first people to reply was Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining.  She said, “you look great!”.  

Pam sure does find these naked gamer grrls really quickly.  She’s worse than John Riggs.  By the way, even John Riggs had enough decorum not to reply to this shit.

But yeah, just come out of the closet, Pam.  It’s ridiculously obvious.  Nobody will judge you.

Another person who replied was Le Tits Now.  This is a self-proclaimed “gender fluid bisexual princess.”  Oh.  Good luck with that.

The only people that she replied to were Pam and some black guy.  She likes black guys.  I mean…this is pathetic.  

There was a funny spam comment, though.

“Learn how to trim down belly FAT in as little as 2 WEEKS!! With scientifically proven ways to diet the RIGHT way without compromising your favorite foods.”

God, I was just listening to another dreadful podcast that Pam was on recently.  I’m thinking that I have to do a review of it but…I can’t.  It’s fucking awful.  So I’ll just briefly mention it here.  

It starts with a couple of gay men asking Pam which vampire she would want to be bitten by.  And Pam says Brad Pitt from some vampire movie.  “For obvious reasons”.  What obvious reasons?  YOU’RE GAY, PAM.  

Then the two gay men agree with her decision.  You know, being gay and all.  And there’s some awkward attempts at “banter”.  I just can’t.  Fucking two minutes into this shit.  

There’s bad and then there’s horrendous.  This is horrendous.

Episode 60.

All of these podcasts that nobody listens to…well, whatever.  If they enjoy doing it, why not?  

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