Wait for Shadow | Ep. 21 | Final Fantasy VI (SNES Mini) – SupaPixelGirl


Hey, SupaPixelGirl is back!

I…oh.  Oh no.  I can’t do this.  Just listen to this.  She’s talking a mile a minute and it’s…it’s just the ramblings of a crazy person.  

NewWaveJunkie gets a shoutout at about 3:45.  He must spend more time with these gamer grrls than he does with his wife.  Or even his Legos.

But yeah this…she’s stupid.  She is really, really, REALLY stupid.  Just listen to it.  She has some kind of valley girl accent, she’s repeating herself constantly, and what she’s saying is just really, incredibly, massively stupid.  

I just…it’s uncomfortable.  It’s uncomfortable listening to this shit.  She’s fucking deranged.  

She’s not good at the game and keeps saying that she’s going to die but she doesn’t die.  It’s…oh this is awful.  

You couldn’t force POWs to listen to this shit.  It would be a war crime.  Two hours of this fucking lunatic…I mean…I can’t even describe it.  

By the way, she links to her Twitch in the description of this video but her Twitch is already shut down.  She posted this two days ago.

It’s…I mean…I’m at seven minutes and it’s just…this is going to destroy me if I listen to any more of this.  I have to stop.

Please, for the love of fucking Christ, stop with these videos, SupaPixelGirl.  They’re unbelievably awful.  Go get fucking help.  There’s something seriously wrong with you.  

I don’t get it.  How can anybody possibly listen to that?  And I don’t think that she appears on screen.  She doesn’t in the Youtube version anyway.  So…people are jerking off to her voice?  And…THAT voice?  It’s perplexing in the extreme.

You genuinely feel ill after listening to that shit.  At least I do.  Seven minutes and I feel deeply unwell.  She’s just talking so quickly and it’s fucking insane bullshit.  How can anyone sit there for two hours?  

These videos should come with a health warning at the very least.  

I feel nauseous.  I have a headache.  Lethargic.  Just generally unwell.  And I felt perfectly fine before I watched this video.  

I’ve just been staring at this screen for like 30 minutes now trying to recover.  I turned the video off ages ago.  It’s just…it’s so disturbing to listen to.  How can anyone do it?  Trying to take some deep breaths to recover.  

They’re the worst videos I have ever seen.  Erin’s shitty videos can make me upset.  She’s a total fraud and I don’t much care for that.  But I’ve never felt physically sick from watching her videos.  

SupaPixelGirl…it’s just so incredibly awful.  And her crazy videos where she’s doing other shit are just as bad.  I’m thinking of her video where she sang that insane parody song about her pussy being wet and whatnot.  And it was a cut out mouth…thing.  It’s extremely hard to watch this shit.

And that video where she’s dancing for her “chocolate” boyfriend.  Well…”dancing” should have been in quotes.  She’s doing something.  And it’s just craziness and she splices in uber craziness at various points (e.g. there was some fucking…just weird text that popped up at one point…I don’t even remember and I don’t want to think about it.)

Who would possibly go to this person for psychiatric help?  Let’s just…Peanuts.  I’m trying to think of other things.  Get my mind off of that craziness.  So Peanuts.  Remember how Lucy had that little like lemonade stand but instead of lemonade, she offered psychiatric help for five cents?

As a kid, I read the Peanuts comic strip and I hated it.  It was awful.

So one day I was talking to my friend about it and he said no, it’s pretty good.  The earlier ones were good.  I refused to believe him.

This was in “the 90s”.  Early 90s.  Charles Schultz was probably in his early 90s as well.  He was completely shot.  You could see in the drawings that his hand shook terribly.  And he was totally out of ideas.  Just coasting on reputation.  

But I was able to see some of these earlier Peanuts comics when I got the internet.  I don’t know.  They were better, certainly.  The ones from the 50s…they aren’t funny but…I don’t know.  It was the 50s.  Maybe people didn’t like funny comics back then.  They’re interesting in a historical sense.

But I also saw some from the 70s and those were better.  They still weren’t funny but he would do fairly long-running stories where they go to summer camp or whatever.  They were interesting.  

And it was the Peanuts comics of this era that inspired the…whatever they were…tv movies, I guess.  TV specials?  I don’t know.  Weren’t some of them only 30 minutes?  Or maybe they all were, I don’t know.

So I assume that my friend had a book of old Peanuts comics.  I had some as well.  Little paperback books.  But they were old and missing pages.  And they were small.  So not a good representation of his work.

I used to like that comic Mutts.  It started when I was a bit older.  I don’t remember what it was about but it was cute.  

Get Fuzzy was another later comic that I enjoyed.  Again, animal themed.  Cats and dogs.  

Sherman’s Lagoon.  I liked that one as well.

Pearls Before Swine was another good one.  

I haven’t thought about these in decades.  But it’s nice to go to my happy place for a little while after that SupaPixelGirl unpleasantness.  Now I’m going to go to sleep and try to forget all about that.

2 thoughts on “Wait for Shadow | Ep. 21 | Final Fantasy VI (SNES Mini) – SupaPixelGirl

  1. I caught a bit of her SNES mini stream a few days ago. (Ooooo facecam ooooo) Something that really chapped my ass was this: she was playing Super Punch Out getting wrecked by the 2nd opponent. Someone in her chat stated each boxer has a pattern. When you learn their patterns the game gets very easy. (true statement)In her little valley girl voice she says, “I don't want to learn the patterns. I just want to be able to sit here and punch them in the face.”After hearing that, it took all of my being to not rage at her in her chat. I ended up yelling at my phone, “Then you're playing the wrong damn game. Turn it off and play something else.”Real piece of work this broad is. Glad she dropped the SUPANINTENDO gimmick because all she plays is the same, maybe 10, games. Makes me sounds like an asshole, I get it, but god damn.

  2. Haha. Yeah. It is shocking. Who needs to be told that there's a pattern to the boxers in Punch-Out? These gamer grrls just don't seem to play many video games. I'm sure that there's a woman out there who has played all of these games and is familiar with them but…where is this woman? She's not making videos on Youtube, from what I can determine.

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