DOOM 64 gives Sailor Jupiter Motion Sickness! – Erin Plays

0:00 – “Hey guys!  What’s up?  It’s Halloween time!”

And she’s in some half-assed Sailor Moon costume.  And the title suggests that she’s going to be complaining about motion sickness.  It’s all just so terrible.  Who the fuck is watching this?

0:30 – “This game is dimly lit and dark and it makes me a little dizzy”.  

Right away with this shit.  There are other games.  If this game genuinely makes you feel ill, play something else.  We don’t need to hear about your fucking health problems, real or imagined.

Then there’s an edit.  And I can’t even check Twitch because this video isn’t on there.  I think that she’s just doing this to spite me.  But that goes to show just how little money she’s getting out of this.  She’s prepared to lose whatever little money she gets from people watching this shit on Twitch just to spite me.  

“I’m going to play on ‘Be Gentle’ because I suck at this.”

That’s always the case.  She always chooses the easiest difficulty mode because she sucks at every game and has no experience with any game.  This is no different.

Oh this is bad.  I’m 90 seconds in.  

Remember how awful Erin’s gameplay was when she played Doom with a mouse and keyboard?  Now she’s playing with a controller.  Who thought that this was a good idea?

1:45 – “I’ve been playing some Doom Eternal, I mean, it’s been a few months.”

Then you haven’t been playing it.  She was playing this months ago when she planned on streaming it.  This was the same time when she was playing the original Doom (on stream, for money, of course).  

She never did the Doom Eternal stream because she was god awful at Doom.  So she just gave up.  So why is she playing this piece of shit now?  

“Where you have to like…what’s the word?  You have like the scope on your enemies so you can like aim better.”

It took me a while to figure out what she was talking about.  Crosshair.  She just doesn’t have a clue.  Why is she playing this?

2:15 – She hits a switch and we see a window opening with an enemy behind it.  Erin says, “Ooh, I wonder what I did.”

Ummm…you opened the window with the enemy behind it?

Then Erin kills the guy and says, “See?  Why can’t I get in there?”

Because you’re too big.  Or the window is too small.  However you want to look at it.  This is like pre-school level stuff.  Like that toy with the different shaped blocks and they only fit in the appropriate holes.

2:45 – “This looks too bright to be Doom 64?  Well, I turned the brightness all the way because it was too dark and I think that this game is ridiculously dark to the point where it’s ridiculous.”

Ridiculous indeed.

Speaking of which:

3:00 – “I don’t know how to jump”.

Holy shit.  She doesn’t have a fucking clue.  She played fucking Doom.  For hours.  Horribly.  Does she remember jumping in that game?  

She just has absolutely no experience with these games.  Let’s see how long it takes for the chat to correct her on this jumping issue.

Then she goes back to that window.

“Okay, I still don’t know how to get in there.”

Fucking moron.  

Then there’s an edit so god knows how long she was trying to get in there.

Then somebody in the chat talks about a Sailor Moon Doom mod and Erin starts going on about how she knows about this mod but that it’s “shitty” but “I will play it.”  On stream, for money, of course.  And she never played it before.  That’s a lie.

4:15 – “Elevators.  Aren’t elevators in Doom fun?  You never know where you’re going to pop out.”

Oh.  Yeah.  Interesting.

5:00 – “This is where I start going in circles so I have to try not to do that.”

By the way, she spent at least three minutes just going through a tiny room over and over again.  The first room in the game.  And I say, “at least” because there was an edit during that shit.  She was probably there for at least 15 minutes.

And yeah, she’s just walking in circles and getting stuck on the walls.  This is fucking unbelievable.  Why would she play this?  I assumed that she gave up after those horrible Doom streams a few months ago.  

And there’s like no fucking enemies here.   It’s because she put it on super easy mode.  And she’s still struggling.  She’s struggling with NAVIGATING THE MAP.  She’s getting stuck on walls for fuck’s sake.  

Then she starts talking about Sailor Moon.  It’s fucking as funny as cancer.  This is just so bad.

5:45 – She looks at the map.  “I don’t know where the fuck to go.”  Umm…the stairs right in front of you?  THE MAP IS ENTIRELY LINEAR!

6:00 – Another edit.  “I feel like I get lost really easily in this Doom game and it’s annoying.”

That’s what she’s editing out.  She’s editing out all of the times when she’s just walking in circles.  This stream was probably two hours but the Youtube version is 30 minutes.  So it was 90 minutes of walking in circles.

And then yeah, she’s right back to the first room in the game.  Unbelievable.

Then there’s another edit and she’s in a totally different part of the map.

You know what?  This is shit.  And if she’s not going to upload the unedited videos, there’s no point in me continuing.  We want to see the raw, shitty gameplay.  Why does she try to hide it?  I mean, what’s left is still shit.  

7:15 – “See, I don’t know how to strafe.  Is that the word?”

Yes.  That’s the word.  If you had any experience with these games whatsoever, you would know this.  

7:45 – “I probably should have played Brutal Doom on like PC.”

Yeah.  You were a real pro on that game.

I just want to see her finish the level so I can see how long it took her.  Unless she edits that out too.  

8:15 – Another edit and she’s reading the chat.  Somebody is explaining to her how she’s supposed to get through this level.  By the way, it’s LEVEL ONE.  

8:45 – She takes her tiara off because it was digging into her skull.  

Then she massages her head for about 30 seconds.

9:30 – Another edit.  When we return, she’s talking about Sailor Moon again.  This is riveting stuff.

10:15 – Another edit.  More Sailor Moon talk.

Just get back to the fucking game, you dimwit.

“I don’t really consider myself a video game collector because I just buy what I want.”

Yeah.  Nothing.

11:00 – She starts talking about how she’s dizzy…

Can we just finish the fucking level, please?  Par for the level is probably about 2 minutes.  She must be up to 45 minutes by now.

Then she looks at the map and says, “Like where the fuck do I go?  I don’t know.”  The map looks pretty helpful to me but she doesn’t seem to get it.

Then there’s another edit.

12:30 – She gets trapped on an elevator…

Then there’s another edit.  Who knows how long she was there for?

13:15 – “Okay, I need to get better at switching weapons.”

I don’t believe that’s the problem.  You’re getting hit a lot.  Work on that.

13:45 – She finally stumbles upon the exit with assistance from the chat.  20:39 is her time.  We’re 14 minutes into the video so she edited out a lot.

Okay, so I’m done.  This is total shit and she was so embarrassed by her performance that she didn’t upload the full video even to Twitch.  “Oh no, that GamerGrrls guy is going to say mean stuff about my gameplay.”  There’s fucking 100 hits a day on this site.  She’s concerned about a site that gets 100 hits a day.

Oh…what?  This is just sad.  I’m looking at the comments like I usually do after I’m done with the video and there’s a guy called Games and Movies Entertainment.  Erin mentioned this guy during the video and I’ve heard the name before so he must go to her streams regularly.

Here’s his Twitter:

It’s all pictures of him at Disneyland getting hugs from the characters.  He’s autistic.  SUPER autistic.  So autistic that I don’t even want to do a separate “Erin’s Biggest Fans” post about him because I’d feel bad.  But this really needs some discussion.

He has weird posture and weird movements.  Is this even autism?  He might be mentally retarded.  But all the hugging really suggests autism.  He could be both, I guess.

Anyway, this is clearly a guy with SERIOUS mental deficiencies.  And I’m not saying this to be insulting at all.  It’s just the reality.  Every post is just about Disneyland.  And he just says the same thing in every post but it will be a different picture of him hugging one of the characters.

He also responds to other people’s Tweets but it’s always the same fucking response, “So Cute HUGS” and a bunch of emojis.  And what he’s replying to are either anime pictures or people in furry costumes.  What he REALLY seems to like are people in anime costumes.  And he posts this shit probably 30 times a day on average.  

THIS is one of Erin’s biggest fans.  

The comment that he left on this Doom video was:

“Best Cosplay Stream 10 Out OF 10 Erin” and then a bunch of weird emojis.  And Erin replies.

Does Erin have any conscious whatsoever?  Taking $5/month every month from a guy who’s CLEARLY mentally challenged?  Is that even what subscriptions cost?  It might be more than that.

But she pretends to be this guy’s friend because she really wants that money.  

He’s on Youtube as well:

Again, it’s all shit at Disneyland.  He’s hugging the characters.  He’s also having really, really, REALLY awkward conversations with them.

This is just beyond disgraceful.  Fucking all of these people who are watching Erin’s videos are seriously fucked up.  I’m sorry to say it that way but they’re all mentally ill or mentally challenged in some way.  And I’m not saying this in some kind of jokey way.  I’m dead serious.  They’re all people who I don’t think are capable of living independent lives.  

These are the people she’s milking for money.  These are the people who are entertained by her unbelievably shit videos.  I mean…it does make some sense now that I think about it.  I’m always asking, “Who the fuck would watch this?” and now I know.  The mentally challenged.  But it’s fucking deplorable in the extreme that she’s shaking these people down for money.  

1 thought on “DOOM 64 gives Sailor Jupiter Motion Sickness! – Erin Plays

  1. There are some pretty impressive doom mods. Im sure plenty allow you to jump. But yeah thats rough to watch. Iv read doom 64 is the shittiest one. And doom is on everything. I onve saw a sailor Jupiter cosplay chick with a green jewel buttplug. This is the sort of thing your girlfriend would do for you once a year because she feels stupid getting a dick in the butt even when she isnt forced to wear a skirt and gloves. But id knock it over in this video. I never watched the show. I lie iv watched one or 2 before DragonBall z back when I was like 12. It was boring. And the animation is terrible. This hentai is trash. 0/10 erin. If I was her boyfriend I'd slap her in the face with a tenticle everytime she wore that shit. On my birthday.

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