Cancel Bobdunga

So I was going through my routine of looking up the gamer grrls to see if they uploaded any videos (I don’t actually subscribe to any of these people) when I saw some recent videos about Bobdunga and RelaxAlax.  Again with this shit?

I talked about the situation here:

It seems that Bobdunga has re-ignited her campaign against this guy.  That’s why she turned her Twitter to private for a week or two recently.  She didn’t want “abuse”.

To recap, here’s the situation.  RelaxAlax is a gay man who was in a relationship with Bobdunga.  The relationship wasn’t good.  He wasn’t interested in her.  You know…being gay and all.  So Bobdunga claims that he was “emotionally abusive” to her.  Well, nobody gives a fuck about “emotional abuse”.  So after her story about “emotional abuse” didn’t gain any sympathy, she added to the story and claimed that he “raped” her.  They were in a relationship, they were both drunk, and they had sex.  Bobdunga considers this rape, after she called a rape crisis hotline to ask about this.

That’s it.  That’s the fucking story.  A gay man wasn’t interested in Bobdunga and they had drunken sex.

This all happened at least a year ago.

So people read this shit and said, “Well, this doesn’t sound like anything.”  Bobdunga didn’t like that.  So she continues her campaign against this guy.

She’s mentally ill.  Just watch her latest video.  It’s unwatchable.  It’s clearly the product of a diseased mind.

I’d link to my review but I couldn’t even watch 30 seconds of that shit.

Bobdunga recently posted a long addendum to her original allegations.  You can read it here:

But to save you the time, it’s nothing.  Nothing happened.  She was in a bad relationship with an obvious homosexual.  So stop going out with him.

It’s like there aren’t any other guys out there.  And the guy she’s hung up on…holy shit.  This guy is not a looker.  I’ll just say that.  If it was a hot guy, I might give her a pass.  But THIS guy?  I won’t post his picture but just look it up.  It’s unbelievable.

So some guy does a video on this situation.  It’s here:

To save you the time, it’s nothing.  Nothing happened.  The guy talks about nothing.  Bobdunga talked about nothing.  RelaxAlax talks about nothing.  The whole thing seems to hinge on this drunken sex.  Who gives a fuck?  She got drunk and had butt sex with this guy who she was in a long-term sexual relationship with and now regrets it.  These things happen.  It’s not rape.  She was obviously obsessed with this gay man and trying to make the relationship work.  Maybe in her drunken stupor she thought, “Hey, try the butt out.  It’s just like having sex with a man.”

YEARS of this.  YEARS of trying to convince the internet that she’s the victim of some kind of nebulous abuse.  Why?  What’s to be gained by this?  People have read the allegations, decided that it’s nothing, and moved on.  You’re wasting people’s time with this shit, Bobdunga.  Do something productive with your life.  You were in a bad relationship with a gay man.  Move on.

I think that this might be my last post about Bobdunga.  It’s uncomfortable watching her videos.  She’s clearly mentally ill.  RelaxAlax probably has mental health problems too, by the way.  But Bobdunga is completely insane.  It shows in her videos and it shows in this bizarre campaign against her homosexual ex-boyfriend.

I should just turn this into an Erin Plays only blog.  That’s what people want to read anyway.  Nobody gives a fuck about Pelvic Gamer or Bobdunga or CannotBeEntertaining or whoever.

But the reason I branched out to other gamer grrls in the first place was that I was sick of writing just about Erin.  How many times can I talk about about how she’s shit at Castlevania?

Destinyfomo was a popular topic, perhaps even more popular than Erin, and I enjoyed writing about the wacky shit she got up to (fake comic book job, prostitution, et cetera) but she gave up on Youtube.

I don’t know.  Bobdunga is just really distasteful and I don’t want to give her any kind of promotion.  And have her insane videos ever lead to any interesting review?  I don’t think so.  I don’t particularly enjoy writing them.  I have to watch these atrocious videos.  Or attempt to.

So yeah.  Bobdunga.  Total trash.  I’m putting her on the dung heap.  Unless something exceptional happens.

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