NEWS | Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes (Suikoden spiritual successor!!) – Pelvic Gaming

0:00 – “Holy shit.  I’m not one to do news videos but this is pretty big and juicy.”

I don’t know.  She’s just so off-putting.  In text form that probably doesn’t look that bad, I guess.  But watch the video and maybe you’ll see what I mean.  She has the ridiculous hair, the clown makeup, and it just sounds…I don’t know…fake?  Fake enthusiasm.  And the gratuitous profanity doesn’t do it for me either.

“I got tagged up the wazoo about this so I thought that I would do a quick video.”

That’s really not a pleasant visual.  I don’t want to think about Pelvic Gamer…what is “wazoo” anyway?  I know it’s “anus” but what’s the etymological origin?  I bet it’s Yiddish.

No.  Louisiana Creole.  The term is used almost entirely in the US.  I was thinking Yiddish because there are a lot of annoying words that only Americans use and they’re inevitably Yiddish.  I can’t think of any examples, though.

Then she starts talking about this Kickstarter game.  And she talks about the Japanese people who will be working on this.  I don’t know anything about these people.  I also don’t know anything about the game.  Wouldn’t that be the place to start?  She’s just too far upstream, I guess.  She’s catering her videos to hardcore Japanese RPG nerds.  “Oh yeah.  Yoshitaka Murayama.  I love that guy’s work.”

Oh.  It’s a “spiritual successor” to Suikoden.  Which, according to Wikipedia, was a game released in 1995.  And there were four sequels and a number of spin-offs.  I never heard of this shit.  So anyway, I had to pause the video to do my own independent research.  Back to the “fun”.

3:00 – She starts talking about the character models and shit.

8:45 – “If this video gets a positive reception, that will encourage me to do more news videos in the future.”

It seemed to get the normal views and likes.

So that’s the video.  Nothing…I mean…she just talked about the game.  I couldn’t really follow it.

I know about Japanese RPGs.  I played some.  Like Final Fantasy Adventure, Chrono Trigger, I guess Pokemon can be included here, I guess Paper Mario as well.  So I have some familiarity.  But I never got into the nerdy shit that came later.  Like with titles that aren’t even in English.

So I just don’t know what she’s talking about in a lot of these videos.  RPGs.  People in the comments seem to be passionate about it.  Whatever.

Let’s check out her Twitter.  Maybe there’s some non-“gaming” shit that she talks about.

Oh yeah.  There was a nerd convention this weekend.  It was online only, though.  They streamed some shitty TED talk kind of things, I guess.

Pelvic Gamer was a “speaker” as were Madam Fomo, Retro Ali, and Bobdunga.  Madam Fomo’s number one john Kid Shoryuken was also a “speaker”.  As was JOHN RIGGS!

So I thought about paying the ten bucks for this shit because this is like a dream team for me.  But then I thought, “Fuck it.  I don’t care about this shit that much.”  If Erin was also there, I’d probably get it.

Bobdunga never even promoted this shit.  I’m not sure if she actually did anything for this.

And Madam Fomo teased two “special guests” for her wrestling video game…whatever…discussion.  So you’re thinking, oh, she’s going to get John Cena or someone.  No, it was fucking 8 Bit Eric and some guy called RGBeast.

Madam Fomo sure does enjoy scamming people.  This was her first nerd convention.  Who are these people inviting prostitutes to be a speaker at a video game convention?  Even just virtually?  And what reputable person is going to do any business with her?  Not that 8 Bit Eric or this RGBeast guy are reputable.  I suppose that the entire Youtube retro gaming is comprised of disreputable “content creators”.

Pelvic Gamer did a talk on Chrono Trigger, a game that she only played recently.  That’s bizarre.

 But yeah, whatever.  I figure that these videos will get released at some point anyway.  And if they don’t get released, nothing of value was lost.

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