Get To Know Me Tag (feat. no planning whatsoever) – Genevieve Mazer

I found this woman on Erin’s boring as fuck Twitter.  She left a message.  You can see it here:

Erin was talking about the Spice Girls because that’s always riveting stuff, and then this Genna woman talks about being 41 years old and short.  The original message is about platform shoes or something.  Who gives a shit?

So I checked out her Twitter:

She’s an artist, digital planner, and podcaster.  Interesting euphemisms for “unemployed”.

Most recent tweet is a picture of some kind of rodent in her cleavage.

Yeah…that’s…maybe somebody has this fetish?  I don’t know.  She obviously does.  And the rodent’s name is “Da Pubes” which…this is a 41 year old woman.  When do you plan on getting your life together?

From her other tweets, it seems that she has more than one child.  A lot of “LGBTQW” stuff.  She also mentions her cat.  I’m not seeing anything about a husband.

Some video game stuff.  Some life in Minnesota stuff.  Some migraine stuff.  Women sure do enjoy the migraines.  It’s one of those maladies that can’t be diagnosed so perfect if you just don’t feel like doing anything.  “I have a migraine today”.  Who can call you out on it?

Anyway, let’s check out her Youtube channel.

Two thousand subscribers.  A lot of videos about “planners”. I’m not sure what that means.  Like a book with the various dates in it and you write any appointments that you have in it?  Or like a digital equivalent?  She’s…making these things, I think, but I’m not sure what exactly it is and I don’t care to find out.

There’s also some art stuff and Photoshop and whatever.

I’ll just check this video out where she does some kind of Q&A, I guess.  Hopefully it’s a little more introspective than most Q&As.  This is a sensitive artist, after all.  She’s really in touch with her feelings.

0:00 – She’s wearing bat…wings…as ears?  Okay.  Let’s just get through this.

0:15 – “If I was another person, would I be a friend to myself?”

Who asked this?  A 12 year old?

1:00 – “Do you use sarcasm a lot?”

These questions are kind of stupid.  And this one is just yes/no, although I assume she’s going to expand on it.

Ummm…no, she didn’t really.

1:15 – “What is the first thing you notice about other people?”

COME ON!  This is fucking stupid.

“For me, it’s how they feel and that’s not meant in a sexy way.”

I don’t even know how that could be interpreted in a sexy way.  Am I missing something?

1:45 – “What is my eye color?”

Okay, I think that I’m done.  These are the dumbest fucking questions on earth.

2:00 – “Scary movie or happy endings?”

This is fucking brutal.  She’s going on about watching scary movies with her Aunt Phyllis and then stops to talk about her hair.

Whatever happened to Phyllis Diller?  She must be long dead.  Yeah, she died in 2012.

Okay…let’s try another couple of questions and then I have to stop.

4:00 – “Favorite smells?”

Yeah, I mean…a 12 year old girl came up with these questions during study hall.  Just something to amuse her friends.  Like that MASH paper game or whatever.  That’s fine to entertain your friends in school but I don’t want to watch a grown woman on Youtube doing this.

4:30 – “Do you have any special talents?”

I was going to say “drawing” as a joke answer that a kid would give but then I realised that she does actually still draw.  And indeed, that’s an answer that she gives.  Along with playing the ukulele.

It just seems particularly weird to be this developmentally disabled and have children.  If she can’t get it together and join us in the real world, in the present, as a 41 year old woman with two children, I don’t think that it’s ever going to happen.

What’s the harm, I guess.  There are worse things she could be doing with her life than wearing bat wings as ears and answering idiotic questions on Youtube.

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