Erin Plays Horny Loser Fan Review #3 – Marcus

In Erin’s recent Q&A, she read a question from Marcus, who she said was a Patron of hers.  His question was about how Erin catalogues her collection of games.  Naturally, she does not catalogue her collection as it’s rather small.

So I saw him randomly on Erin’s Twitter.

Erin re-tweeted something about it being ZSNES’s “birthday”.   A couple of horny losers say that they remember playing this and Erin says “same”.  Wow!  That’s some interesting stuff, Erin.  “Same”.  Whoa.  Tell us more.  If there is any more.  I really doubt that she ever used any emulators.

So Marcus replies:

I remember the first time I booted up ZSNES and played A TON of games I hadn’t experienced then using nothing but the keyboard!Rolling on the floor (laughing emoji). This was my second emulator as Nesticle was my first and both blew my mind and widened the video game world for me (xploding head emoji). Loved em ever since (grinning emoji).

Uh huh.  Great.  This might be something that you share with somebody who’s really into retro video games.  But Erin?  She doesn’t know what the fuck you’re talking about and she doesn’t care.

This seems to be a pattern with this guy.  He talks about nerdy retro video game shit with Erin, seemingly oblivious to the fact that Erin is not a nerdy retro video game enthusiast.  She doesn’t know the first thing about this shit and she’s not interested.

Let’s check out his Twitter.

Oh dear. Are you fucking kidding me?  It’s a guy…at least in his 30s…maybe Mexican?  I only say that because he’s from Texas.  Could be Middle Eastern or something, judging from the large eyebrows.  And let’s just say, being as tactful as possible, that this man is no Brad Pitt.  But who is?  You have to work with what you’ve got.

So let’s not focus on the superficial.  Women are also interested in who you are as a person.  Well, not really but let’s go with it.

Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise-Z, Video Game & Nintendo Addict, Metalhead, Computer nerd, Retro Collector!

That’s his description.  This is stereotypical giant nerd shit.  I don’t even know what else he can include to “improve” on this.  Dr Who fan?  Anime fan?

He re-tweets every fucking tweet of Erin’s.

He also re-tweets a lot from some smoking hot Asian “gamer” cum cosplayer.

Do you think that woman is into 30+ year old Star Trek enthusiasts?  It’s completely delusional.

He re-tweets a lot from Bruce Lee too.  The man’s been dead for over 40 years but somehow is on Twitter.  And yeah, unfortunately, Bruce Lee has somewhat been co-opted by nerd culture.

He re-tweets a lot of Nintendo shit and general video game shit.

Birthday greetings to the Gaming Historian.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY @GamingHistorian!!!(Confetti ball emoji) (Confetti ball emoji) (Party popper emoji) Party popper emoji) Hope you have an amazing day today gamer!

He actually called somebody a “gamer”.  Look at how awkward that is.  “What up, gamer?”  It’s embarrassing.  But he doesn’t know how to talk to people.

Here’s an embarrassing exchange with that Asian woman.

It’s completely disgusting.  Why is this woman taking advantage of this guy?  How much money is he sending her?  That’s the only possible reason why a woman like that would ever speak to a guy like Marcus.  We all know it.  It’s deplorable.  These women are completely without a conscious.  Just bleed these nerds dry.

Here’s him giving some pro tips to Erin on a Castlevania game:

He’s completely clueless.  How can he not see that Erin has no interest in this shit?  It’s part of his fantasy.  He jerks off to hot gamer grrls.  Or, in the case of Erin, “hot” gamer grrls.  And he’s so obsessed with this, that’s he’s blinded to the fact that they’re complete frauds.

Here’s more embarrassing shit with that Asian degenerate:

She says, “Dude thanks so much for always supporting me buddy!”

He replies, “Back at you! Much love to ya homie!”

He must be dropping a TON of money on her.

Apparently, he met that woman in real life.

Mecha: Much love to you! I miss you man

Marcus: Miss you too homie! Sucks we couldn’t see each other last month (Loudly crying emoji) we still have the streams though!

Mecha: Dude! Right :/ I was so ready to visit too

Marcus: Yeah I was super excited to see ya again…its now going on 7 years since I last saw ya IRL…we still have next year though and we can always talk on here, Discord, and in the streams!

Mecha: XD dude right! Lucky we got twitch

Why would that smoking hot woman meet a nerdy gargoyle like Marcus?  Is this a DestinyFomo situation or did they just meet at a convention or something and that’s enough for him?

SEVEN YEARS of this.  At least.  He must have given her thousands of dollars, tens of thousands, who knows?

It’s an extremely sad and pathetic situation.  This is an extremely sad and pathetic man.  That Asian woman is taking advantage of him and Erin is taking advantage of him.  This is a lonely, giant loser.

I have to assume that there are women out there who would go out with this guy.  Even with the Star Trek shit and the video game shit and looking as he looks.  These women aren’t going to look like that Asian woman, that’s for damn sure.  They’re not even going to look like Erin.  But if you just want companionship, drop your standards, put some pictures on Tinder, and start dating some local obese single mothers.  What’s the problem?  That would be significantly less pathetic and more fulfilling than what you’re doing now.

These are Erin’s biggest fans.  Pathetic uber nerds who seem entirely incapable of having a normal relationship with a woman.  And she’s metaphorically holding these nerds by their ankles and shaking all of the money out of their pockets.

Where are the hot studs on Erin’s channel?  I want to see a fan of Erin’s whose Twitter is all pictures of him at the gym, showing off the guns.  And he talks about all of the women he’s fucking and how much money he makes at his investment banker job .

Why is it all severely damaged nerds?  Why is it these people who gravitate to this shit?  And doesn’t anybody feel bad about this?  How can Erin or this Asian woman possibly feel good about this?  They’re clearly taking advantage of this guy and they know it.  SEVEN YEARS of this?  She knows what’s up.

They don’t care.  These are immoral people.  At least in Erin’s case, it’s not working.

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