NewWaveJunkie – Erin's Second Biggest Fan

I saw part of a stream not long ago wherein Erin thanked NewWaveJunkie for his continued support and noted that he was subscribed to her channel longer than anyone else.

Erin also recently re-tweeted a Lego set that he made of her.

Thanks again to @newwavejunkie for more LEGO goodness! This time, Mike makes an appearance and I’m sporting my wrist brace (due to carpal tunnel hell lately) on the right!

Is she really doing that now?  Is she really wearing a wrist brace?  It’s definitely time to stop then.  I mean, it’s fake bullshit to garner sympathy, of course.  Nobody gets a wrist injury from playing video games two or three hours a week.  But assuming that it’s real, it’s time to stop.  Your health is worth more than the $200/month or whatever low amount that you’re getting from Twitch and Youtube and Patreon and whatever else.

So I checked out this guy’s Twitter.  He really likes Lego.  And video games.  And female retro video game “Youtubers”.  And Star Trek.  But mostly Lego.  And he lives in the great state of Texas.

He doesn’t mention his relationship status but we can all probably guess.

Lego.  A lot of Lego.  This is a grown man, presumably.

Hey, I bought a few Lego sets a few years ago.  I was intrigued after purchasing them for a family member for Christmas.  I played with Lego as a kid.  I wanted to see what the new sets were like.  I wanted to get a big set, something I never got as a kid.  And I was putting this together again just the other day, such was my boredom from this coronavirus nonsense.

I enjoyed it.  But I don’t plan on spending any more money on this.  And if you’re trying to get a date, forget it.  Having a Twitter feed filled with almost nothing but Lego shit is a surefire way to maintain your sexual abstinence.

He also re-tweets EVERY tweet by Erin.  And some tweets by Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining, Bobdunga, Daria Plays RPGs, and Hungry Goriya.  No other “Youtubers” get a mention, as far as I can see.

Not interested in any male “Youtubers”, NewWaveJunkie?  Why not?  Some of them do pretty good work.  Some of them might even be as good as Erin.

He’s jerking off to this.  That’s why he’s watching these videos.

He’s also really interested in Black Lives Matter.  He doesn’t actually express his own views, but he sure enjoys re-tweeting other people’s shit.

Oh.  Here’s a blunder.

I’m just going to put this Cat Stevens video right here.

Turn in your SJW card, NewWaveJunkie.  That man hasn’t been called Cat Stevens in FORTY YEARS!  How dare you talk about Yusuf Islam like that.  You don’t get to name him.  Respect his Muslim faith, you fuck.

Oh, some re-tweets about Lego supporting Black Lives Matters.  A great synergy of NewWaveJunkie’s two current obsessions.

I thought that that second one was a joke.  It’s Lego asking stores to stop advertising police and White House Lego sets.

Are the Lego police brutalising the citizens of Lego Land?  Is that what’s being implied here?

I did always find it disappointing that the Lego City sets were largely police and firefighting shit.  There’s more to a city than that.  But that’s what the kids want to play with.  And let’s not fool ourselves.  Lego is for children.

But it’s ridiculous.  They have fucking pirate themed sets.  And these clearly aren’t modelled on the gentlemanly corsairs and buccaneers of the late 16th century.  These sets are based on the cut-throat, murderous Blackbeard type pirates of the early 18th century.  We’re supposed to be glorifying this?

Anyway, who gives a fuck what Lego thinks?  Sell your over-priced plastic trash that will never biodegrade in a million years.

I’m supposed to take my opinions on important social matters from a fucking billion dollar a year multi-national corporation?  I mean…let’s at least hear the debate.  What does Hasbro think about Black Lives Matter?  Does Mattel have a view?

It reminds me, I was on holiday at some exotic locale.  I saw signs throughout the city stating that Burger King supports homosexuals.  Well…okay.

So I stopped in one of these establishments and they were handing out rainbow crowns.  And there was a group of girls really excited to get these rainbow crowns.  They were too old for this but they were wearing them “ironically” and I guess that they considered themselves to be lesbians or whatever.

It was nearly enough to make me spit out my Whopper in disgust.  Nothing about this appeals.  You have a giant corporation whose sole interest is making profit.  They make this profit by selling hamburgers.  Billions of them.  You can talk about greenhouse emissions, you can talk about the lives that these cows have, you can talk about how little the farmers are making, you can talk about how many mom and pop diners were put out of business, the list of atrocities is endless.

But through a slick marketing campaign, this multi-national corporation is telling you, the consumer, that they really care about homosexuals.  And people buy it.  Let’s all go to Burger King and get our rainbow crown.  Burger King really knows what it’s like to be a homosexual in this shit fucking country that I was in.  They understand my troubles.  Not like those homophobic fucks at McDonalds.

Is anyone’s mind being changed by Burger King “supporting” homosexuals through this cynical marketing campaign?  Well…I do like their fries.  So I guess that I like dicks in my ass now too.

Anyway, back to NewWaveJunkie.

There’s really not much more to say.  All of his tweets for the past couple of weeks have been about female retro gaming “Youtubers”, Black Lives Matter, and Lego.

This is obviously somebody with serious problems.  He’s a giant nerd, really lonely, looking for some female companionship even if it’s just on Twitch, for money.  “Hehe…here’s my Lego diorama of you, Erin.  I hope you like it.  Maybe sex later?”

He’s a loser.  A giant loser.  He deserves pity.  But instead, Erin takes advantage of him.  She knows full well that this guy is a colossal nerd and almost certainly never went on a date in his life.  But he’s paying her, so she pretends to be his friend.

These are the people watching Erin’s streams.  Giant nerds like Shishi and NewWaveJunkie.  People who have never even spoken to a woman before.  People who don’t leave their parents’ homes.  People without jobs.  People without any social skills.  People who need a team of psychologists working on them for many years to try to turn them into a somewhat normal, functioning adult.

Erin is taking money from these very vulnerable, pathetic people.  A normal person would feel bad about that but Erin doesn’t give a fuck.  She’s only interested in advancing her own agenda.  Same reason she’s using Mike.  She doesn’t care about other people.  She lacks any empathy whatsoever.

And what’s the payoff?  $100/month from Youtube.  So it’s not even working.

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