Bobdunga going hard on Black Lives Matter now

Remember a couple of months ago when Bobdunga couldn’t shut the fuck up about Kobe Bryant?  Well, she has a new obsession now: Black Lives Matter.

There’s always some hyped up media shit that people get worked up over.

I’ll go on record as stating that I’m opposed to police choking people to death.  But what the fuck is putting a “BlackLivesMatter” hashtag in your Twitter name going to do about it?

And it’s ENDLESS tweets about how she’s black.  Like this one:

I am Black: 1. Despite other poc invalidating my experiences and not accepting me into black circles because im mixed 2. Despite being told i dont “act black enough” or fit the standard of “token black sidekick” by white people

Im black and proud of it

One of her parents is Indian.

But nobody cares.  If you want to say that you’re black, fine.  If Madam Fomo can say it, I think the door is open for just about everyone.

HAHA.  I’m sorry.  I’m just skimming some other tweets.  She re-tweeted something saying, “BLACK MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS”.

Anyway, media hype.  You know how everybody cowered in their homes over a bad cold?  And the whole world was shut down?  It’s media hype that allowed that to happen.  People just bought it without thinking.

Now coronavirus seems to no longer be a thing.  People are allowed to gather in large groups and protest.  Nobody is worried.  No arrests are being made.  Wasn’t congregating in large groups made illegal because of coronavirus?

The media just moved on to the next thing so everybody forgot.  When the media moves on to the next thing again, people will forget about police brutality.

It’s the same with Bobdunga and her brief obsession with Kobe Bryant.

I got an email from my girlfriend, who’s an actual black woman, about this business and she even referenced that guy in a park who had the police called on him for telling a woman to put her dog on a leash.

First of all, of course that woman was wrong to call the police.  But that guy was an asshole.  When some busybody tells you to leash your dog, the appropriate response is “fuck off”.

But because of media hype, that’s another thing that people got worked up about.  Justice for that asshole who went around telling people to put their dogs on leashes.

What is emailing going to do?  What is Tweeting going to do?

“Oh, Bobdunga made a series of angry tweets.  We better change our whole culture of policing.”

Why wasn’t Bobdunga concerned about police brutality a month ago?  She didn’t know about it?  But now she can’t shut the fuck up about it.

And of course, this happened in the US and Bobdunga lives in Canada.  I’ve read stories about protests in the UK about this, in spite of the fact that the UK police don’t behave anything like the police in the US.  The police in the US are openly corrupt and violent.  You don’t see this in the UK.

People will just move on to the next hyped up media story and nothing will change.  So why waste your fucking time posting endless Tweets like a crazy person?

How about taking a stand against the everyday tyrants that you run into?  Your school, your boss, your landlord?  Actually, I suppose that none of those apply to Bobdunga.  Maybe that’s part of the problem.  She has no channel to focus her outrage on.

I have stories for days of these petty tyrants who I’ve taken down.  Banks, utility companies, nerds on Reddit, you name it.  Plus schools, bosses, and landlords.

Twenty years ago, I left the US over crippling, non-dischargeable debt from a shit university.  I can either pay that shit off the rest of my life or I can move.

So I’d tell people this.  “You deadbeat.  You should pay your bills.”  Americans in particular were brainwashed into this thinking.  So I learned not to tell anyone.

Now it’s mainstream.  Now presidential candidates are saying that this is all a scam and the debts should be eliminated.  Now I’m a hero.

So I tell my girlfriend about this.  She’s completely unimpressed.  “Lots of people move.”  “Have you moved?”  “No.”

Employment agencies.  They dominate the market in the UK.  I hated them from day one and always treated them with complete contempt.  I always tried to find a job directly with the company.  I was able to do this a few times.  The last time was over ten years ago.  I saw the job advertised on the agency’s website, they never got back to me, so I did some sleuthing to find out who the company was.  This company got back to me in five minutes and asked me to come in for an interview.  I’ve been doing the job for the past 10+ years.

So I’m talking to my girlfriend about this.  She’s been a “temp” for the past 15 years with these employment agencies.  I’ve told her dozens of times that she should have a job directly with the company by now.  She didn’t even know that it was possible.  But she’s still a temp.  She doesn’t give a fuck.

But ask her about Black Lives Matters, and she’ll have some strong opinions.  On something that actually affects her life, like a parasitic agency taking a huge cut of her wages for 15 years, she doesn’t care.  But she reads about something happening in the US, she’s all over that shit.

I had a landlord do some really, really shady shit so I took steps to stop that landlord from doing this shady shit.  Everybody I spoke to said, “No, no.  You should let the landlord do that.  It’s their property.  Aren’t you concerned that you’re going to get into trouble?”  Fuck no.

I told my girlfriend about what I did.  “That’s a terrible situation but I wouldn’t have done that.”  Of course you wouldn’t have.

So I took this landlord to court.  Represented myself.  Totally vindicated.  Large judgement in my favour.  No problems after that.

If I can do all of this as an immigrant, what excuse do natives have?  And that’s just three of many stories.  I don’t take any shit.

But you get these people who get worked up over every media hype story and all the while, they’re accepting the injustices that actually happen to them on a day to day basis.  Bobdunga doesn’t have a fucking job but she’s concerned about Black Lives Matter.  At least until the new media hyped story comes out.

It’s a distraction.  Focus on your life and the real life tyrants who are trying to give you shit.  If everybody behaved like this, the world would be a better place.

Oh, also Bobdunga was really concerned over how JK Rowling said that “people who menstruate” is a stupid term.  It’s not?  But the media says that it’s a thing that people should be really outraged over, so of course, Bobdunga obliges.  Hehe.  Re-tweeting a picture of Daniel Ratcliffe doing a double middle finger.  That will show JK Rowling!

And look at this.  Bobdunga re-tweeted a gif of “Stone Cold” Steve Austin giving a stunner to somebody and the text is “Stone Cold Steve Austin to all of the racists right now”.  What the fuck does any of this have to do with racism?  And I’m pretty sure that it’s fucking the Rock who he’s giving the stunner to.  The Rock has black ancestry.  So this is a white man giving a black man a big wrestling move and that’s…what’s the point of this again?  You’re going to stop police brutality with confusing wrestling gifs?

Oh, it was Scott Hall.  A man who played a Cuban character.  I guess that’s okay then.  Cuban brutality.  But yeah, the comments are full of confused people.

Get a job, Bobdunga.  Move out of your mother’s home.  Get your mental health shit together.  This would be truly empowering.  Take a stand against the injustices that actually affect you and that you have control over.

Or just follow the media hype train and waste your life.  What’s next for Bobdunga?  Hong Kong?  She’s going to get worked up over China doing something to Hong Kong?  Whatever the media tells her to do.  Hong Kong Lives Matter.  Where’s that gif of Hulk Hogan body slamming Yokozuna?

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