Q&A: The WORST Games We PAYED FOR / Gaming Guilty Pleasures / Best Switch Shooter / Rune Factory 5 – Ircha Gaming


I saw that Ircha Gaming replied to some banal Madam Fomo tweet with her own banal tweet so I thought I’d check her channel out again.  Still…really weird that other gamer grrls are interacting with Madam Fomo.  It’s not much different from gamer grrls who interact with Erin Plays, I guess.  They’re both in similar professions, if you catch my meaning, *wink wink nudge nudge*.

So I found this fucking question and answer shit with her lesbian friend.  At least I think it’s her lesbian friend.  In previous videos, this friend would be wearing a shirt that would say, “I’m gay.  Get over it” or something similar.  I’m not even exaggerating.  So that was clearly her lesbian friend but I’m not sure if this is her lesbian friend or not.

By the way, Ircha Gaming is almost certainly a lesbian herself.

Oh yeah.  This is her lesbian friend.  I probably should put “friend” in quotes.  We all know what I mean.  Or am I being too subtle?  I THINK THAT THESE TWO LADIES ARE IN A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP!

Oh, you know what?  This explains Ircha’s fondness for Madam Fomo.  She’s a member of the Fomo Fam for the same two reasons as everyone else.

So on to the video.  Oh fuck.  Are these just going to be video game questions?  I hate this shit.  Are her horny “fans” this fucking stupid and boring or did she just not choose any non-“gaming” questions?

“Do you like video games?  What’s your favourite video game?  You ever play a video game while naked?”

I DON’T GIVE A FUCK!  There’s’ not a single person ON EARTH who I want to know what his/her favourite video game is.  What are you going to do with this knowledge? 

Oh.  James Rolfe likes Dr Mario.  Huh.  That really gives me an insight into who he is as a person.

1:45 – Oh finally.  A non-gaming question.  “Put these things in your preferable order: eat, sleep, sex.”

I’m surprised he was able to type so well with one hand.

3:45 – “How are you two?”

Why even read it?  Why write it? 

5:15 – What is your favourite anime?

These fucking nerds.  I’m waiting for a question written entirely in Klingon. 

8:00 – Some dumb music question. 

8:45 – “As a result of your illness, what position do you play video games in?”

What illness?  And who gives a fuck?

10:45 – Some weird anime/lesbian question.

And Ircha’s “life partner” here answers “Ircha” to every question.  She’s clearly the “woman” in the relationship.  Ircha seems quite butch, actually.  She looks feminine, of course, but she behaves quite aggressively.

But these fucking questions.  Am I so out of touch?  Is this what normal people actually want to know?  Or at least the normal nerds who submit questions to “gaming” Youtubers? 

This is fucking trivial.  Video games, anime, what are your six favourite breakfast cereals?  I don’t fucking care. 

Maybe it’s me.  And I say this genuinely.  Maybe I’m weird for wanting to ask deeper questions.  Hopes, dreams, mental health stuff, how much are you making from Youtube, do you have a job, relationship questions, cultural questions about Norway, where do you see yourself in five years.  So even job interview questions are more interesting to me than these fucking video game questions.

And it’s not that I don’t like video games.  I just don’t give a fuck what video games other people enjoy.  And I’m not super into games.  I’m not getting the latest titles.  I’m not waiting for any upcoming releases.  I’m not reading “gaming” news.  I just fucking play a handful of games and sometimes a new one enters the rotation.  I’m not a fucking nerd about it.

But maybe video game nerds want to know this sort of video game minutia.  But more than wanting to know more about Ircha Gaming as a person?  It seems weird to me. 

And of course maybe Ircha Gaming wouldn’t want to divulge personal information about herself.  I can appreciate that.  But it’s just not interesting to me.  These fucking video game questions.  I could not care in the slightest.

2 thoughts on “Q&A: The WORST Games We PAYED FOR / Gaming Guilty Pleasures / Best Switch Shooter / Rune Factory 5 – Ircha Gaming

  1. nerds are utterly inept at interacting with women. let alone attractive ones. so you're going to see all sorts of idiocy and inane queries when they are given the chance to voice their thoughts. they all want to present themselves as nice and sensitive as possible, completely overlooking the fact that these women are sick of all this gratuitous flattery and apple polishing. you could ask them some really interesting questions from a range of topics. regarding this particular invidivual, you could ask her about her take on current events, greta thonberg, women's rights in western europe, religion, feminism etc. at least this would pique people's real interest, as opposed to the same old 'omg, she replied to my question. i think she likes me'

  2. Bobdunga and Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining also did Q&A's recently and it was the exact same thing. All video game questions.This is a topic that Erin should steal. But don't invite stupid video game questions. I'd have a laundry list of probing questions for her.

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