Streets Of Rage: The Complete History – SGR (2020 edition) – Daniel Ibbertson [featuring Erin Plays]

I saw Erin re-tweet this video.  She says that she’s in it.

Oh.  It’s this guy.  I HATE this guy.  I blocked his channel at some point, I hate him so much.  We get it.  You’re English.  You don’t have to use these fucking hackneyed expressions every three words.  Cor blimey, guvnor!

So he’s doing a ONE HOUR video on Streets of Rage.  If I wasn’t so desperate for “content”, there is no way that I would watch this shit.  It seems that he’s doing a documentary style thing like what’s his name The Gaming Historian or whatever does.  The same style.

What’s peculiar is that the Gaming Historian obviously was inspired by 1990s History Channel documentaries where they’d have various people do the voice overs for historical quotes.  Like the narrator will be talking about the SS or something and then suddenly a quote from Hermann Göring will appear on screen and a different person will read the quote.

The History Channel did this all the time.  That was their style.  And Gaming Historian just ripped it off.

But were History Channel documentaries shown in the UK?  I don’t think so.  So this Daniel guy just ripped off The Gaming Historian, who himself was ripping off The History Channel.  It’s annoying.  It’s an annoying style.  That’s why I don’t watch The Gaming Historian’s videos.  Now I have to suffer through this jackass’s video.

Who’s lending their voice “talents” to this thing?

Alpha Omega Sin.  He’s awful.  Didn’t even know that he still made videos.

Joe from Game Sack.  Maybe he got Erin this job.

Larry Bundy Jr.  Oh fuck.  He’s awful too.  Indeed, I thought that this was the same guy as Daniel Whatever.

Ashens.  Also shit.  Basically, all of these English “gamers”, not that Ashens is really a “gaming” channel, are dog shit.  It’s just fucking obnoxious listening to them.  And I say this as somebody who lived in England for ten years.  People don’t fucking talk like this.  They’re not using these stupid fucking English slang words every third word like these idiotic English “Youtubers” do.

And Ashens has the added “bonus” of sounding like a posh homosexual.

Then Kim Justice, again…fuck, I won’t even get into it.  This guy makes some decent videos but he has some real problems and again with the stupid English slang every third word.

Then you have a bunch of nobodies who I never heard of like Down the Rabbit Hole, Matt Muscles, Game Dave, Patman QC, Retro Man Cave, Top Hat Gaming Man, and My Life in Gaming.

And the final nobody is Erin Plays.  I think that she has this Daniel guy’s channel in her “recommended channels” section so I assume that she has some relationship with him.  I suppose when things go south with Mike, Daniel might have a shot.  She’d have to be pretty desperate but look at what she’s done already.

So the video.  I’ll just look for Erin’s contribution(s).

Well, he says “john-ra” a lot for “genre”, like James Rolfe does.  It must be an English pronunciation that survives at least in Philadelphia.  Interesting but also annoying.

28:30 – Here’s Erin’s section.  She’s no worse than these other scrubs, I guess.  The voice work was bad.  I’ll just say that.  I’m not saying this to be negative.  It was noticeably bad.  These are not voice actors.

It’s the same thing in The Gaming Historian’s videos.  You have fucking what’s his name…Lazy Game Reviewer or whatever pretending that he’s some obscure Japanese programmer or something.  It’s just not good.  First of all, you know that it’s Lazy Game Reviewer, secondly you know that he’s not Japanese, and thirdly it’s just bad.

There are so many other ways to make documentary-type content.  You don’t need to have z-list “Youtubers” reading the fucking quotes.  If there’s a quote that’s crucial to the narrative, which is extremely rare, just put it on screen with some creepy music.  We can all fucking read.

But then you wouldn’t have an excuse to do some circle jerk promotion for your fellow “Youtubers”.

There’s more to the video, but I’m done with it.  Still, I’m curious to know the gender of the person who Kim Justice read for.  Actually, probably best if I don’t know.  Why work myself up?

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