Tuan X is Destiny Fomo's pimp?

There are rumours that a “Youtuber” by the name of Tuan X is Madam Fomo’s pimp.  Presumably, that would mean that he’s this “Joey” guy who she mentions.  Tuan X’s channel can be found here:


I saw this channel some months ago and indeed, I thought that this was highly suspicious.  Madam Fomo appears in at least two videos.  Here’s one of them:

Best Nintendo Switch Games For Girls? w/ Destiny Fomo


Nothing outrageous happens but they seem very familiar with each other.  And at the start of the video he makes an odd comment like, “All of these Switch games are hers” and points to the shelf of games behind them.  Why wouldn’t these games be hers?

One of the theories out there is that the games that Madam Fomo has on her shelves are her pimp’s and this is all a setup and she doesn’t actually know or care anything about video games.  I don’t know.  She at least seems to know something about video games.  She was able to answer video game related questions during her god awful live streams in a semi-informed fashion.

Also of interest is that Madam Fomo’s “games for girls” were terrible.  Fucking Doom and Street Fighter.  Tuan chose more obvious games: games that have female protagonists and/or are “cute”.

They did another video together here:

Nintendo Switch Lite ASMR Review w/ Destiny Fomo


This one is slightly more peculiar.

It starts with Madam Fomo suggestively stroking a box containing a Nintendo Switch.

Madam Fomo: I’ve been playing with mine a lot.  Have you been enjoying it?

Tuan X: I’ve been enjoying it.

Madam Fomo: First time anyone’s seen my box.

The video is full of sexual comments like this.  I won’t mention them all because I’d effectively have to transcribe the entire video.

At 3:30, Tuan X discusses talking to his fiance about the Nintendo Switch.  He’s clearly talking about Madam Fomo.   And Madam Fomo replies as though he was talking about her.

Let’s just get into it.  Tuan X is a “chocolate” man, as SupaPixelGirl says.  We can all look at the crime statistics for ourselves in terms of the trafficking of women and race.

He seems extremely comfortable with Madam Fomo.  For what it’s worth, Madam Fomo has described this man as a “friend” of hers.

At the time these videos were made, Madam Fomo was engaged to a man she was in a long-term “relationship” with.  If Tuan X wasn’t the man who was engaged to Madam Fomo, would he really speak to her like this?  Would you make a video which is nothing but the exchange of sexual comments for six minutes with a woman who’s engaged to be married?  And would she reply in same?

Also, he says in the video that he has a fiance.  So if this was to a woman other than Madam Fomo, would he speak like this to Madam Fomo and upload the video?  Of course not.  He’d be a total moron to do that.  His fiance would call off the engagement.

Let’s say that he is an asshole and a moron who would do all of this.  Would he also make these sorts of comments to a known prostitute who’s engaged to her pimp?  I mean, that would just be stupid, right?  Pimps are known to use violence to achieve their goals.  You’d be a fucking idiot to make and publish a video like this.  It would potentially be dangerous to your health and well being.

So either this guy is an asshole and a moron who doesn’t mind potentially riling a violent pimp or he’s the pimp in question.

Let’s explore further.  Eight months ago, this guy published a video entitled, “I’m DONE Collecting Games For NINTENDO SWITCH!”


This was around the time that Madam Fomo started making videos on the Nintendo Switch.  Did he just give her the games?  I don’t know what exactly happened but there’s a correlation with the dates.

His final video was released two months ago.  It was called, “How To Go To ANY Convention For FREE! (PAX, Comic Con & More!)”


It’s some shady shit involving credit cards that has absolutely no connection to “gaming” conventions.  I didn’t watch the full video but what he’s describing was clearly not something that any reputable person would do. It’s some sort of pseudo credit card scam, if not an outright credit card scam.

Two months ago, Madam Fomo began changing her channel, making it overtly sexual.  She released the video where she declared that she doesn’t have a gaming channel, it’s a “whatever I want to do” channel.  And what she wants to do is sell sexual content.

This man also closed all of his social media accounts, presumably about two months ago.

Also of note are the dates when they started their channels.  Tuan X started his channel in 2010 but his oldest video is from four years ago.  That’s probably when he started making videos.  Madam Fomo started her channel four years ago and that’s also when she started making videos both on Youtube and Twitch.

There are also great similarities between the two channels in terms of content.  They both focus heavily on Nintendo products.  That’s not too weird.  Many people enjoy Nintendo.  But they also both heavily feature professional wrestling and comic books.  It would seem that Madam Fomo and Tuan X have nearly identical interests and produce nearly identical content.

The more you look at it, the more apparent it becomes that this guy is Madam Fomo’s fiance and pimp, the mysterious “Joey”.  This might also explain why Madam Fomo always said that Joey didn’t want to appear on camera.

So yeah, I’m going to say that Tuan X is clearly behind Madam Fomo’s videos.  He’s telling her what videos to make, he’s telling her what to say.  She’s a puppet for this guy to make some money from Youtube and Twitch and OnlyFans and whatever else.  So he’s pimping her out in that sense.  But of much greater significance is that this guy is pimping her out all over the world in the literal sense.

I’m not one for wild accusations but this is clearly the situation.  You know who could confirm?  KidShoryuken.  He says that he met Madam Fomo and her fiance.  He posted a video just yesterday where he mentions Madam Fomo.


He shows off some Switch games and his schoolboy haircut.  Nice.  He also says that he “teaches” English.  That job must pay WAY more than I thought it did.

But do your civic duty, KidShoryuken.  You’re in Japan, they’re not going to come after you.  Men profiting off of the sexual exploitation of women is not something that anyone should be condoning.

2 thoughts on “Tuan X is Destiny Fomo's pimp?

  1. This article’s claims are baseless, racist, and misguided. I’ve been with my wife for over a decade, and we’ve been married since 2020. My collaboration with Destiny Fomo was purely professional, sparked by shared gaming interests. Your assumptions ignore my wife’s clear presence on social media, including her engagement ring years before I knew Destiny on my wife’s IG. The content we made was purely for fun. Joey isn’t Black, so your racial innuendos are unwarranted. You’re also projecting your insecurities onto people who simply enjoyed creating silly content. I hope you’ve matured since then.

  2. This is fake news. Dude is married with a kid. He just collabed with a content creator with similar interests. It’s not that deep.

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