I Got a Nintendo Switch! (from Destiny Fomo) – KidShoryuken


This is just some nerdy American (I guess) who lives in Toyko.  20,000 subscribers.  The videos are about video games and anime and toys and nerd shit like this.  He also sometimes just walks around his neighbourhood and whatever.

Madam Fomo mentioned him in her videos where she went to Japan.  She spent some time with him.  Whatever that means..

0:00 – You know what I’m reminded of?  The classic 1971 children’s film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

I saw a video once of Peter Ostrum (the guy who played Charlie) giving some kind of interview, as an adult.  He said that when he showed his son the film, the son asked him why he was wearing a wig.  It’s true.  I always thought that his hair was really weird in that movie too.  It was just the style, I guess.

Anyway, it seems that KidShoryuken is trying to bring it back.  I like it.  It’s retro.

He’s also in front of his wall of video games.  That’s a must when you’re making video game content.  Yes, everything is digital now but how is that going to impress anyone?  So break out the physical media.

Actually, I just thought of something brilliant.  If you wanted to impress everyone with your digital gaming library, you could have a greenscreen behind you and project your steam library on it.  It could just be a screenshot showing the number of games that you have or you could be more creative and make a video scrolling through the games in your library.  I noticed that Steam now includes the box art for the games so you could do something with that.

He also has a giant phallic-shaped microphone in front of him.  That’s the mark of quality.  All great Youtubers use a giant phallic-shaped microphone.  HOT!

0:30 – “Some of you may have seen a young lady by the name of Destiny Fomo on this channel a couple of times.”

Wow really?  I’ll have to check that out.  The difficulty is that he posts like three videos a day so there’s a lot to trawl through.

“When she last came to Tokyo, she and I hung out for a couple of days.”

Don’t be shy.  Give us the details.  Hanging out for a couple of days?  This guy must be balling.  How much did that cost?  If she’s $500/hour, let’s say $3000 for a full day.  They usually give a discount for a full day because it’s not like you’re going to be fucking all day.

But…yeah, this guy doesn’t look wealthy.  He’s wearing a beat up fucking “hoodie”.

Does he mention his job anywhere?  I’m not seeing any videos about it.  He probably “teaches” English.

Wait.  Maybe not even.  He has a recent video where he talks about going to college in Toyko.


Anyway, back to the video.

“Did some game hunting.”

What an odd euphamism.

“And other kinds of ill shit.”

Oh.  Say no more.

“It was a lot of fun.  We became fast friends.”

What a sad bastard.  He fell in love with an escort.

And there’s a video of this 250 pound dude, who’s probably about 40, hanging out with Madam Fomo.

0:45 – So Madam Fomo sent this guy a picture of a bunch of a different Switches and told him to pick one.  And he did this.  And she sent it to him.  No charge.

He describes this as “insanely generous”.  But we’re all adults here.  We know what happened.  You spent a lot of money on Madam Fomo.  And as a small thank you, and to encourage you to continue to spend money on her, she sent you a $200 game console.  No big deal.

1:30 – He does mention working.  I’m going to assume that it’s “teaching” English.

1:45 – He mentions Madam Fomo having a fiance named Joey.

Yeah.  Madam Fomo mentioned this guy on a podcast from 2018.  I talk about it here:


He must be her “manager”.  She never mentions this guy on her channel.  Even when she did these Japan videos, this guy was never anywhere to be seen.  She presented that video as though she was travelling alone.  That’s odd.

She mentioned in one of her awful live streams that Joey doesn’t like to be filmed.  I wonder why that is.

2:00 – Madam Fomo and her “manager” also sent him a lot of Slim Jims and other junk food items.  So much, in fact, that even this big fat guy thought that it was too much.  He had to share it with his co-workers.

They also sent him a bunch of games for the Switch.

Let’s analyse this for a moment.  Some people might be saying, “How do you know that this guy spent thousands of dollars on having sex with Madam Fomo?  You shouldn’t make wild accusations like this.”

Why else would he accept these gifts?  If it was really just a matter of this guy going shopping with Madam Fomo and her “fiance” for a couple of days, why would he be okay with accepting $1000 worth of gifts?

I’ve hosted people.  I’ve spent time with people visiting the country.  Not once did anyone offer to give me $1000 in gifts as a thank you.  Maybe I’m not as good a host as this guy.  Or, more likely, it’s because I wasn’t having sex for money with these people.

And if somebody did offer such a gift, I would say, “What are you fucking crazy?  I’m not taking this.”  It would be insulting.  I’m showing somebody around the city because I’m a good host, not because I’m trying to get a Switch and a picnic basket full of shitty American snacks.

I’ve also gone to other countries and had somebody show me around the city.  Not once did I offer to get them $1000 in gifts.  I give them SOMETHING but it’s not $1000 worth of shit.  Not even close.  Maybe I’m a cheap bastard or maybe it’s because I’m not having sex for money with these people.

What makes sense is this guy dropped, say, $10,000 on Madam Fomo, maybe her “fiance” watched, and then Madam Fomo and/or her “fiance”, who have a lot of money, gave him $1000 worth of shit as a thank you.  $1000 to them is nothing.  That guy probably has a number of women working for him.

5:00 – “The generosity of this was mind-blowing.”

Well, it certainly does raise questions, doesn’t it?

6:30 – “You may or may not know Destiny here on Youtube or on Twitch.”

Or on OnlyFans.  Or you may know her as “Rose” on certain other sites.

Oh.  I found this video where he goes shopping with Madam Fomo.  I only watched it for two seconds.  It is some creepy ass shit.  But I’ve already gone on too long so it will have to wait for another day.

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