DestinyFomo's Onlyfans

This is shameful.  Well, knowing what she does for a living, it’s not at all unexpected or remotely outrageous.  But to the masses of people who, for whatever baffling reason, DON’T know what she does for a living, this would be considered shameful.

She disabled thumbs up because she’s a coward.  I mean really, who gives a fuck if people give your video thumbs downs?  But she can’t even accept thumbs down.

This is a remarkably thin-skinned sex worker.  Think about the stuff that she has to do.  She has that Amazon wish list that’s full of children’s toys.  How much embarrassing shit are her clients asking her to do?  Putting one of those inflatable sumo outfits on and doing whatever.

But she can’t take thumbs down on Youtube.  That’s too far.  Everyone has their limits.

So in her previous video, she implored you NOT to go to her OnlyFans.  It was a ridiculously thin ruse to advertise her OnlyFans.  She also advertised on her Twitter and presumably her Instagram.

Apparently this wasn’t enough so now she’s making a Youtube video openly advertising her OnlyFans.  Let’s check it out.

0:00 – Oh, a foot of cleavage showing.  That’s unusual.  Those lights must be really hot.  That was actually the excuse that she once gave for why she wears so little clothing.  The lights are too hot.  The stupid shit she comes up with.  She has the intellect of a child.

“I didn’t want to make this video because I didn’t want to give the wrong idea and that idea is that in order to support this channel you have to support my OnlyFans.”

She muddles her words like this a lot but basically she’s suggesting that there are people out there who want to support her Youtube channel (whatever that means) and…in order to do that…they think that they have to sign up for her OnlyFans.

Nobody on earth is doing that.  First of all, I don’t even know what she means by supporting her Youtube channel.  Leaving thumbs up?  Commenting?  What the fuck?

But then she apparently thinks that there’s somebody out there who’s such a rabid supporter of her Youtube channel that they also want to subscribe to her OnlyFans.  “I better subscribe to OnlyFans or else Madam Fomo will take down her Youtube channel”.  It doesn’t make any fucking sense.  Nobody is doing that.

“My OnlyFans and my Youtube channel have absolutely nothing to do with each other.”

Well, no shit.  Show me the person who doesn’t understand this.  “Oh no.  Liking and sharing is no longer enough.  I also now have to give her $20/month on OnlyFans.  When will it end?  I don’t even like tits.  I just want to listen to her talk about video games.”

“Supporting me on OnlyFans will not help this channel or make it so that I can upload videos every single week.”

Yeah.  We know.  And who gives a fuck anyway?  You decide how often you want to upload.  You could upload every day if you wanted to.  Fucking John Riggs does it.  And doesn’t he have a job?  I know that Madam Fomo also works but I don’t know how many hours a week.

I just thought of something.  Madam Fomo’s day job (or perhaps more accurately, night job) is probably severely impacted by coronavirus.  Quarantining.  Self-isolating.  Social distancing.  These things don’t lend themselves very well to her profession.

Also, people have less expendable income to spend on luxuries like $500/night “video editors”.  So Madam Fomo is hurting.  This explains her sudden desperate shift to OnlyFans.

I actually read an article recently about prostitutes in New Zealand who are no longer able to ply their trade so to make ends meet they started selling nudes to their former clients.  Nearly identical situation.  I wonder if there are more women on MyFreeCams now.

0:45 – She gives you the link to her OnlyFans and it also appears on screen.  Then she says, “Or for those of you who want to hide this from your girlfriend or wife or whatever, you can go to (some alternate link).”

I don’t even understand this.  This other link also looks suspicious.  If your girlfriend or wife is checking your browser history, her interest would be piqued by this alternate URL.

And wouldn’t anyone in such a relationship be smart enough to delete it from their history or use an alternate browser?  And don’t browsers these days allow you to open a private tab?

No, just go to  That will solve everything.  Nothing suspicious about that URL.

1:00 – She claims that she’s making this video because people were trying to share her OnlyFans as a way to “slut shame” her.  Really?

She fucking advertised her OnlyFans in her previous video.  And it’s her pinned comment on Twitter.  And it’s no doubt featured prominently on her Instagram.

I’m beginning to think that Madam Fomo has a troubled relationship with the truth.  And she’s just so bad at lying.  What happened to that fucking comic book job?

Then she spins around and says, “I really don’t have anything to be ashamed of.”

It doesn’t follow.  She claims that she doesn’t want to be “slut shamed” and then she spins around as if to suggest that she has a nice body.  What does one have to do with the other?  You can have a nice body and still not want people thinking that you’re sexually promiscuous.

But of course, Madam Fomo is sexually promiscuous.  I mean, come on.  It’s the nature of her job.  What streetwalker is going to be concerned about “slut shaming”?  It doesn’t make sense.

1:30 – Then she again gives you the URLs.  In case you’re a complete fucking imbecile and missed it when she gave it to you 45 seconds ago.

That’s the video.

Comments are all trash.

So what do you get for your twenty bucks a month?

I do lewds and cosplay no nudes, please check my pinned post for past sets 🙂

Are you fucking kidding me?  You expect me to pay $20/month to see Madam Fomo dressed like some video game character that I never heard of before?  That’s not happening.

You can see these same fucking pictures on her Twitter and Instagram for free.  And I’m not even doing that.  I’m CERTAINLY not going to pay $20/month for the privilege.

At least SupaPixelGirl used REAL nudes (albeit of other women).  And that was only five bucks a month.

This is a scam.  You can’t even read the description without clicking some link.  It’s only then when you see, oh…it’s just her doing cosplay.  Who cares?  Who the fuck is paying $20 to see Madam Fomo dressed as Princess Daisy or whatever?  Fuck off.

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