Some Guys Review Destiny Fomo Videos

Fucking nobody is uploading.  Coronavirus.

Well, that’s not true.  Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining is still uploading on a regular basis but good luck getting through those snorefests.  A fifty minute video on Pam’s X-Box One and PS4 collection?  I’ll get right on that.

Retro Ali hasn’t uploaded in three weeks.  Her “Extras” channel or whatever is still regularly uploading, though.  She’s getting single digit views on those things.  Maybe she can’t upload on her main channel any more due to copyright strikes or something.

I was going to do a post where I chart the downfall of Retro Ali’s channel, doing a graph in Excel showing her declining views and whatever but then I thought, “I know it’s coronavirus season and everything is shut down and there’s absolutely nothing to do, but still…I’m not THAT bored yet.”

So I did some searching for people talking about everyone’s favourite Youtuber cum streetwalker: Madam Fomo

I’m reminded of an encounter I had with such a woman.  It was on a busy street corner in an economically deprived area on the outskirts of London.  And this hideous, drug-addicted woman is just openly soliciting everyone in broad daylight.  Nobody’s taking her up on her offer.  It was very sad.

There was another time, I was walking home from work, again in London, and a man of African Caribbean heritage was berating a young woman of Eastern European heritage.  Again, right there on the streets, broad daylight.  The woman says, “I’ll get you your money” to which the gentleman responds, “Does it look like I need money, bitch?”  God bless multi-culturalism.

Another time, I was in the London borough of Bethnal Green this time.  If you’re unfamiliar with London’s boroughs, that will just sound pretentious but if you’re familiar with the city, it adds to the story.  And one of the most unattractive women I’ve ever seen approaches me, again in broad daylight, and says, “Do ya have a fag, guv’nor?”  I swear to Christ.  She said, “guv’nor”.  I only heard that two other times in my life, and both times, the person was being sarcastic.  So I just said, “No, sorry” and continued on my way.  She laughed.  Then I see some guy approaching and he’s giving me a really angry look.  I don’t know if it was her boyfriend or her pimp but I was insulted that this guy thought that I would be interested in this hideous woman.

Anyway, just a little prostitute *nostalgia* for you.

So Madam Fomo.  There’s a hilarious review here:

It’s from a “chocolate” man, as SupaPixelGirl would say.  A self-proclaimed alpha male.  He couldn’t be bothered to put a shirt on, though.

He describes Madam Fomo as having “big jugs”.  Can’t argue with that.

By the way, some kind of royalty-free hip hop music plays throughout this.

He enjoys the try on hauls and says that it suggests that Madam Fomo has a lot of confidence in her appearance.  That’s one way of looking at it, I guess.

“Her body is banging as fuck”.  Yeah, sure.  By the way, the video is hilarious.  A lot of street vernacular from this gentleman.  I’m hip, dawg.

He also seems to be reading from notes.  I like it.  I like the preparation.  Her probably has some kind of outline:

– Boobs
– Big jugs
– Titties
– Don’t forget to mention the breasts

He says that he wants her to play Madden so that he can, “Bust her ass in Madden.”  Somehow I doubt that Madam Fomo is playing football games.  But who knows?  This guy lives in New York too so maybe one day, he and Madam Fomo can get together and play some Madden 20 or whatever version he has.  Bring cash.

“She even has stuff for like her Nintendo panties and shit like that”.  What true gamer doesn’t?

He says that she plays games that alpha males like him don’t play.  He’s suggesting that there are video games out there that alpha men prefer.  Do you suppose that’s right?  What would be an alpha male game?  Madden, presumably.  First person shooters, maybe?  But I think of that as kind of a nerd, or beta male genre.

See?  That’s the problem.  I consider all games to be the domain of beta males.  Sports games too.

Obviously, some games are more alpha than others.  Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, shit like this, beta.  But are alpha men playing video games?  They’re too busy fucking, right?  Fucking and making that paper.  Cheddar.  Is it still called “cheddar”?

Then he goes on to say that she has nice titties but also a nice “behind”.  And he says this as a self-professed breast man so…yeah.  Even a tit lover like this alpha male can appreciate Madam Fomo’s buttocks.  High praise indeed.

Anyway, the video is pretty funny.  Check it out.  You can also check out his other videos.  Sometimes he’s wearing a shirt, sometimes not.

Then there’s this guy:

He calls Destiny Fomo, “Destiny Porno”.  That’s probably better than Madam Fomo.  I also saw some guy call her “Destiny Mofo”.  That’s good too.  I like the wordplay.

This is another man of African Caribbean heritage.   I don’t know.  Madam Fomo claims to be black.  Maybe she is.  A lot of her “fans” seem to be black.

He issues a challenge to Madam Fomo’s husband.  That’s something that everyone seems to recognise.  Few people seem to understand that she does certain stuff in exchange for money and she has a “manager” but most everyone has a vague idea that there’s somebody behind this.  There’s something not quite right about this.

He talks about Madam Fomo’s weave.  I don’t approve.  Talking about people’s hair is a common thing with black folk.  If somebody wants to weave hair into their hair, that’s their business.  People shouldn’t be shamed for how they choose to style their hair.

This guy also makes liberal use of street vernacular.  Word, homey.

He plays her first try on haul video where Madam Fomo says that the video is for women who are looking for outfits.  He disagrees with this assertion in a hilarious fashion.  Just watch the video yourself.  These two videos are pretty short.  Less than five minutes each.

“And you got one of the worst intros.  Like damn, nigga, that shit’s too loud.”

It’s true.  I made this point recently, although not as eloquently.  It’s fucking hilarious.

He suggests that any woman watching this try on haul video “Probably look like half the dudes that nut to your ass all over the internet.  Bunch of lesbian dyke motherfuckers.”

Again, it’s true.  True dat, if you prefer.

Anyway, funny shit.  Check it out.

Finally, there’s this guy:

He’s a caucasian gentleman, unfortunately, so don’t expect the same Def Jam level of comedy.

He starts by calling her Destiny Homo.  See?  That’s not good.  What makes you think that she’s gay?  Come on.

He check out one of her try on hauls.  “Look at this shit.  What the fuck does this have to do with anything?”  Yeah.  I share his befuddlement.

Then he watches the baffling “Let’s Hang Out (sic) on Twitch” video almost in its entirety.  It’s hilarious listening to his increasing confusion.

So yeah.  That’s a cross-section of the Youtube retro gaming community talking about Madam Fomo.  It’s similar to what I’ve been saying for at least six months now.  So it’s good to see that people reach the same conclusion.

I mean, you look at the comments of Madam Fomo’s videos and you get a really warped view of reality.  She’s clearly deleting “negative” comments.

Can you believe that Erin actually posted on one of Madam Fomo’s videos and thanked Madam Fomo for including her in her list of “Top Gamers on Youtube” or whatever?

Or what about the lengthy exchange that Madam Fomo had with Mike Matei on Twitter?

I think that Madam Fomo is pretty much shunned by the legitimate retro gaming community now.  By “legitimate”, I simply mean people who DON’T exchange certain favours in exchange for money.

I mean, it’s fucking crazy.  How were these people unable to see that Madam Fomo was living a libertine lifestyle?  She had BLATANT videos way back in 2019.  The one where she’s flashing $15,000 in cash while dressed in a PVC outfit?  Come on.  That wasn’t enough of a clue for you?

Now she openly advertises her OnlyFans and whatever.

3 thoughts on “

  1. Great review. Now put it on youtube in your english accent. Read it to me! At least until YouTube slaps your wrist. I suppose you could call her madam fubu and put a smily face over her actual face? Not the tits tho. I mean that's why we are all here anyways right?… right?

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