REVIEW | Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks – Pelvic Gaming

0:00 – FINALLY some more bizarre, sexually-ambiguous, mentally ill bullshit from Pelvic Gamer again.  This time, she’s wearing a train costume for toddlers and the front of the train bulges out and is in front of her crotch.  So she’s simulating having a giant penis.  Because that’s sexy, right?  There’s nothing I like better than a woman with a fat, train-shaped dick.

This woman had a job until recently.  I think just a normal job.  How could she release videos like this and go to work the next day?  “Hey, I saw that video where you dressed up like a man and said that you were going to seduce yourself.  Don’t forget your performance evaluation meeting at 3:00”.

Who is finding this erotic?  Undoubtedly, there are people out there who get off on women dressed as men or dressed in a toddler’s train outfit or whatever.  But how many of these people are there?  It’s such a tiny niche.  Does Pornhub even have a category for this?  Let me look this up.

They do not.  Nothing even comes close.

This is obviously her thing.  She likes to pretend to look like a man.  Oh.  Strap-on.  Surely there’s a strap-on category.  Let me check again.

There is but nobody seems to be wearing a toddler’s train costume.  From a quick perusal, they all seem to be wearing just your normal, every day, phallic-shaped strap ons.

She really has problems.  How is she ever going to find a job with videos like this out there?

Then she talks about the horny loser who gave her the game to review.

Then she plays with this toddler’s costume like it’s a penis.

It’s disgusting on multiple levels.

2:15 – Then she cuts to her “collaborator”.  Hello, Mr Gay Man.  Peanut Butter Gamer or something.  I never heard of this guy but he has two million subscribers.  He’s about to float away at any second.

You know what the young people today seem to enjoy?  Flaming homosexuals with Justin Bieber’s 2010 haircut who yell at video games.  There’s fucking loads of these people.  Identical content, identical haircut, identical effeminate mannerisms.

So let’s see what Liberace over here has to say for himself.

Uh huh.  Well, he’s certainly loud.  And animated.  And everything is to die for.

3:30 – After that unpleasantness, we’re back to Pelvic Gamer with a sort of jarring cut.  And she blows an invisible train whistle.  She did this earlier in the video but I just ignored.  But now she does it AGAIN so I have to mention it.  It’s stupid.  Really stupid.

4:00 – Then an even worse transition back to Rudolf Nureyev, minus the talent.

I’m not here to body shame anyone but this guy really needs to eat something.  This is unhealthy.  This isn’t natural slimness.  He’s counting calories.  He’s doing aerobics.

4:30 – He gets overly excited over something trivial and says, “Look at me, mom.  I’m playing a video game.”

I have no doubt that this grown man is very close to his mother.

6:45 – After Pelvic Gamer does her thing, we’re back to Richard Simmons.

You know, it’s actually refreshing listening to Pelvic Gamer in this thing.  Because she’s in such contrast to Tinkerbell over here.  He can’t tone it down.  He’s always in children’s tv presenter mode.

Hey.  I’m an adult.  Just speak to me like an adult.  You don’t have to camp it up.  How do you like the fucking video game?  Is it good or no?  Tell me why.  Not difficult.

7:30 – Pelvic Gamer refers to a character as a “BDSM, furry rabbit man.”

Okay.  I don’t know why anyone would describe the character as such but I’m just glad not to have to listen to Jim Parsons for a little while.

No, that’s a bad one.  Yeah, Jim Parson is obviously gay but not nearly flamboyant enough to compare to Peanut Butter Gamer.  Let’s just go with Elton John.

8:15 – Interesting pronunciation of “laborious” from Pelvic gamer.  I suspect that she’s only seen that word written.

Also, a lot of needless low-level profanity from Pelvic Gamer.  I know that I say “fuck” or a derivative about 30 times in each review but it’s just off-putting when women use profanity.

9:00 – Back to Boy George.  “The overworld music is soooooo good.”

Calm down.  This isn’t a big, juicy cock that we’re talking about here.  It’s just video game music.  Relax.

It ends with RuPaul giving his opinion on the game.  The game is *fabulous*.

Actually, no.  The TRUE ending is watching Pelvic Gamer dancing in her phallic-like toddler’s costume.  Then she shows off the “penis”.  Then she strips out of this thing.

TWO MILLION subscribers for this guy.  How many of them do you suppose are over the age of 10?

Maybe I was a weird kid but I never liked this shit.  I never liked adults speaking to me like I’m an idiot.  And that’s what these camp homosexual children’s tv presenters always do, that’s what so many of these camp homosexual “gaming” Youtubers do, that’s what camp homosexual elementary school teachers will do.  It’s just bad.

I mean, if you’re a camp homosexual, that’s fine.  But why are they so heavily involved in presenting children’s tv shows, “gaming” Youtube channels, and elementary schools?  Why can’t we have some real rugged manly men in these arenas?  They can still be gay.  Get some big bears in there.  But it’s always the camp homosexuals.

I don’t get it.  It must have an effect on people, especially for children who don’t have fathers.  You’re growing up and you think, “Okay, I guess this is how men behave.  They mince about.  That’s how they are on tv, that’s how they are on Youtube, and that’s how they are in school.”    It’s unfortunate.

I worked in some schools for special needs children and I’d see some of these male teachers.  They were straight.  They were straight, masculine men.  But when they’d speak to these children, they’d camp it up.  Why?  Speak to these people like normal men.

Maybe I’m missing something.  Maybe this is what the kids want to see.  The guy has two million subscribers.  He must be doing something right.

But if you’re an adult man, you can give Peanut Butter Gamer a wide berth.  Absolutely unwatchable for anyone who’s reached puberty.

– “That looks like a strapon, especially when you call in “‘Pelvic train'”

Thanks for explaining.

– “Oh man I lol’d so hard with that intro”

Pelvic Gamer replies, “Imagine how hard I laughed putting it on! Lol”

Both of these losers are using “laughter” as a euphemism for masturbation.

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