
It’s Retro Ali doing the :O face.

This thing has nearly 15,000 views.  For comparison purposes, Madam Fomo’s video about OnlyFans, which was released on the same day, has 10,000 views.  Madam Fomo has five times as many subscribers.

Retro Ali’s previous video, which was some kind of “scholarly research” video on Pokemon, is currently at 787 views.

Retro Ali has 19,000 subscribers.  That suggests that almost all of them watched this :O video and virtually none of them watched this more cerebral video.

This is what her “fans” want to watch.  They want to watch a young woman making the :O face.  They’re jerking off to this.  She knows this.  That’s why she makes these brainless videos.

She made a “reaction” video once, a few years ago, it really took off, and she’s been doing these “reaction” videos ever since.  She did nothing but “reaction” videos for years.

How easily amused does somebody have to be to want to watch this trash.  John Riggs cited Retro Ali as one of the top ten hottest babes on the internet.  So he obviously “enjoys” the videos.  With his pants around his ankles.  But I don’t get it.

If you want to watch a video where a woman makes faces like she’s getting fucked in the ass, why not just watch a video where a woman actually is getting fucked in the ass?  Are there people out there who want to see a woman looking like she’s getting fucked in the ass but don’t like actual ass fucking?  I guess but how many of these people can there possibly be?  At least 15,000.

One guy in the comments actually time stamps the few seconds where Ali is making the :O face and says, “Oh my god…oh my god” like she’s getting fucked in the ass.  There’s no question that this is pornography.

Retro Ali does not have a job.  Her “about” section reads, “I’m a full-time content creator”.

It must be disheartening that she makes these little documentary type videos and nobody watches them.  But she makes weird nerd porn and she gets relatively huge numbers.

She’s something of a dimwit, to put it mildly, so she perhaps doesn’t care too much.  But this is just pathetic.

Oh, she mentions her mental health problems on her “community” tab.  “Took a mental health break from Youtube”.

Anyway, her videos are complete dog shit and I’m putting her back on the “do not review” list.


  1. Her documentary type videos, are thee only videos I like. It's a shame they don't get much views because that's some of the better content on the channel. But the reaction videos I just can't stand I don't need to see her making that face and forced reactions and barely sounding coherent, as if doped up on drugs. no offense to her, but I just don't see what anyone sees in the reaction content.

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