NES Variety Stream! Sword Master, Toki, Antarctic Adventure and more! – Erin Plays

0:00 – “So this is what I wanted to do today.  I couldn’t decide what to stream so I was like, ‘Let’s just do an NES variety stream.  Those are always fun'”.

Laziness combined with a complete lack of knowledge about video games combined with a complete disinterest in video games.  With these “variety” streams, she can just play the first level of a game (the easiest level, of course) say that it’s cute or that it sucks or whatever, and move on to the next game.  That’s why she does this.  

“Somebody suggested Sword Master.  I never heard of it.  Mike never heard of it either.”

She just had to add that Mike never heard of it either.  

0:15 – “So I’ll try it out and if it sucks, we can move on to something else.”

Exactly as I said.

1:30 – “These are not cute NES bats, are they?”

Hmm…90 minutes of this.

She has no clue what she’s doing either.  She gets hit a lot and she stands still while mashing the attack button in spite of the fact that the game requires more finesse.  It’s one of these annoying games with “smart” AI where the enemies block and stay out of range and whatnot.  She doesn’t get it.

2:15 – “Come on.  Let me hit you.”


3:15 – Weird edit.  Why does she do this?  Now I have to check the original.

Well, at least I can read Shishi’s comments now.  “yay a good Erin stream to start the week off RIGHT (weird emoji face).”

 She cut out stuff from the beginning too.  She talks about her hair colour.  The horndogs all talk about how much they like her hair.

She talks about Halloween.  She’s excited for Halloween.  What 31 year old woman isn’t?  We can all look forward to her “sexy” costumes on stream again this year.  

Last year, she actually suggested, totally seriously, that she was going to dress up in costumes on stream outside of Halloween.  That is some serious desperation.

Then she says that she hasn’t been steaming lately because of her allergies.  There are fucking treatments for this.  There’s medication.  Go see a doctor.  

Why doesn’t she do this?  Because it’s all made up bullshit.

Then she’s back to her hair.  “I’ll stick to red because as lame it sounds, it’s kind of my ‘brand’ at this point.”

It’s lame alright.

Then it’s back to Halloween.  “At least on my side of the country, it’s getting a little cooler, thank god.”

“The East Coast”.

“I like winter here because I learned that winter on the East Coast is the only time when my allergies aren’t totally destroying me.”

It’s just so terrible.  It’s complete shit.  Who wants to listen to this?  

Even if the allergies were real, which they aren’t, who fucking cares?  Play the game.

Ktrain39 says, “Isn’t it kinda brutal during winter in Pennsylvania???”

So that answers the Pennsylvania/New Jersey question.  

 Then she tells a story about how she went to Coachella (some music festival, apparently) and it was 117 degrees and she passed out.  

Then Shishi gets really horny and says, “you passed out? D:”  Ohhhh…if only I was there with a passed out Erin.

Then we’re back to where the Youtube video started.

Now I have to find where this second edit was…

Okay.  So she dies and then says, “I hate when games give you a countdown.  There’s no reason unless it’s an arcade game.  Maybe it was an arcade game.  I don’t know.  Maybe you guys know.

The bold part was removed from the Youtube video.  How petty is this?  

Then Shishi says, “uh oh this one is HARD D:”

That’s not all that’s hard.  But yeah, fuck Shishi.  He’s a fucking moron.  

Sergio says, “how are you, Erin? how´s your health?”

These fucking idiots.  They don’t know that this is all fucking fake?  How is it possible?  They must know but they just play into her lies to try to curry her favour.  Oh, yeah, you’re a real gamer, Erin.  Oh, yeah, you really do have a lot of health problems, Erin.  Anyone who doesn’t believe you is an evil person.

Then there’s shit tier gameplay.

Then she dies again.  

And again.

“I think we can beat level 1.  Let’s beat level 1.”

Then we’re back to the Youtube video.

Why edit this out?  Why go through the effort?  Yeah, it’s shit tier gameplay and dumb commentary.  How is that any different from what she leaves in?  

She dies again.

8:30 – She dies again.

How to describe this?  This is stupid.  This whole thing.  Why play a game for the first and last time?  Really poorly.  Who would want to watch this?

And this is what she does.  This isn’t a one time thing.  This is every fucking video.

9:00 – Mike yells “fuck”.

9:15 – “Thank you, Sergio.  You just watched my E3 video?  I have yet to watch that in its entirety because I was just so…oh my god.  It’s just awkward.  That was my first time doing anything like that, obviously, so I was just like ‘uhhhh.’  And it was just so fast.  There was like no prep time.  It was just like, ‘There you go’ and I was like ‘ahhh.  Hey everybody.  I’m Erin Plays.’  Oh my god.  It was funny.”

This is just more puzzling behaviour.  I can understand it being awkward and unpleasant and not wanting to watch it.  Why put yourself through this?  For $100/month?  I think she was actually making $50/month at the time.  And she has no fucking interest in video games.  It’s crazy.  Why?  What’s the point?  What is she getting out of this?  Why torture yourself?  Why torture the viewers?  

Anyway, Sergio mentioned that he was watching the video because it’s basically him saying, “Hey, I was jerking off to you.”  And he gets off to that.  He gets off knowing that Erin knows that he jerks off to her.  

Then Erin starts talking about the game that Mike is playing.  She never played it before, of course.  But she compares the game to Gradius, a game that she played on stream, for money.

11:30 – She finally kills the level 1 boss and is surprised.  She wasn’t looking at the life meter.  If she was, she would have seen that he was down to 1 bar of health and she had like half of her life left.  So it shouldn’t have come as a surprise.  But she never looks at the life meter in any game because she’s completely unfamiliar with how games work.  

12:30 – “Sergio says, ‘Say hello to my sister.’  Hi Daniella.  Thank you for watching with Sergio.”

She is so fucking creeped out by this.  As she should be.  But she still continues.  

Why not block that guy?  He’s fucking mentally ill.  Why continue to take money from this weird, obsessed degenerate?  It’s disgusting.  

These are the people giving her money.  If she blocked all the weird, obsessed degenerates, she’d have nobody in the chat.  It’s not like Sergio and ShiShi and NewWaveJunkie are the exceptions.  They’re all like these people.  Go to the fucking chat and read it.  It’s creepy as fuck.  

Watching this fucking video with his sister.  “Here’s this girl who I jerk off to!”  What the fuck is going on in the Sergio household?  Why would his sister agree to watch this?  Why would he suggest it?  It’s vile.  

Who talks about their favourite porn stars to their sister?  Because that’s effectively what he’s doing.  “Man, Candy Cantaloupes was really something.  Want to watch Boobarella with me?”  

But Erin continues to talk to him, she continues to take his money.  It’s no problem.  These sick fucks who will never get girlfriends and have no idea how to socialise in anything even approaching a normal fashion.  

And why…I mean…then a little while later, Erin repeats a kind of sex joke from the chat.  So…I don’t even know what to say.  Forget about the fact that Sergio is obsessed with Erin.  Why would a brother and sister watch a video game stream together where she makes sex jokes and everyone in the chat is obviously all horned up?  Wouldn’t this be uncomfortable?  

And it’s like 99% guys in the chat.  Women are not interested in Erin’s shitty streams.  So forget all that other stuff, why would Sergio’s sister be at all interested in watching Erin’s streams AT ALL whether with Sergio or by herself?  

This is a guy who has invited Erin to come visit him in Argentina.  This is a guy who’s in every single one of her streams.  This is a guy who earlier in the stream talked about how much he “enjoyed” her E3 appearance (which was LAST YEAR, by the way).  And now he’s watching with his sister.  

Even if we ignore the sexual element, it doesn’t make any sense and it’s unpleasant.  If Erin had any sense of morality whatsoever she would have said, “Oh, you’re watching with your sister, Sergio?  Cool.  Banned.”  But she just can’t resist that five bucks a month that he gives her every month to “subscribe” to her channel.  

And five bucks a month is probably a fair amount of money in Argentina.  

Let’s check Numbeo.  Go with Buenos Aires.  Yeah, the average price of a one bedroom apartment in the city centre is $253/month.  That’s really cheap.  Let’s compare this to Philadelphia.  $1,650.  

A one way bus ticket in Philadelphia is $2.50.  In Buenos Aires, it’s TWENTY-EIGHT CENTS!

Boring grocery store food is about 80% cheaper in Buenos Aires.

You can get a meal at McDonalds for $7.75 in Philadelphia but it’s only $4.69 in Buenos Aires.

Average monthly salary in Philadelphia is $3,250.  In Buenos Aires, it’s $500.  

Now, Erin could only dream of making $500/month.  But to most Americans, that’s really, really low.  And she’s taking $5/month every month from this guy who lives in a third world country and is getting paid accordingly.  She has no problems with this.  This mentally ill guy who’s obsessed with her and is watching her stream with his sister.  That’s all cool in Erin’s world.

Then after Erin’s weird sexual joke didn’t land, there’s another weird edit.  You know what?  Fuck this shit.  I’m done.  I have better things to do than waste any more time on this vile psychopath..  

6 thoughts on “NES Variety Stream! Sword Master, Toki, Antarctic Adventure and more! – Erin Plays

  1. There's another one of Erin's “fans” who's up there with Shishi and Sergio in obsession with Erin, his username is duo_decimus. I checked out her stream the other night and a notice came up in the chat that said he's gifted 35 subs in her channel. That means he's spent at least $175 on her at this point. Can you even imagine? He's also in the chat for every one of her streams buttering her up. So pathetic.

  2. Oh yeah. I see him in the latest video. I'd like to do more reviews on her loser fans but most of them don't have any information attached to their profile. This duo_decimus guy just seems to play a lot of Tetris. And he sucks at the game.

  3. This is pretty funny stuff man. Especially if you know all the parties involved and the screenslobs. Mike screaming like a mental patient in the next room is crazy ,what is he 15 years old?

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