REVIEW | Parasite Eve II – Pelvic Gaming

0:00- Jump scare.  But she’s doing this intentionally.  She thinks that people are tuning in to see her cool hair and makeup.  Uh huh.

There’s not a doubt in my mind that these grossly unappealing, borderline racist, hair and makeup combinations are driving more people away than they’re attracting.  

It’s just the unfortunate reality.  Unattractive people get fewer views.  And she’s not an attractive woman and then on top of that, she goes out of her way to look even less attractive.  This is not a good strategy.

You take somebody like…what’s his name…that fat English guy in a dress.  I can’t remember his name.  But he doesn’t appear on camera because he knows full well that he would lose viewers by doing this.  People don’t want to look at him.  I’m sorry.  

I’m no Brad Pitt myself but that’s why I’m not on Youtube.  Well, that and I have a job.  And dignity.  

I remember reading an article many years ago about an unattractive woman who got more responses to her dating ad when she didn’t include a picture than when she did.  This was before Tinder or Plenty of Fish or any of that shit.  This was back when you would just put a dating ad on Craiglist or whatever.  Sometimes they had pictures, sometimes they didn’t.  

So then she’d talk to these guys for a while before exchanging pictures.  And she says that she had more success with this method than if she put the picture in the ad.

It’s true.  You get to know somebody a bit, they seem like a cool person, you might become a little less forgiving of their appearance.  A teeny bit.  But every little bit helps.

Frankly, I think that Pelvic Gamer could benefit from not appearing on screen at all.  Like Hungry Goriya.  Especially if the alternative is this fucking clown shit.  

So anyway, this video.  It’s the usual vulgar Pelvic Gamer shit.  She said “fuck” or a derivative six times.

10:30 – She gives us an update on what we can expect in 2021.  She needs a break.  Then she lists games that she did reviews of recently that she didn’t like.  

So she needs a break.  For one or two months.  From making weekly videos about video games.  

I mean…she can do what she wants.  This isn’t a job.  Is it?  I think that she had a job.  So whatever.  But to suggest that this is a chore…I don’t know.  Maybe it is a chore.  So just stop entirely.  Or make videos on something that you’re interested in.

I put this in contrast to somebody like James Rolfe wanting to take a break.  Youtube is his job.  And he works something insane like four hours a week.  You need a break from a four hour a week job?  And he’s getting a fair amount of money from this.  And he’s offloaded this entire “workload” to Screenwave.  What the fuck is he doing all day?  Playing with his excrement?

But if Youtube is your hobby, as I have to assume it is with Pelvic Gamer, she’s not making anything from this shit, then whatever.  Do what you want.  I don’t care.  

Let me check SocialBlade.  I haven’t done this in a while.

Yeah, she’s making like $950/year.  I mean, come on.  I wouldn’t put a video out every week for $950/year.  So how can I begrudge anyone for saying, “Fuck this.  It’s not worth it”?

So enjoy the break Pelvic Gamer.  Take all the time you need.  If two months isn’t enough, take four.  

Then come back refreshed, full of creative ideas, and start putting out GOOD content.  That’s a crazy idea.  

What are some popular Youtube trends?  Oh, boxing.  Why not try that?  There could be like a gamer grrl fight club.  It doesn’t have to be super competitive where people might get hurt.  In fact, some kind of foxy boxing would probably get more views.  Like this shit:

Personally, I’d prefer competitive bouts.  I mean…I’m trying to think who would win in a fight.  There’s no real standout.  

I suppose SupaPixelGirl has the weight and craziness advantage but I don’t even really count her as a gamer grrl.  She’s too busy losing grip on her sanity to post Youtube videos any more.

You have to assume that Madam Fomo has been in some fights.  Prostitutes fighting each other.  I think it’s fairly common.  And maybe with clients.  Maybe with her pimp. 

So anyway, that’s my idea.  It’s sure to get views.

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