Nintendo Power Stream! Volume 22 – Erin Plays

She must think that people will watch anything.  Well, let’s get to it.

This stream is from weeks ago so it’s no longer on her Twitch page.  What is she hiding?  She edits stuff out for these Youtube videos but…why?  Why go through the effort?  It’s all shit anyway.  

0:30 – “I’m blanking on this guy’s name right now”.

She’s talking about the robot on the cover from some game called Metal Storm.  She played the game once, on stream, for money.  Well, that would explain why you don’t know his name.  I don’t remember details from games that I only played once either.  Nobody does.

1:00 – “I just drank a Red Bull”.

She seems to do this a lot.  She always seems to need energy to get through these games that she hates so much.  

How many calories are in a Red Bull?  110.  There are 140 in a can of Coke.  So that’s perhaps part of the picture for why Erin seemingly gained weight.  

I remember in a stream, Mike was talking about how he started drinking Diet Coke.  This was after he had gained considerable weight and people on Reddit were calling him fat.

No.  That’s not how you do it.  Water.  Zero calories.  As much as you want.  Go nuts.  “But water is boring.”  Well, you have two options: you can exercise some self-discipline or you can be a big fat ass.  Which do you want?

1:30 – “I was subscribed during the N64 era…briefly.”

This was after some dude asked her about a Dragon Warrior promotion and she had no idea what he was talking about.  It makes sense.  That probably took place before she was born.  But yeah…briefly a subscriber.  How do you suppose that worked?  One year is the usual minimum term.  Maybe she got like a free trial subscription, she got one or two magazines, and then her parents found out and said, “What the fuck?  You’re not interested in video games.  Why are we getting these?” and cancelled the subscription.

2:00 – Oh fuck.  Annoying video game music is going to play throughout.  I’m hearing the Tiny Toons song now.  Hey guys!  Remember Tiny Toons?

Yeah, I remember, Erin.  I was like…12 when it was on.  So you were like 2?  You remember Tiny Toons from when you were two years old?

I have absolutely no *nostalgia* for things that happened before I was…I don’t know…8?  I mean, I don’t really have many memories from before I was 8.  And I certainly don’t have any *nostalgia* for things that happened before I was born.  

But we have Erin, once again, pretending to be *nostalgic* for shit that happened when she was in diapers.  Why?  Is 80s *nostalgia* more profitable than 90s *nostalgia*?  Bobdunga trades on 90s *nostalgia*.  People do it.

Wait a minute.  How old is Bobdunga?  Her Twitter name is Bobdunga92.  She was probably born…son a bitch.  She’s doing it too.  Bobdunga isn’t old enough to be *nostalgic* for 90s shit.

It’s just crazy.  It would be like me saying, “Hey guys!  Remember the Tet Offensive?”  No.  That happened ten years before I was born.  I don’t remember it.

Hey guys!  Remember the Evel Knievel Stunt Cycle?  No.  That was from the 70s.  I was born in the late 70s.  I never had one.  I never saw one.  I never heard anyone talking about this thing.

Hey guys!  Remember The New Adventures of Mighty Mouse and Heckle & Jeckle?  No.  I was a toddler when that cartoon was cancelled.  I have no memories of it whatsoever.

But I’d go on Youtube and make videos about how *nostalgic* I am for these things.  These things that are from before my time.  It’s ridiculous.

By the way, these are Mike’s Nintendo Powers and she’s really manhandling them.  Bending the pages, pushing down on the spine, shit like this.  She has no desire to keep these in near mint condition.  There goes Mike’s retirement plans.

3:00 – “Princess Tomato, I’m excited to see what’s going on there.”

She’s going through the table of contents.  Princess Tomato is a game that she played on stream, for money.

3:45 – “”What previewed game was I most excited for that ended up being cancelled?”

This was a question from the chat.  She has no answer.  So she just comments on his answer of California Raisins.  She says, “I still need to play California Raisins”.  Oh.  So you never played that one before either.  Well, there’s always the opportunity to play it on stream, for money.

And then yeah, she has no answer.  She repeats that she subscribed “briefly” during the Nintendo 64 era and doesn’t remember any games that were advertised that didn’t come out.

Well…that’s what happens when you’re not remotely interested in video games.

I couldn’t answer the question either.  I wasn’t some fucking nerd who was buying video game magazines and keeping up with the “gaming” news.  I would just go to the store once in a while, check out the boxes, and pick up whatever.  

But I’d be honest with the viewers.  I wouldn’t try to bullshit my way through.  Erin had four games as a child.  I mean come on.  She had no fucking interest in this shit.  And she still doesn’t.

4:00 – “So do you guys want to go through the mail poll because…you know…there’s always some goodness in here.”

Umm…no, that’s okay. Let’s move on.  

Sadly, she doesn’t.

4:45 – It’s a letter that references the Mickey Mouse Club so Erin gets excited and starts talking about Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears and shit like this.  It’s fucking brutal.  Just make videos on shit that you’re interested in.  Disney and 90s pop music.  Why subject all of us to this video game farce?

5:00 – The guy mentions getting a tour of “NOA” and Erin has NO IDEA what he’s talking about.  She stumbles over the letters and then moves on.

Now, I have no fucking interest whatsoever in Nintendo and never have.  I had a Gamecube but that’s the only Nintendo console that I ever had.  And I bought that as an adult and only had like four games for it.  

But it only took me about a second to figure out what “NOA” stands for.  Erin was completely clueless.

6:45 – “Oh, the Tom Hanks movie?  Well, I’ve never seen that.”

I don’t know what movie she’s referring to but I think any Tom Hanks movie fits here.  She never saw any of them.

Oh, she mentions the piano scene so I think it’s Big.  She never saw it.  Of course.  She’s an extra-terrestrial trying to behave like a human.

7:15 – “You want this robot?  I have this guy somewhere.  He’s in a box somewhere.  He came out recently from RetroBit.”

Oh.  Yet another stealth commercial for RetroBit.  

Now, I have no interest that anything that RetroBit sells.  But even if I did, I would never purchase anything from them based on Erin’s endless stealth promotion of this company.  They give her some free shit that she doesn’t even want and that’s enough to completely buy her off.  “Oh, thanks for this plastic shit that I don’t even want.  I’ll be sure to mention your company in every fucking video.”

8:00 – “It’s a bitch of a game but that last level…”

Then she starts going on about that one time in her life that she played this game.  It was on stream, for money.  But she’s talking about the game like she’s a fucking expert.  It’s fucking infuriating.

Then she references McKids, another game that she played on stream, for money.

Am I the only seeing this?  Let me check SocialBlade.  It calms me down when I see just how little money she’s making from this fraud.

About $190/month from her main channel.  $45/month from her second channel.

That’s more than I expected.  For a long time, she was making $50/month from her main channel.  Now she’s making about $250/month from Youtube.  

Still, you figure a job at Taco Bell is going to be…7.25/hour…that would be about 35 hours of work.  A full week.  That’s shocking.  Can it really be that low?  I used to me $7.25/hour.  Yeah, I guess.  This was like 20 years ago, though.

So I don’t know.  Would I rather work in a hot environment and get mistreated by customers and my boss for $1000/month (working 40 hours a week) or be a fake gamer grrl and get $250/month (working two hours a week)?  

Obviously, you’re making more per hour as a fake gamer grrl but if you have bills to pay, forget it.  You can’t live on $250/month.  Plus, it’s far more degrading than working at Taco Bell.  At least at Taco Bell, there’s opportunity for advancement.  It’s also something that you could put on your resume.  You can’t do that with fake gamer grrl.  

But if you’re just leeching off of Mike…well, why work at all in that case?  I’d say, “Fuck it.  I’m not working.  You take care of the bills, Mike.  I’ll just sit at home and look pretty.”

So we have another…90 minutes of Erin looking through this Nintendo Power.  Do I want to watch this?  No.  No, I don’t.  I just did some skimming.  It’s just…it’s just Erin talking about games that she played on stream, for money.  And presenting herself as a super gamer grrl.  I mean…it’s insulting to the intelligence.

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