Nathan Barnatt is Kind of a Douche

And when I say “kind of” that’s me being polite.

Remember that bald guy from that god awful AVGN Christmas episode where they just broke shit?  No, I don’t mean James Rolfe, I mean the other bald guy: Keith Apicary.  Well, it turns out that this is just a character name.  It’s a character played by the greatest actor of our generation: Nathan Barnatt.  Or at least that’s what Nathan Barnatt would have you believe.

I was watching this video about how he got a hair transplant:

And he keeps going on about how he didn’t do it for vanity purposes, he has a high opinion of himself, he thinks that he’s a really hot guy, et cetera.  Well, okay.  So why did you get the hair transplant?  He just wanted to see how it works.

Really.  Couldn’t you just read some articles in academic journals?  It’s just bizarre.

“And it wasn’t even that expensive.  I just sold my BMW to pay for it.”

I don’t understand how this guy has so much disposable income but whatever.  He can’t be this out of touch, though.  Most people can’t sell their BMW to pay for hair.  

And he keeps promoting his channel called Dad or something.  “It’s the best work I’ve ever done.”  Yeah.  So better than that obnoxious Keith Apicary character you play in your Youtube videos?  Super.

He also talks about how compulsive he is.  He got this hair transplant on a whim.  He also moves on a whim.  And takes trips abroad on a whim.  And buys Faberge eggs on a whim.  He’s just a whimsical guy.  A real free spirit.  He enjoys pissing his money away.  Money that I can’t even understand how he’s accumulating.

You go to his channel and his videos are getting 15,000 on average.  These are Erin Plays numbers.  But he has eight times as many subscribers as Erin.  So the percent of people watching this shit is way lower than with Erin.

He had a podcast that he did with, I guess, his brothers called My Own Brothers.  Well, at least one brother.  It’s some other bald guy who looks like him.  These got even fewer views than his usual bizarre “content” so it seems like he’s stopped doing these.

Here’s an hour long live stream where he talks about how he’s moving out of Los Angeles.  I don’t know why.  I’m not watching this.

But he talks about how he wants to have a boxing match with some “Youtuber”.  He’s not sure who.  

22:00 – Somebody suggests that he should box Justin Silverman.  That’s an idea, I guess.  What about John Riggs?  

But Mr Barnatt is surprisingly vain so he works out a lot.  I can’t find the video now but he did some video where he talks about how he wanted to get back into shape over the lockdown.  And in the “before” part of the video, he already has a six pack.  

Here’s a live stream of him working out:

For a 40 year old man to look like that, he has to work out quite a lot already.  But he wants to be even more muscular.  Why?  

This is extreme vanity.  By the way, I’ve seen no references to any girlfriend or wife.  Draw your own conclusions.

He has another channel called Dad.

He regularly promotes this channel.  Surprisingly, it has almost as many subscribers as his main channel.

I have no idea what it is.  Some avant-garde shit that’s just beyond my comprehension, I guess.  

He seems to be promoting a lot of “merch” in these videos, though.  I understood that much, at least.  Get your Dad t-shirts and whatnot.  Sure.  Who wouldn’t want that?  

He has a lot of songs on there too.  Like this one:

It’s not him singing.  Or playing any instrument.  He has nothing to do with these songs.  But he has a lot of them.  You can purchase three albums.  He helpfully links to where you can buy these albums.  

Maybe this is where James Rolfe got the idea from.  It’s a very similar marketing style.

But yeah, this Dad shit…I don’t know what it is.  

You go to his Wikipedia and it seems that he was in some mainstream tv shows.  I don’t know how big the roles were but good for him.

I don’t begrudge him but everything he does screams “I am an art-eest.”  That’s obnoxious.  

And everything he does is unwatchable.  I couldn’t watch one fucking video.  And a lot of this shit on the Dad channel is like three minutes long.  I couldn’t do it.  I couldn’t watch ten fucking seconds.  

That AVGN video was horrendous.  Maybe the worst AVGN of them all.  And I’m including the Screenwave era in this.  

But whatever.  He’s apparently making money from this baffling “content”.  

Wait.  What?  I’m just checking out SocialBlade.  It’s a little suspicious.

He had a spectacular January for that Dad channel.  Stagnant growth for two years, maybe 1,000 or 2,000 new subscribers a month, and then 125,000 new subscribers in January.  Then it’s back down to low numbers in February.  Interesting.

He’s getting about $14,000/year from that channel and about $10,000 from his main channel.  I assume that all of that “merch” and “super chats” and mainstream jobs really bumps these figures up.  How else can he maintain such a lavish lifestyle?  Selling the BMW for a hair transplant and all the whimsical trips abroad and whatnot.  And of course living in fabulous Los Angeles, although he’s no longer living there.

James Rolfe possibly stole this music video idea from this guy so maybe he’s going to steal the hair transplant idea next.  

The catty homosexuals on Reddit regularly give Rainmain shit over his hair.  Personally, I don’t care.  I mean, it looks bad and he should do something with it rather than continue with this hair in a can system that’s been using but it’s a personal matter.  

As for Nathan Barnatt…terrible, terrible content and an unpleasant personality, both the fictitious one and the real one.  But good luck with it.  He’s somehow making money from this.  It beats working for a living.  I guess.  Maybe it doesn’t.  But this is what he’s decided on.

24 thoughts on “Nathan Barnatt is Kind of a Douche

  1. The catty homosexuals on Reddit regularly give Rainmain shit over his hair. lol.not to feed into that reddit, but james is clearly embarrassed by his hair loss. a lot of men go through it and embrace it. it's at a point in life where you realise that you can't be known only for being the bald guy, you need to have something else going for you. become proficient at whatever you do, learn a foreign language, get professional certificates, work on yourself harder etc. of course, all this means more effort, and that's maybe the reason why this prospect doesn't appeal to him

  2. Yeah, he's embarrassed. That's why he always wears hats and uses that hair in a can system.The difficulty is that he's 40 years old. At this point, who cares? He's not trying to pick up chicks.If he shaved it, at this late stage of the game, it would be kind of vain. And if he got a hair transplant it would definitely be vain. So the only non-vain option is to continue as he's doing and look like Larry from The Three Stooges.

  3. Hater. I mean like look at this guy he litteraly dances in underwear in random ass places. This blog was such an over kill on this guy. Just let him be.

  4. Your obsession with this guy is frankly bizarre. This post reeks of insecurity and self loathing. Good for him that he can afford to live the lifestyle he does

  5. This is insane. The fact that you don't like the content he does is one thing, you didn't even watch most of his videos as you mentioned. But there are many people who like what he does, his characters and the videos.Fyi, it IS him singing the songs on the Dad channel and these songs also connect to the whole story that's going on there. You just don't seem to get it so if you don't like to watch this kind of stuff it's totally fine.For the people who give it a chance, there's much more behind it than it seems at the beginning and he's really putting much effort into it.Maybe watch his livestreams and hang out with him to see for yourself what kind of person he is. He might do some crazy stuff at times but he's probably one of the most honest and real individuals you might encounter on YouTube. Just see for yourself.

  6. “I wrote one article on him” Bruh you wrote an ARTICLE on him. Safe to say you most definitely care. “I'm not jealous of his income, but look AT THESE GRAPHS ABOUT HIS INCOME”.

  7. This article is based off the authors interpretation of Nathan based off a few videos. I’m sorry senpai didn’t notice you, and I’d bet you’re on of his many thirsty fan girls that he didn’t pay enough attention to. This post is sad and honestly reflects badly on you, I’m sorry he hurt you but this is cringey and embarrassing.

  8. Either this “article” is a joke or the author has some real issues. I don't even know who this guy is but I can tell you're very jealous of him. All you're doing is saying “he acts, he works out, he is proud of his body that he works for, he has fans, he's going to box someone, he has a YouTube channel, blah blah blah” and none of it makes him sound bad? It definitely makes you sound jealous, though, if that's what you're going for. If your don't like the guys streams or his YouTube videos you don't have to watch them. I think what bothers you is not his content, but the fact he's more successful than you and he doesn't need to make toxic “articles” to do so. Get a life and get over yourself. Also, I barely know who Nathan is so don't try to just chalk this up to an angered fan. I don't even need to know who he is to see the toxicity of this, nor to see how purely opinionated it is as well.

  9. Woooow this “article” is wack. You sound really jealous of Nathan lol. Who gives a fuck if he tried hair plants and got into better shape than he was. Good for him. And why cant he

  10. the fuck did i just read? saw the boxing match and went down some crazy rabbit hole and ended up here? the fuck? hes a funny dude and had made a nice little niche living for himself. helps hes living rent free in this chicks head haha

  11. The internet worships the c0ck of any weirdo or psycho, act like a cartoon character and literally 10 million children will worship you like a god. This Nathan guy is extremely annoying I agree

  12. “Dad” is a calculated move to become a parasocial father figure and his “zany crazy” style are a calculated emulation of slapstick designed to make him seem interesting. Add to that the fake interest in retro games and you have the trifecta. The whole thing is see-through. He's always struck me as a fake faggot, just like that other bald cunt Brental Floss. It was people like that who ended up killing nerdcore. It's always people like that, bottomfeeding parasites, who kill any incipient subculture. And they end up surviving while the true innovators die. Where's MC Frontalot these days? Where's Duane and Brando? Nobody knows who the fuck they are. But this Apicary shithead is still out there polluting the airwaves. Good grief. Of course he's from LA too. Faggot.

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