Another Fat White Guy Visits Newt Wallen and PVC Bondage Guy

0:00 – This is Neil. He’s a big Newt Wallen fan, apparently. Says that he regularly talks about wrestling in Newt’s Discord hoping to woo PVC Bondage Guy. He’s Canadian, I think. He travelled from Canada for this. He’s about 400 pounds.

5:00 – Newt is telling a story about the time he filmed a “movie” with Ron Jeremy, Lexington Steel, and the black guy from Love Boat. PVC Bondage Guy doesn’t know who this Love Boat guy is, not having been born when the show was on.

Was Newt even born then? Was I? Let me look this up.

Wow. 1977 to 1986. That’s later than I thought. I know of the show but I don’t think that I’ve ever seen an episode. I wasn’t in the proper demographic.

Then Love Boat: The Next Wave in 1998 and 1999. I remember that but I never watched it.

Anyway, Newt can’t even fit on the couch with this fatass here.

And this guy is here because he wants to have sex with PVC Bondage Guy. Do you suppose that she offers this service? I wouldn’t be surprised. A hundred bucks and you can do whatever. She’s earning every penny of that having to be with these losers.

10:45 – Shout out to my complaint about Newt and PVC Bondage Guy sharing the same beverage container.

11:00 – Then Newt says something like he can’t post on Facebook because “crazy face is back at it”, which I assume is a reference to me. He says that there’s somebody contacting people who he worked with and doing something.

Newt, get it through your thick fucking skull. I am not doing that. And if it’s anyone who reads this, please refrain from harassing Newt Wallen and do something productive with your life. I do not support this pscyho shit.

13:15 – PVC Bondage Guy is talking about she “barely bit” this fat guy and she was throwing him around. So yeah, this is a sex thing. They’re getting fat nerds to pay PVC Bondage Guy for sex.

15:00 – Newt is talking about how he’s making his shitty movie for that autistic guy who gave him money.

21:30 – Newt is talking about how three of the four prostitutes who he has for this shitty movie that he’s doing are “redheads”.

24:30 – PVC Bondage Guy is yelling at the ladyboys for “spoiling” a wrestling show from 1997.

27:45 – PVC Bondage Guy talks about how she “code switches”, by which she means she sometimes uses the German word for things. Umm…okay. Let’s just pretend that the crazy lady didn’t say that.

31:30 – PVC Bondage Guy talks about how he flashed his breasts during a recent stream and this is now Patreon-only content. Yeah, that’s what we want to see. A man’s breasts. The guy sitting next to her has a real pair on him, by the way.

I’m turning this off. I’m at 40:00. It’s a fat guy talking to a whore and whatever the fuck Newt is about professional wrestling from the 1990s. WHO CARES? Newt, you have to up your game.

He had a desperate video recently. Where is it? Ah, here.

“Let’s get wet.” He’s got another red-haired prostitute who he wants to show off.

“I’m Mel Heflin. You might know me from such movies as…”

No. Madam. Join us in the real world. NOBODY has seen these “movies” that you claim to have been in. And doing an impression of Troy McClure is not helping.

“Speaking of Swamp Zombies 2, that’s where I met…Newt Wallen.”

She had to stop think what his name is. They’re real friends.

“And speaking of Newt Wallen, I’m pretty sure the guy’s a genius.”

It’s just a prostitute enabling Newt’s delusions because she’s trying to get money out of him.

“I love all of his scripts.”

Uh huh.

“I heard he wrote me an underwater scene.”

Yeah. Sounds like a really great script. An underwater scene, you say.

“So be on the lookout for Amityville Pool Toy Massacre.”

You mean this “movie” that’s being bankrolled by a fat, mentally ill, retarded ladyboy who goes to Newt’s channel? THAT’S the “movie” you want us to be on the lookout for?

Will we get to see this fat whore underwater?

You know, I’m reminded of a documentary I saw about a hippo defecating underwater. I don’t remember the context but there was a hippo swimming underwater, as graceful as a hippo can be, and just a cloud of shit coming out of it’s ass. There was a reason that they were shooting this. Some kind of animals were attracted to the poop.

Maybe Newt can plagiarise that scene for the “movie”. Have this woman taking a dump underwater and there’s just a cloud of grass-filled stool coming out of her. I’ll tell you one person who would buy it: James Rolfe.

Let’s look this fucking whore up. See if we can find some candid pictures of her that accurately reflect her appearance.

All I’m really seeing is her Instagram which has highly staged photos. But even these betray her rubenesque physique.

I wonder if that hippo documentary is anywhere.

Well, there are a surprising number of videos of hippos defecating but none are the video that I saw. I think that it was a documentary on BBC with David Attenborough.

3 thoughts on “Another Fat White Guy Visits Newt Wallen and PVC Bondage Guy

  1. What is worrying is that this fat guest looks younger than them. I mean, I can understand about the generic John Riggs they’ve had before, being from the “Nintendo” generation. But this guy is not like them, he should be doing something else with his life.
    By the way, why is Newt mentioning the blog, in reference of Facebook? I don’t think I’ve read anything about his Facebook contents, here on the blog.

    1. I think he said that he was 33. So older than PVC Bondage Guy (27 or 28) and younger than Newt (early 40s). I don’t even know if this guy is into video games. Newt isn’t a video game channel. This guy likes wrestling and PVC Bondage Guy’s mental illness caused her to suddenly like professional wrestling about a year ago so that’s the connection. Although, he seems too young to know much about 1990s professional wrestling.

      And no, I don’t write about Newt’s Facebook and I don’t go to his Facebook but the allegation is that somebody is writing shit on his Facebook and calling his employers and whatnot and he thinks that it’s me. It’s somebody, I’m sure, but it’s 100% not me.

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