Why Star Ocean: The Second Story is the BEST JRPG on PS1 – CannotBeTamed


Why the provocative title?  That’s just your opinion, man.  Don’t tell me that Star Ocean is objectively the BEST game.  I think that the all-caps “BEST” is what put me over.

Is she still doing her makeup channel?  Mmmmm…marginally.


Pretty low views.  But I was looking for people to write about and all of the popular women on Youtube do makeup videos and shit like this.  They’re all also young, exceptionally attractive women.  This is what people apparently want to watch.  

And it can’t be mostly guys.  Why would a guy watch a video about makeup?  These are overwhelmingly women who are watching this shit.  Or girls.

As far as the popular “gaming” women on Youtube, it’s all Minecraft.  And the stuff is completely unwatchable.  It seems to be geared to five year olds.  Aphmau is a good example.


I defy any adult to watch any of that shit for more than ten seconds.  But she has 10 million subscribers.

This is what you have to do to get views.  Either be smoking hot and do make up videos or do Minecraft videos for toddlers.  

But Pam doesn’t like advice.  As here:


Some guy tells her that she shouldn’t appear in the videos so much.  He wants to see a game review, not fucking Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining.  Then Pam gives her usual shitty reply because she doesn’t know how to speak to people.

Then she continues her bizarre rant in like five subsequent tweets.

The horntards put her on full blast.  One guy says, “I’d suggest putting a tad more “pizzazz” & enthusiasm into your speech”, which is hilarious.  She’s the biggest fucking bore on earth.  So she replies with, “What exactly about what you’re responding to made you think I was interested?”

The guy was obviously trying to be polite, because he’s a fucking horntard and he’s trying to get something going with her, and she still gave a shitty reply.  

Another guy says, “that’s… not how it works at all. The majority of movie watchers dont make movies themselves and yet can form opinions on what they liked and disliked and what they could have done better. This person simply stated they came to the video and wanted a type of content.”

And another, “You subject yourself to feedback when you post content to a public forum. Can’t be upset when you disagree with someone”

These are all the top comments, by the way.  I don’t know if Twitter has a like/dislike thing or what.

– “Harsh reaction IMO. He could have left out “nobody watches…” but he was giving his opinion as a viewer. Your audience. Just saying that he likes to see video of the game being reviewed as it’s being reviewed. I agree too. Show the game more then anything. I don’t get the anger.”

What’s not to get?  Pam is an angry, lonely, 40 year old lesbian.

– “harassing this guy for giving some honest feedback? what a bunch of ignorant trolls. Wow”

For what it’s worth, I found his comment to be condescending.  But he’s fucking retarded.  All of these people are.  That’s why they’re watching your horrendous videos.  He doesn’t know how to speak to people.

And Pam, of course, likewise has no idea how to speak to people.  This is why she’s fucking her dog now.  Dogs are less discriminating.

She actually posted this on Twitter.  She wasn’t happy with just leaving an angry message to this guy on Youtube.  She had to post it on Twitter as well to get some positive feedback from the horntards.  Horntards who she all hates.  And a lot of them weren’t playing along.

She’s losing subscribers with her horrendous attitude.  She’s a horrible, horrible person.  Who the fuck would want to watch videos from such a person?

Well, I’m obligated to do it so let’s check out the video.  Briefly.

Fuck, I’m done.  2:47 is my official stop time.  It’s just the usual boring as fuck Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining video.  But she’s also reviewing a boring as fuck JRPG.  That’s a big no from me.  I had to actually kick Pelvic Gamer out of my review rotation because I was so sick of these tedious as fuck JRPG reviews.

When is somebody going to take up my topless game review idea?  You release one version of the video as normal, on Youtube, and then a special OnlyFans version where it’s the exact same review but for the parts of the video where you appear on screen, you’re topless.  You’re telling me that this wouldn’t create a buzz?

Nobody else is doing this.  It would be innovative.  

Why isn’t Madam Fomo doing this?  It’s a natural for her.  

And you need to get in on this quick.  I read that OnlyFans might be shutting down their porn content.  I know that the initial crisis has been averted, but there’s still talk that this is going to happen, perhaps imminently.  

What is Madam Fomo going to do when that happens?  She’ll be back on the streets.  Well, I’m pretty sure that she’s already doing her night job.  I don’t think that it ever stopped.  It might have slowed down because of covid, and that’s why her pimp told her to do OnlyFans, but she was still seeing clients.

So Star Ocean.  It’s probably pretty good.  Check the game out, if you want.  But for the love of Christ, don’t waste your time on Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining’s coma-inducing video.

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