Whore Gets Called a Whore and Caves Immediately – Destiny Fomo

This is fucking hilarious. There’s Whore Fomo doing a striptease at Disney World, little kids are running past, there are kids in strollers, whatever. Adults are looking at her like, “What on earth is this whore doing?” But she’s totally oblivious to how a normal person reacts upon seeing a whore behaving like a whore.

So some woman approaches her and and asks her when she’s going to finish this video. This woman, rightly, descibes Destiny Fomo as “nasty”. It’s the epitome of nasty. Behaving like a whore in Disney World? She’s advertising some “bikini stream” in this video.

This woman tells Whore Fomo off and Whore Fomo just takes it. She takes it all like it’s some john fucking her up the ass. She doesn’t like it but that’s all that she’s good for.

Then Whore Fomo just say “okay” and quickly puts her stuff in her bag and scurries away. She was PETRIFIED of this woman. Clearly.

Only later did she upload this video and call this woman a “Karen”. Because Whore Fomo is a total coward.

Why didn’t she say anything when this woman was speaking to her? Why didn’t she stand up for herself? “Hey, lady, I’m just doing a striptease in Disney World for some horny retards. Relax.” Nothing like that. Because that would have required an ounce of confidence, self-respect, righteousness, dignity, and/or courage — all things that Madam Fomo lacks.

Instead, Madam Whoremo pissed her fucking pants and scurried away like the rat she is. Hilarious. And she uploaded this herself. She uploaded this video where she comes off as a total spineless coward herself.

“Hey, look at me, guys. I’m showing off my big titties at Disney World! Aren’t I hot and adventurous and…oh. Sorry, ma’am. Please don’t hurt me.”

Top comment is from ToastyMarshamallow.

  • “??? HELLO ??? the way i would’ve had to collect her real fast you handled it way better than me”

I have no idea what this person is saying. But Madam Fomo seems to. Madam Fomo speaks Ebonics. So she replies, “This is Disney here in Florida… me and you would’ve been kicked out of Disney and she would’ve gotten an apology from them”

I don’t know what that means either but it’s at least approaching English. That first person…what?

I’m pretty sure it’s a man in a dress.

Oh wait. Maybe not. No, I think it’s just a really unattractive woman. What’s the opposite of a “fly girl”? That’s what this woman is.

  • “grabbing your sweater is nasty? idk why you always deal with so much harassment you’re literally just hot and mind your business all the time”

We can see the video, you dumb bitch. She was acting like a whore so got called out for acting like a whore. When you go to Disney World, don’t act like a whore. That’s my advice if you want to avoid angry confrontations.

So Whoremo says, “I was just showing chat the fit and the sneakers.”

She’s a remarkably dumb woman but she’s not this dumb. She knows that she was behaving like a whore. We all know.

  • “You just encounter a real Florida Trailer Park Pancake Redneck”

Whoremo says, “Seemingly it seems lol”

God, what a brain trust this is. Stick a few more “seem”s in there, Whoremo.

  • “Should’ve beat her ass”

Whoremo says, “They would’ve banned me from Disney”

Whoremo…you were NOWHERE NEAR beating anybody’s ass. You meekly said “okay” and ran away. You were close to tears.

  • “I’m confused? Nasty? How? What exactly did she look like?”

You didn’t watch the video, retard? It’s a known prostitute in Disney World doing a cheesecake striptease for horny retards on the internet. Does that sound okay to you?

  • “How I understand there’s kids around the Disney Parks but you weren’t causing any trouble or being nasty”

That was from Super Geoff, a man who also regularly gives money to Mike Matei, Erin Plays, and probably any number of female “gamers”. He’s also, legitimately, mentally retarded and I feel bad saying this but these are the people who patron these women. Actual, no-fooling retards. The man works in a grocery store and lives in a group home.

  • “You have freedom of speech and expression in this country. You should’ve called a Disney staff member and called her out. You’re an influencer, getting paid to do your job. her calling you “Nasty” is pure Jealousy”

Here’s another retard. He’s talking about free speech and then complaining that the woman called Madam Whoremo “nasty” for behaving like a whore in Disney World. What happened to that free speech? That woman was exercising it. Big helpings of delicious free speech.

  • “L Karen / W DestinyFomo, you handled that like a champ”

Champs meekly say “okay” and then quickly pack their shit and run away? What championship are they winning with that behaviour? The Heavyweight Cowardly Whore championship.

  • “IM SORRY????????????????????? WHAT WAS THE ISSUE????????? IM CONFUSED IS THAT LADY SERIOUS??????”

Are you some of a re — oh right.

  • “You handle that extremely well. Any other day that woulda been a NY 5”

No. She had her chance. She didn’t do shit. Where was that tough New York attitude that you’re speaking of? It wasn’t there on that day. Why not? She couldn’t even stand up to a middle aged woman. A woman described in the comments as a “redneck”. What gives?

Whoremo is a street tough New York prostitute. She’s forever talking about “bodegas” and how her parents had nine children and she grew up in poverty. She’s clearly uneducated. And she’s clearly a prostitute.

What happened to all the bravado? This was Whoremo’s chance. “Hey, bitch. You can’t talk to me like that. I’m from the mean streets of New York. If you’re looking for trouble, you found it.”

No. Instead she said, “Oh” and ran away like a bitch. Like the bitch she is. Getting pimped out by TuanX.

  • “You better than me. Cause I would’ve been like…”

And he posts a video of The Rock saying, “Shut your bitch ass up.”

Oh, really. That would have been you, James? Well let’s see your videos then, tough guy. Let’s see your videos of you doing a strip tease in Disney World and then getting called out and then you laying the smackdown on middle aged redneck women.

There are no such videos because you’re at least as much of a pussy as Madam Whoremo is. And that’s saying something.

  • “You should’ve asked her, “What exactly was “Nasty” about it?” I’m confused here. You weren’t gesturing in any way. Smh”

Doing a strip tease in Disney World with children all over the place, you fucking retard.

  • “Unfortunately I’m sure KAREN was white…DestinyFomo has color, I’m sure she was targeted way before she even did anything”

And there’s the weirdo trying to string a sentence together suggesting that racism was at issue. No. Your comment is racist. There are plenty of black women or Puerto Rican women or whatever Madam Whoremo is who don’t behave like whores when they’re at Disney World. Let’s not give no-class whores a pass just because they “have color”.

Destiny Fomo took the abuse because she knew that she was 100% in the wrong and she was rightly being called out. Even if it was a situation where the woman was wrong, which she wasn’t in this case, Whoremo wouldn’t do shit. When you get down to it, she’s just a cowardly prostitute. Getting taken advantage of is her entire life. If she was able to stand up for herself, would she be traveling to Japan and getting fucked in the ass by that creepy fat guy Kid Shorykun and all the other low-lifes she has to have intercourse and/or sodomy with? She’s doing all of this because TuanX tells her to do it and she doesn’t know what else she can do with her life. Selling her pussy and her ass and giving all of the cash to TuanX is the best plan that this genius has been able to come up with.

6 thoughts on “Whore Gets Called a Whore and Caves Immediately – Destiny Fomo

  1. The day Destiny Matos hits the wall will be epic! Sure there will be a few retards that hang on, but what will she do when she’s no longer “attractive?” I mean, she’s not attractive now, but when the heavy clangers star drooping and the gut sticks out, her black starts to crack and the hair goes gray, there isn’t a goddamn thing on earth she can do to survive financially. This assumes she isn’t replaced by someone younger, hotter and even stupider before then.

  2. I guarantee that woman had been watching her longer than she implies and has more context than Destiny claims happened too. That woman isn’t stupid and knows exactly what you were doing and why you were doing it, yet you’re such a coward you have to go crying online about what happened instead of moving on. Like you’re a brittle little princess that can’t handle the real world, yet you suck half the cocks on Earth so you’re clearly aware of reality. Honestly disgusts me such a dumb slut like her does this stuff at a widely known kid’s attraction. You know exactly what the hell you were doing and what you were wearing. Fuck you and your pathetic simps trying to turn this into some feminist nonsense.

    1. It’s true. She does absolutely disgusting stuff for money but is extremely sensitive to criticism. You can stick a Light Brite up her ass for $50 but she doesn’t want you to say that her Youtube videos aren’t very good.

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