Plagiarism and You(Tube) – Newt Wallen

Four hours of some gay English guy droning on? No thanks. But helpfully, he time-stamps the Newt Wallen section: 27:45.

30:30 – After a few minutes of the usual homosexual complaints about Screenwave, we get the first reference to Newt Wallen. It’s about his tweet where he said he was going to write 20 scripts for Monster Madness.

31:00 – 9/11 reference.

31:30 – They out the homosexual guy on Reddit who discovered the plagiariasm.

32:45 – The fag in the video keeps referring to the woman who wrote the 28 Days Later review as “doctor” and “professor”. Go fuck yourself.

33:15 – Shout out to the unnamed intern.

36:00 – “Soon it became clear that almost everything Newt did and said was copied.” And there’s a reference to that AVGN roast where Newt delivers some stolen jokes.

37:45 – James Rolfe’s “I apologise but I didn’t do it” video.

So that’s the video. That portion, anyway. It was nothing interesting. Nothing new was discussed. It was the same shit but maybe that’s just because I go to that homosexual sub-reddit. If you don’t go there, it’s a fine summary of events.

  • I don’t think I’ve ever seen a channel go down in flames like Illuminaughtii, and I used to watch it. She had so many people eating out of the palm of her hand Also, i’m sure Newt Wallen was pretty close to becoming the George Santos of ghostwriting”

After spinning my scroll wheel about 500 times and searching for “newt”, that’s the only comment I could find.

So what am I going to do? This video was a total dud. Well, just call it an early day. I have a lot of people to report Newt to. It’s my full-time job now.

3 thoughts on “Plagiarism and You(Tube) – Newt Wallen

  1. That guy is a fag. And he probably kisses the “doctor’s” ass because she’s a woman and a moose limb. Thanks for saving me a half hour I can use doing something else.

    1. He doesn’t even know the woman. Has he checked her qualifications? It reminded me of the obnoxious use of “sir” on British news. Like they’ll say, “Sir Elton John” every time they talk about him. Fuck off. Nobody on earth cares about these stupid feudal titles other than these pretentious news broadcasters.

  2. Screenwave managed to sweep this incident under the rug, but it’s being re-introduced to a wider audience.

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