The Short Story of SEGA Visions Magazine – Erin Plays

Six and a half minutes.  This must be the REALLY short story of Sega Visions.  Let me first familiarise myself with the Wikipedia article.  

Yeah, it’s only three paragraphs.  That’s why Erin could only get six and a half minutes out of this.  Let’s see how much of this she actually references.

0:30 – She mentions the Team Sega Newsletter.  That’s in the Wikipedia article.

1:15 – She gives the 1990 launch date of Sega Visions.  It’s in the Wikipedia article, of course.  

Erin says, “Sega Visions was Sega’s answer to Nintendo Power.”

Wikipedia says, “Sega Visions was…an answer to the popular game magazine Nintendo Power”

Come on.  Talking about when the first issue was released and the existence of the Team Sega Newsletter, these are things that I expect to be included in such a video, Wikipedia or not.  But this is direct phrasing from Wikipedia that she’s stealing. 

1:30 – 

Erin says, “It was sent out for free to owners of the Master System or Genesis.”

Wikipedia says, “It was sent free to registered Master System and Genesis owners.”

She stole the phrasing again.  All she did was switch the order of some words.

1:45 – 

Erin says, “The magazine didn’t really have a set release schedule, sometimes it was bi-monthly and sometimes it was quarterly””

Wikipedia says, “The magazine had a rather sporadic release schedule, some issues being two months apart, others four months.”

This is shameful.  She’s just going through the fucking Wikipedia article.

2:15 – “There’s a price tag on each issue, at least on the issues I have.”

These are clearly Mike’s.  Why is she pretending that these are hers?

Then she just starts going through the magazine and points out that there were ads for Sega games and obvious shit like this.  This is filler.  Bad filler.

3:15 – “I don’t own all the issues.”

SHE DOESN’T OWN ANY OF THEM!  What is this shit?  These belong to Mike.  Why would she suddenly buy her own personal Sega Visions collection?  Mike already has this shit.  Why would she need it?  I don’t even know why Mike has this shit.  But Erin isn’t even interested in games.  What possible reason would she have to buy musty old 30 year old magazines?  Magazines that are a duplication of magazines that Mike already owns.

3:30 – 

Erin says, “Sega Visions had their own comic character called Niles Nemo.”

Wikipedia says, “The magazine also had its own comic character in Niles Nemo”

Exact same phrasing again.  And she used the exact same awkward term “comic character” .  Who the fuck would say “comic character”?  She clearly stole this from Wikipedia.

5:00 – Erin starts talking about fonts and colours.  She’s in her element here.  And totally ran out of stuff to say.  The Wikipedia article is over, by the way.  So she’s struggling.

5:30 – 

Erin says, “Sega Visions had 25 issues and ran from 1990 to 1995.  In September 1995, the last issue was published.””

Wikipedia says, “Sega Visions ended its run after 25 issues with its September 1995 issue being the last published”

Now she’s going back in the article.  Wikipedia placed this bit of information in a more logical spot.  Again, same exact phrasing.

6:00 – She begs people to leave comments.

This was complete dog shit.  She literally stole this from Wikipedia.  The only non-Wikipedia stuff was her going through an actual issue and saying shit like, “They had ads, reviews, letters”.  She just went through and talked about the different sections of the magazine.  She basically read the table of contents.  

Top comment is from Joe from Gamesack.

– “Was Nintendo Power sold in stores? I never saw it on any magazine rack in the Denver metro area. Sega Visions was trash. It felt the the magazine called Video Games & Computer Entertainment, but even more watered down. That’s because the publishers were big in the pre-crash era writing fluff pieces for games back then. It just didn’t translate into the new era of gaming. The Sega Challenge newsletter was better. At least I got my After Burner poster and Power Strike from that.”

Joe…she doesn’t know, as you’re fully aware, and SHE’S NOT GOING TO GO OUT WITH YOU!  Give it up, you fucking loser.  There are other women out there.  LOCAL women.  Women with JOBS.  Give some of them a chance.

So a couple of horntards say that it was sold in stores and then Erin, having been prompted that it was sold in stores, says, “I was reading it during the N64 era, but yeah it was sold in stores up until the last issues! I’d see it at Borders. And yeah, the Sega challenge DID look pretty sweet. That’s cool you got some sick posters”

Yeah.  Erin would see it at Borders.  Note that she didn’t say that would purchase it.  But she would see it.  I don’t even believe that.

– “By the powers of wi fi and the stellar communications of the fundamental energies that cause all movements in the cosmos i try to summon the devil to purge our world of evil and banish evil in satan’s realm. By the power of the number of erins subscribers satan banish all evil into your realm and allow us that live by the standard of righteousness to be upstanding citizens of society.”

This guy thinks that he’s going to get a date out of this.  Explain to me how that’s going to work.

– “We have the gaming historian for this kinda stuff”

Or, more accurately, Wikipedia.

– “Sega Visions ended its run after 25 issues with its September 1995 issue being the last published.”

This guy literally copied and pasted from Wikipedia.  I don’t know why.

– “Nobody brings the retro obscurity to life like you, Erin!”

She read from Wikipedia, you fucking cretin.

– “who the fuck is disliking this video”

Oh, thanks for reminding me.  I’ll have to leave my usual thumbs down.

– “it’s disappointing they didn’t put more effort into the magazine.”

The irony.  It’s disappointing that Erin doesn’t put more effort into her videos.

Mike leaves a dumb comment.  Not even worth copying and pasting.  It’s basically spam.

– “U are beautiful erin”

Way to go, Jimmy Dean.  Erin will be sucking on your sausage in no time.

I think that she did this lazy as fuck video because she’s claiming that she has carpal tunnel syndrome again.  So she can’t play games.  Or edit videos, according to her, but she seems to have managed it here.

Here’s the tweet.  I mentioned this in a recent post, I think in the comments section because it happened shortly after I posted it.

“Update: Hoping to be back on stream soon! My carpal tunnel is the worst it’s ever been so editing/playing games is very hard. Trying not to panic since my content is at a stand still, lol but new video is on the way. Seeing a specialist soon so I’m hoping for an end to this shit.”

ShiShi is the first to reply.  He’s in panic mode.  Relax, ShiShi.  It’s all made up bullshit.  She’s not going anywhere.  Erin getting a job?  Don’t be ridiculous.

Justin Silverman leaves a weird reply.  I won’t embarrass him by copying and pasting it.  But she’s not going to go out with you.  Focus your energies on something more productive.

Yeah, here’s the quote I was looking for:

Horntard: How long have you had carpal tunnel?

Erin: About 8 years or longer.

Horntard: I didn’t know you could get carpal tunnel that young :O

It is extraordinarily unusual, isn’t it?  

Let’s see…Erin aka Cykill1986 must be about 35 years old.  Can that be right?  That’s a full two years more than I thought.  Possibly, if she was born some time in the last three months of the year, she’s 34.  But no, I’m going with 35.

Subtract 8 years…27.

How old was Erin when she started the channel?  I thought 29 but with this new birthdate, I’m no longer sure what’s accurate.  She started the channel on 1 January 2017 so…she was 31.  

How did she get carpal tunnel syndrome at 27?  She didn’t start playing games until she was 31, when she started the channel.  What was she doing at 27 that would have caused this?  

She complains that her carpal tunnel makes it difficult to play games and edit videos.  She wasn’t doing any of that when she was 27.  She was working in a fucking record store.  Then she would go home (her parents’ home) and stare at a wall the rest of the day.

Where’s the repetitive movement?  It’s bullshit.  This is all complete bullshit.

Hungry Goriya says, “Chronic pain is so horrible. I hope you can find some answers soon.”

Maybe Horny Goriya is getting repetitive stress injury from excessive masturbation to Erin.

Some random facts I’ve found:

“Carpal Tunnel Syndrome affects people who use their wrists and hands repeatedly at work and at play. Anyone can get carpel tunnel syndrome, but it is unusual before age 20. The chance of getting carpal tunnel syndrome increases with age”

“Although carpal tunnel syndrome is more common in older people, young people can develop it, especially if they’re pregnant”

Erin has been afflicted with this problem for EIGHT YEARS, according to her.  AT LEAST eight years.  Never bothered to go to the doctor.  

And what was she possibly doing to cause this?  She didn’t play video games.  She wasn’t editing videos.  She wasn’t working with computers.  What was it?  

It’s completely invented.  More horrifically transparent lies from Erin.

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