Where I've Been – Retro Ali


She lost her job, the job was causing her mental health to suffer anyway, so she’s moving back to her hometown.  As it turns out, Ali had a job and her own place after all.  She encourages all of the horntards to give her money.  She’s also going to stream on Twitch and do Youtube “full-time” until she finds another job.

Here’s my idea: teach English in Korea.  Ali did some university program in Korea before.  She obviously liked it.  Take this as an opportunity to go back there.

You might need a degree.  There are always ways around this but it seems that they generally want a degree in Korea.  I don’t know if Ali has a degree or not.  If she doesn’t, there are other countries that she can go to.  But if she has a degree, go for Korea.

Korea also seems to require a TEFL certification.  This is just a little online class.  It’s basically a scam.  It cost like $150 when I was looking into this but this was many years ago.

Then you apply for jobs.  Contact every school you can find.  There’s probably a list somewhere.  There are also agencies who deal with this shit.  They’ll take a cut of your money but you only need to work for this agency for your first job.  As soon as you find something better, you can quit.  And it’s much easier to find a job once you’re actually in the country.

When you find a job, you need a visa, but I think that the school or agency pays for it.

The school or agency will also typically arrange for accommodation and pay for your flight.

Then that’s it.  You’re in Korea.  And it should be relatively easy for Ali to find a job.  These places are looking for young, energetic women to “teach” at these schools.  They want somebody who has no self-respect and is okay with making a total ass of themselves.  So Ali has a whole Youtube channel where she’s making an ass of herself for the whole world to see with her “reaction” videos and whatnot.  She can include this in her applications to the schools.

It also doesn’t matter if Ali doesn’t have any teaching experience.  These jobs aren’t really teaching jobs.  They’re just looking for a dancing monkey.

I think that this would be good for Ali.  And yeah, these teaching jobs are bad but it’s just a first job.  It’s just to get you in the country.  Things will happen from there.  Maybe she’ll find a nice Korean guy to marry.  Maybe she’ll learn the language and be able to get a better job.  Whatever.

It doesn’t even have to be Korea.  If you have a degree, anywhere in Asia should be an option.  The former Soviet republics might be an option.  Maybe South America.  

People do this all the time.  I was Ali’s age when I moved to the UK.  Maybe younger.  I had $2000 saved up.  No problem.  Well, there were many problems but that’s all part of the character building.  Overcoming adversity.

I knew a Polish guy who had like $300 saved up when he moved to the UK.  People move with nothing.  

And think of how much better her videos would be if she moved.  “Reaction” videos are out, vlogs about life in a new country are in.  

I’m just checking out the Teach English in Korea subreddit.


It’s pretty negative, as these things tend to be.  There aren’t any jobs, the jobs that do exist don’t pay, covid, you’ll never be able to find a different job because you’re not Korean, and so forth.

It’s losers complaining about being losers.  Moving to another country is difficult.  There’s xenophobia.  People will try to fuck you over.  I can go for days talking about the hardships that I encountered as an immigrant.

But I stuck with it.  I didn’t take any shit.  I had ambition.  And as a result, I’m now a pillar of the community.

Most people quit.  Most people go back to their native country after a year or two.  That’s fine.  Maybe they’ll be happier there.  

But it’s not a foregone conclusion that everything is going to suck and you’ll be miserable for the rest of your life.  You get back what you put into it.  

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