Prison City – Neighbor Nerds – Cinemassacre

This is disgraceful. It’s an ad for a game made by Screenwave. How is this not a massive conflict of interests? It’s Screenwave reviewing its own game.

0:00 – “This is a game by (something) and Retroware. Retroware also made the AVGN game.”

Retroware is Screenwave. They just rebranded because Screenwave became such a “toxic” name. Why can’t there be a shred of honesty in here?

1:15 – “The lovely people at Retroware sent me a code.”

Yeah. It’s Screenwave. Why can’t they just say, “Hey, Justin Silverman, who’s standing over there, sent me the code for this game”?

1:30 – Then fucking James Rolfe shills for the game, blatently, saying that it’s on all consoles, and then lists all of the consoles.

There was also a trailer for the game that played earlier in the video.

This is ridiculous.

1:45 – Oh, he does actually say, “Justin gave me a code for the game.” He should have said this in the beginning. And this is John saying all of this, by the way. James mostly says “yeah”.

4:15 – James puts the game on “easy” mode. What am I watching? Erin Plays?

I’m stopping the video at 18 minutes. It’s just a compilation. It’s an advertisement. They seemed to play this game for at least two hours. James points out that they were on a boss for 45 minutes. He’s really annoyed by this.

I’m just not interested. I’m not interested in watching a compilation and I’m certainly not interested in watching an ad.

It reminds me of how Mike recently started adding “rage compilations” to his channel. I’m not watching that. I don’t care. They seem to do at least as well as his normal videos, though, so maybe it’s just me. But I like watching actual footage of a game being played without cuts every five seconds.

Am I going to watch 50 hours of him playing Final Fantasy VI? No. But I’d still rather watch a few hours of it, unedited, so that I can follow what the fuck is going on in the game. I don’t care about him “raging.”

So another terrible video from Cinemassacre. I mean…it’s an ad. Fuck off.

Let’s see what the boys on Reddit had to say.

Somebody made a thread pointing out that the video was entirely praising the game. That’s true. They didn’t complain about anything. It’s a fantastic game, according to them.

2 thoughts on “Prison City – Neighbor Nerds – Cinemassacre

  1. I could seriously believe James Rolfe, who is a literal retard that is somehow functional, does not know that retroware is the same company as screenwave. All of this shit is just done for him, the fucking lazy retarded bastard, like magic and he has no idea how it’s done and expects it handed to him on a silver platter. The fucking asshole! Fuck him!!!

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