Another Spooky Gaming Magazine Stream! But this time I'm Chucky! – Erin Plays

0:00 – “Hey friends.  What’s up?”

New intro.  She usually goes with “Hey guys.  What’s up?”  These are her friends now, I guess.  That’s what she wants them to think anyway.

So two and a half glorious hours of Erin in a “sexy” costume looking at Mike’s Nintendo Powers.  Now this is entertainment.  Grab the popcorn and relax while Auntie Erin tells you stories about things that she’s never done, places she’s never been to, and games she’ll never play.

“I kind of half-assed the spooky makeup.”

Naturally.  This is what zero-effort Erin is all about.

0:15 – She refers to Luigi as “this guy right here.”

She doesn’t know who Luigi is.  Oh my god.  Let’s just move on.

0:30 – “But we still have this issue over here that  features Mortal Kombat II.”

It features Scorpion.  She can’t recognise Scorpion so she just read “Mortal Kombat II”, which was written on the cover.  

1:00 – “I did this last minute”.

She’s referring to her costume.  This is how she does everything.  She never puts any effort whatsoever into anything.  

This is what happens when you refuse to do any work in life.  You end up getting fucked in the ass on the regular by Mike Matei.  Let this be a lesson to everyone.

2:00 – She’s looking at a Monkey Ball ad.  She’s said before that she never played the game.  But today she’s saying that it’s “really fun”.  She then says that she wants to stream the Switch version of the game.  Everything has to be on stream, for money with Erin.

2:45 – In response to a comment by Shishi, Erin says that she was terrified of Chucky as a child so never watched the movies.

I’m not 100% sure how that works but…that’s how she’s explaining how she didn’t watch these particular movies.  What about all of the other movies that Erin hasn’t seen, though?  Maybe she’s just scared of movies broadly.

3:00 – She then reveals that she hasn’t watched the new Chucky show.  She’s still scared of it, I guess.  

It’s just ridiculous.  She has absolutely no interest in any of this nerd shit.  Or even non-nerd shit.  She has two interests: Disney and 1990s pop music.  That’s it.  

The whole idea of Erin being *nostalgic* for things doesn’t make sense.  She’s never done anything.  How can she possibly be *nostalgic* for things that she’s never done?  

4:30 – “Tarzan?  Oh my god.  I never saw Tarzan.”

You don’t say…

This is brutal.  All she’s doing is looking through these game reviews and saying, “I’ve never played that” and the like.  She doesn’t know the names of any of the games.  She doesn’t recognise any of the characters.  This is horrendous.

8:15 – “Remember websites?”

What?  This is too stupid to even comment on.

10:30 – “I should stream Luigi’s Mansion.  Have I ever streamed Luigi’s Mansion?  I don’t think I have.”

Play it in your spare time, Erin.  Not everything has to be on stream, for money.

11:00 – “I almost streamed a game tonight but I was a little hesitant because of my hand issues.”

It’s so tiresome.  The constant idiotic lies.

12:00 – Somebody in the chat asks about Mario is Missing and Erin has no idea what the game is.  She thinks that it’s a game that she recently played on stream, for money, but then says, “No, that’s Mario’s Time Machine.”

She doesn’t have a fucking clue.  Why does she keep doing this?  How can she go on the internet, start a live stream, and think that she can possibly field questions about video games?  She knows NOTHING about video games.  Isn’t this all terrifying for her?  

15:45 – “I’ve never used Rob the Robot.”

You don’t say…

“I feel like, in the 80s and 90s, a lot of stuff just, like, didn’t work.”

Oh, please continue, Erin.  Flesh out this brilliant theory of yours.

“Like the Power Glove.  It worked but not really.  You know what I mean?”

Okay.  There’s one thing.  You’re going to impugn two decades over the Power Glove?

“Like I had toys that didn’t ever really work well.”

And this is something that’s unique to the 1980s and 1990s.  The 80s and 90s were the nadir of functional toys according to Erin.  

It’s the world’s dumbest comment.

16:45 – “I like the game Gyromite.  I streamed it.”

Of course.  How else would you have played a video game?

17:00 – “I don’t know anything about Magic: The Gathering.”

You don’t say…

18:15 – “Ken Griffin Jr.”

18:45 – “I don’t know anything about Yugioh”.

You don’t say…

“So if I streamed anything about Yugioh, people would be yelling at me the whole time.”

That doesn’t happen now and she knows nothing about video games.  That’s not what people are here for.  We all know that Erin knows NOTHING about video games.  These people are there to jack off.  That’s it.  That’s the only reason.  They’re mentally retarded and they have some bizarre fetish for average looking 35 year old women who pretend to like video games.  

21:00 – She’s reading an article about Castlevania: Circle of the Moon.  She says, “I haven’t played this yet.”

You don’t say….

This is all that this is.  She’s going through this magazine and she doesn’t know any of the games.  What’s the point of this?  

23:15 – The horntards suggest making a video about “Castlevania games you don’t know about.”

If we’re talking about Castlevania games that ERIN doesn’t know about, as I assume it would be, that would be an extremely long video.  And how is she going to make a video about games that she doesn’t know about?

27:00 – “I have not streamed Typing of the Dead, no, but I would like to.”

I’m done.  Twenty seven minutes of Erin talking about games that she’s never played before and in most cases never even heard of before.  It’s going to be this for the entire two hours and thirty minutes.

Who the fuck would possibly watch this?  This is the most boring shit in the universe.

Now she’s doing “sexy” costumes for November.  She’s Bat Girl.  Whoever that is.  No relation to Batgirl, presumably.  I’ve never seen Batgirl wear a costume like that.  This is the Chinese bootleg version of Batgirl, I guess, called Bat Girl.

She looks like your childhood friend’s mother.  It’s uncomfortable.  Put some clothes on, Mrs Fischer.  I don’t want to see this.

Super Geoff, a regular on her streams and somebody who is legitimately mentally retarded, posts an animated gif of Batman that looks like he’s masturbating.

And she has absolutely no interest in Batman.  She knows nothing about Batman.  So why would she choose this costume?  

Let me check Amazon for clearance Halloween costumes.  Now is the time to get Halloween costumes.  After Halloween.  Get the bargains.  Maybe that’s why she’s dressing up in November.  When you’re making $10,000/year, you have to make every penny count.

I found a plus-size Bad Sandy costume.  Whoever that is.  One of the reviews said, “Felt like I was putting a garbage bag on.”  Yeah.  These fucking cheap costumes.  I don’t get it.  What adult would possibly buy this shit and then go out in public in them?  They’re flimsy as hell.  They can bust apart at any second.  

There’s a lot of shit in these results.  Things that aren’t even costumes.  Let me look for a Britney Spears costume or some Disney shit.

No, nothing.  There’s Disney shit but not for adults.

  Couldn’t she just dress like Britney Spears?  Find an album cover to use as reference.  

Oh, I found something.  There’s a red jumpsuit on Amazon.  Apparently, Britney Spears wore something like that before.  Thirty bucks.  There you go.  There’s your costume.  It’s going to be complete shit but all of these costumes are. 

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