Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie is Dumb! – Talking About Tapes – Tony from Hack the Movies


I wasn’t going to review this obvious cry for attention but nobody else is uploading so let’s just get through this shit.

0:45 – Some dumb VPN ad.  Not the one that Jimmy Rolfe uses, though.  It’s some VPN that I’ve never heard of.  This is like the Chinese bootleg version of Express VPN.

2:00 – Mint Salad is wearing a crop top.  She really needs validation.

She’s standing up really straight because she doesn’t want to show her stomach rolls.

See, here’s the problem.  Mint Salad is slim.  I’m not saying otherwise.  But she’s not slim enough for crop tops.  If you’re wearing a crop top, you better have an impeccable midriff.  You can’t merely be slim.  There can’t be any cellulite whatsoever.  You have to do sit ups, you have to do crunches, you have to actually work on your torso before you put a crop top on.  

I’m not body shaming anyone.  I’m simply saying, if you’re not actively working on your abs, PUT A FUCKING SHIRT ON.  It’s not a big deal.  

10:30 – Tony starts summarising the movie.  It will be this for the next 70 minutes.

12:00 – Tony mentions Rita.  That reminds me.  I might have seen one episode of Power Rangers.  I was way too old to be watching this.  And I was surprised by this character  She has the pointy bra.  This is a children’s show.  

Oh god.  Do not do a Google image search of Carla Perez, the second woman who portrayed the character, and the one who I saw.  She’s fucking 350 pounds now.  What happened?

18:00 – Mint is describing what the cleavage of the villain in the movie looks like.  She pushed her tits together to do this.  It will be interesting to see how many horntards comment on this.  I’ll guess all of them.

20:00 – Mx Jessica injects some edits of the female comedy variety.  I don’t like saying this sort of thing but…well, it doesn’t appeal to me.  Maybe other people like it.  That’s a diplomatic response.  But just generally, we shouldn’t know who the editor is.  The editor shouldn’t be injecting themselves into the show.  And especially with bad female comedy.  

I can’t believe that I’m still watching this.  I’m at 37 minutes.  It’s just Tony summarising the fucking movie.  Who cares?  I don’t give a fuck about Power Rangers.

A few minutes after I wrote that, I fell asleep.

Then I woke up to Tony laughing.  Then right after that, I heard some guy say, “Don’t forget to comment and subscribe” or something.

It’s interesting that I woke up at exactly the time when the video ended.  So I must have been listening to it on some subconscious level.  

But yeah, I woke up totally refreshed.  It was like a 45 minute nap.  That’s just what you need.

Let’s see what Newt is doing.  Acting in a friend’s “film”.  Well…that’s unfortunate.  I hoped that he would have taken this opportunity to shake things up in his life.  Instead, it’s the same old, same old for Newt.  More bad rural Pennsylvania “acting” “jobs”.

What about Horseface McGee?  


“I just want spooky shit and sex”

She wrote that on September 11.  Never forget.

Oh, Screenwave has an official podcasting schedule now and Talking About Tapes aka Hack the Movies is on there.


God bless them for trying, I guess.

Oh, Crystal is tweeting a lot about a wedding.  But it’s all about her and how hot she is.  That’s fascinating stuff.


Happy 246th birthday to the marine corps.  Bizarre.  This must be a reference to all of the marines who she’s had sex with.  Everybody wants to have sex with Crystal Quin.  She’s just so hot.  And what a sparkling personality.

6 thoughts on “Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie is Dumb! – Talking About Tapes – Tony from Hack the Movies

  1. The fat guy dressed as the red ranger talking like an English dubbing for the final third of the video made me want to die after the “joke” he was doing kept continuing.Also ironically mintsalad is a known sex pervert and not some shy chick like their audience seems to think, so kinda funny watching them simp someone who probably likes to drink blood/piss

  2. Yeah exactly. I think their audience just thinks it's only the art she does though and she's just some innocent weird girl that draws hentai essentially. They keep applauding her for breaking out of her shell etc and becoming more comfortable doing those vids, but its like….do you idiots have any idea who this girl really is? You might think again if you did lol.

  3. Yeah, that's true. And I saw a video on their channel where they really advertise the drug use. And I read some stuff about some Dick podcast. So yeah. Some weird shit is clearly going on. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

  4. Miny wears that same crop top in 90% of her videos, I think it's probably one of her “nicest” shirts, haven't you seen the ghetto where she lives? She was even wearing that shirt under her Ghostbusters jump suit.

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