ATARI Recharged! Asteroids, Black Widow and Centipede – Erin Plays

Gee, Erin.  Where do you get your ideas?

Mike streamed this game, for money, sponsored by a shady, off-shore, corporate conglomerate calling themselves Atari a day or two before this.  I talked about it here:

Then he streamed Asteroids, again with Erin, the following day.  Again, this video was “sponsored” by “Atari”.  You can find that video here:

I may or may not “review” that video.  Erin is in the video but she leaves after about 30 minutes.  She just couldn’t take it any more.  She was bored out of her fucking mind.  

So let’s check out this piece of shit.  Mike got her this “big” sponsorship from “Atari”.  If you didn’t read the previous article, “Atari” is half-owned by some company in France who you’ve never heard of before who sells USB sticks or something and half-owned by a company based in Gibraltar (a corporate tax haven) who just buys cryptocurrency.  They produce nothing.  That’s “Atari” today.

0:30 – “I’m playing on PC through Steam.  I should really play these on Switch as well because they’re great for like pick up and play games where you just want to play something in bed, or, you know, when you’re on the go and you have some down time.”

But you won’t Erin.  You will never play this.  Not in bed, not while you’re “on the go”, not while you’re crying in the bathtub, never.  She will never fucking touch this game ever again.  She does not play video games.  At all.  Ever.  Not these shitty games and not good games.  

0:45 – “The game itself was made by AdamVisiion Studios.”

Oh, of course.  AdamVision Studios.  We all know that developer.  

They’re not on Wikipedia.  Not notable enough.  

The website says, “nickervision studios makes video games, small, dumb and awesome videogames.”  I guess that they’re also known as Nickervision Studios.

It also says, “I’m learning to make games by making games.”

This is who made these big AAA titles for the legendary video game company Atari.  Some guy in his mother’s basement.  And Erin is going to try to prop this one-man company up as the creator of awesome games that she’s never played before or even heard of before.

Shout out to Ding Dong.  You all know Ding Dong, right?  It’s a game, by the way.  A game that this guy made.

1:00 – “The music in these was made by composer Megan McDuffee.”

Really?  We’re talking about the fucking composer now?  She is really desperate to pad this shit out.  

Let’s see if we can find anything on Ms McDuffee.  That renowned composer.

Well, she has a lot of “sexy” pictures of herself, which is odd for a composer.  She looks dangerously underweight.  Some of that “thinspiration”.

Some pictures of her on all fours while wearing some PVC outfit.  

This is a composer?  Why would a composer have a “sexy” Instagram?  Show me the pictures of Gustav Mahler in ass-less leather chaps.

And would I have sex with this woman?  Fuck no.  Jesus fucking Christ.  She’s probably about 30 but she looks 50, presumably as a result of her eating disorder.  

But that’s not even the point.  The point is that she’s a fucking composer.  Even if it’s just of video game music, why the fuck would she have a “sexy” Instagram?  Why doesn’t she just let her work speak for itself?  Why does she have to be a composer AND a sex symbol for the “pro-ana” crowd?  

Let’s check out her Twitter.

Not even joking, it’s a video of her pole dancing.  That’s the first tweet that I saw.

Here’s one about her “mental health”.  She talks about her “imposter syndrome”.  

The Z-list female internet “celebrities” sure love talking about their struggles with mental health.  Everything is always about them.  Me.  Me.  Me.  Fuck everyone else.  Look at my “sexy” pictures.

She’s also on Youtube and yeah, judging from her videos she does seem mentally ill.  But why advertise?  Ask your mental health professional for the appropriate medication.

I won’t link to a specific video.  It’s just all of them.  Click any of them and you’ll see that she’s insane.  She screams it.

Anyway, we got off-topic.  This is about Erin Plays, a totally sane woman who pretends to enjoy video games while getting fucked in the ass by a man she doesn’t love for $10,000/year.

1:15 – Oh, we get to see Erin’s totally sexy ice cream/candy cane tattoo.  Hot.

You know, why doesn’t she just ask Mike for money to have that thing lasered off?  She’s said many times that she regrets getting that tattoo.  Is there much scarring with laser tattoo removal?  I don’t know.  But anything would be better than this piece of shit.

Erin is playing Asteroids.  Allegedly.  I don’t think that it’s her because in the stream that she did with Mike, she never moved AT ALL.  Not even one fucking time.  She just stayed where the game put her and turned around.  I know that that’s the strategy in the game but you’re not supposed to stay there when an asteroid is coming right for you.  Sometimes you have to fucking move.  But Erin doesn’t move.  Not from what I saw.  She’ll stand there and just watch as the asteroid runs into her.  

Contrast this with the gameplay from this Youtube video where Erin (or, I suspect, Mike) is flying all over the screen constantly.

1:45 – “I have personally spent more time on Mine Storm, the pack in game on the Vectrex”.

And then a stock image of the Vectrex.

She’s saying that she played Mine Storm on her Vectrex, a system that she only bought a couple of years ago, for the purposes of making a Youtube video, and then never touched again, more than the arcade Asteroids.

Well, I can believe that.  Because she never played Asteroids before.  But she’s attempting to mislead the mentally retarded viewer.  She’s trying to suggest that she played Mine Storm on the Vectrex A LOT because she’s a big video game fanatic.  She even played this thing more than the very popular Asteroids for the arcade.  

It’s just more lies and obfuscation from Erin.

2:00 – “It’s not often that I come in contact with a real Asteroids machine.”

Well, no shit.  They’re usually found in arcades.  Why would you be in an arcade?  You don’t play video games, Erin.  And even if you do, why go to an arcade?  You can play all of this shit on MAME.  Do you play Asteroids on MAME, Erin?  Of course you don’t.

“But I have a Vectrex system at home and this is the first game most anyone would play.”

But have YOU played, it Erin?  Talk about YOUR experiences.  Not the average Vectrex fan out there.  Have YOU played Mine…whatever it’s called?  How much have you played it?  Give us the details.  Stop the lies.

2:45 – “It’s super fun to try to get a high score so you can get your name on the leaderboard.”

She’s talking about the thing where you can upload your scores to some Atari Recharged website.  So how many high scores do you have, Erin?  Let me check.  In the video, it shows her in 20th place.  But bear in mind, in the Asteroids stream that she did with Mike, Mike often got 1st place because NOBODY ELSE SUBMITTED A SCORE.  He got some advance copy of the game so nobody was playing it yet.

Are the scores available outside of the game?  Let me look.

Not that I’m seeing.  But if you have this game, not that anybody would buy this piece of shit, check it out.  Her username is erinplays.  That’s the name that she used for this one time in her life when she’s going to play the game.  Why didn’t she go with something more imaginative like Cykill1986?

Then she talks about the co-op feature of the game and there’s footage of her stream with Mike.

3:15 – Terrible gameplay by Erin.  This is what I was talking about.  She stands in the middle of the fucking screen and doesn’t move even when a giant asteroid comes for her.

She’s just going over the various “challenges” in the game.  These are different…scenarios like “shoot 20 UFOs” or whatever and the stage is all UFOs.  Nobody cares.  This is a minor addition to the game.  But she’s completely out of ideas.  

4:00 – Black Widow.  She played this game on stream, for money, with Mike in that video I reviewed.  I didn’t talk about it in the review because I didn’t really watch that part but from what I saw, she hated the game and didn’t want to be there.  It wasn’t like with Centipede where she just lazily moved back and forth and randomly shot things.  With Black Widow, she actively seemed to hate it.

Maybe it’s just because she had already been playing video games for like two hours by this point.  And Erin doesn’t like video games.  She wanted to get back to watching Britney Spears videos from 20 years ago.  Remember that time when Britney Spears did a Woody “the” Woodpecker impression?  Of course, Erin.  We all do.  

4:45 – She gives a bad female comedy half-joke about having bugs on her toast which is so fucking stupid and unfunny, and it’s accompanied by an annoying, unfunny, and irrelevant animation, that I don’t even want to discuss it.  Check it out for yourself if you’re interested.

Oh, by the way, Erin didn’t even mention that this game is based on the arcade game.  She doesn’t know that it was an arcade game.  

5:15 – Centipede.  

6:00 – What the fuck?  Close up footage of Erin rubbing a trackball.  Horny Goriya is changing her underpants right now.

6:30 – Shout out to the cute little ghost.  This is such an awesome review/commercial.  I’m learning so much about the game.  

6:45 – “I think it’s really cool that Atari is making these.”

Well…some guy in his mother’s basement along with an anorexic woman with severe mental health problems, all being paid (poorly, I would imagine) by a shady company based in Gibraltar who’s main source of income is the buying and selling of cryptocurrency.  

Erin finishes this horrendous advertisement by saying that she wants to see Crystal Castles become the next game in this series.  She might have played it once, on stream, for money, during a “variety stream.”

So that shady company calling themselves “Atari” leaves a comment.

– “Erin, thanks for checking out the Recharged games … really enjoy your take on gameplay. We will tell the team you are expecting a Crystal Castles: Recharged”

What team?  It’s a guy in his mother’s basement who states numerous times that he doesn’t know how to make video games.  He’s just doing this for the experience.  He’s learning as he goes.  THIS is the team.  

Erin replies, “Thanks so much! And that would be awesome”

So it’s just another generic, “That’s cool” from Erin because she has no idea what Crystal Castles is and even if she did, she’s incapable of having a conversation.

– “Wow. You moderate comments. -1 subscriber.”

That was from Jose Garcia.  She must have erased a comment of his.

– “Hello Erin …how are you doing? Atari is not what it use to be.”

Yeah.  No kidding.  But of course Erin doesn’t know or care.

– “Every time I see your Vectrex I feel an overwhelming surge of jealousy. God that is a thing of beauty.”

It was a stock image, you fucking moron.  Wasn’t it obvious?

– “Wait a sec Atari still exist”

Well, not really.  In name only.  I’ve already explained this one.

– “please stop getting older”

That was a cruel comment but he makes a point.  Everybody is just here to jerk off.  And they don’t want to jerk off to gamer MILFs.  So how much longer does Erin think that she can keep this up?  

– “Erin, have you played Dragster before?”

Erin replies, “No, I haven’t. Should I?”

Only if you’re interested in video games, Erin.  So no.  

And what a shock that she never played it before.

– “The music from this sounds great; reminds me of a Shantae game.”

Erin replies, “I still need to give a Shantae game an actual play through.”

Then the guy comes back with a paragraph explanation about how expensive the game is and the best places to purchase it and some pro tips for playing the game.  

Moron…she doesn’t fucking care.  Shut the fuck up.

Anyway, if you haven’t got enough of the Atari Recharged series, Mike also did ANOTHER “sponsored” video on Talking About Games.

0:30 – 

Mike: Let’s start off with Asteroids Recharged.  So Atari is doing this whole series — Recharged series and it’s not just the Asteroids game but that’s the new one.  So that’s going to be the main focus today and it’s the game I’ve been playing.  I’ve played a lot of this game.  

Ryan: Yeah.

Mike: So we were able to get a copy of this game, we got it early, and I started playing it.  I was like, “It’s Asteroids.  I’ll probably play it for a little while.  I like Asteroids.”  But I ended up playing this for, like, a lot longer than I expected and I really, really like it so far.  So —

Ryan: And just for everyone in the crowd, this episode is sponsored.

Ryan actually had to jump in because Mike “Ron Popeil” Matei was just going to go on with this charade without explaining to the viewer that he’s just shilling for this game.  

I shut the video off after that.  I’ve watched every episode of this podcast so far but when you do shit like it, it destroys your credibility and makes people not want to watch the fucking videos.  Is it worth it?  How much can “Atari” possibly be paying for this?  They couldn’t even pay a legitimate development team to make the games.  “Atari” contracted some kid in his mother’s basement to make the games.  

Four fucking videos on this shit.  How much is enough?  Why doesn’t Mike just get a job like a normal person?  It’s fucking embarrassing.  He’s having to shill for these shitty games for PENNIES.  

I can’t remember offhand but I think that he’s making like $90,000/year from Twitch.  That’s a lot of money but it seems like work.  He streams a lot and he has to deal with these shitty sponsorships.  It’s probably a hassle to deal with them.  Just get a normal job.  What’s the big deal?  You can make $40,000 editing videos or whatever unique skillset Mike might have.

4 thoughts on “ATARI Recharged! Asteroids, Black Widow and Centipede – Erin Plays

  1. So anytime a female says anything that she or others find humorous? That's what you've been complaining about? I'm finding it difficult to believe you're not just some misogynistic kid straight out of Reddit, especially after you asserted that April is a “miserable shrew”. Do better.

  2. I'm only complaining about the bad or non-existent “comedy” that happens to be uttered by women. Which is…almost all of it. Who's your favourite female comedian then? Maybe I just haven't found any good ones.

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