PLANET FRANKENSTEIN proof of concept teaser (2016) – Newt Wallen

It’s Horseface and some black woman holding Nerf guns in front of a greenscreen.

What the fuck? Proof of concept? More like proof of dogshit. Proof of not wasting your time on this. Proof of just focus on your job at the cinema.

The acting, what little there is in this, is bad.

So I’m reading the comments. Newt says, “I am plotting it as a 90s sega CD style fmv game and maybe adapting into a comic. Just to so something with it”

It’s just one terrible idea after another with this guy. Newt “The Horrible Ideas Man” Wallen.

Sega CD was a massive failure. People didn’t want FMV games. People still don’t want FMV games. FMV games are shit.

And what experience does he have making such games? Major game publishers have made FMV games. They’ve employed entire teams of the greatest game designers in the industry and they still produced shit games. There’s never been a good FMV game ever released.

But fucking Newt over here thinks that he’s going to release a good one? He’s never made a fucking game in his life. If he has, we surely would have known about it. He would mention this every day on Twitter. “Remember that game I made? It was pretty sweet.”

None of that. No experience making a game.

And do people want a fucking Planet Frankenstein game? What is this even about? From the sparse information in this trailer, it seems to be about two Frankenstein monsters, one with a horse head, in space, and they’re going to shoot stuff. They’ll probably get their breasts out as well.

This…I mean…what? I’m not interested in this concept, Not even a little bit. I don’t want to play this fucking game. And it’s an FMV game? No fucking way.

By the way, Justin Silverman edited this video and he’s credited as the director. Newt says that in fact, Newt was the director but Newt gave Justin director credit because Newt is just such a swell guy.

Somebody else in the comments asks Newt if he’s at MAGFest. Newt says that he’s not welcome at those events.

It’s a reference to Screenwave but does Screenwave run MAGFest?

Not from what I’m seeing. It’s in Maryland in any event. At the Gaylord National Convetion Center. Classic.

So yeah, there’s no reason that Newt can’t go. He’s going to boycott every event that Screenwave attends? Set up a booth and sell your terrible merchandise. The comic book and…just the comic book, I guess. Everything else is just concepts. You can’t sell concepts, Newt. Well, not to the general public anyway. And you can’t sell your particular concepts to ANYONE.

And what about doing a panel at MAGFest? Who the fuck are the people doing panels at this thing? Let me check.

I’ve never heard of any of these people. But if “Latin Dancing for Nerds” can get a panel at this thing, surely Newt Wallen can.

But instead of teaching the Macarena or whatever, Newt would be sharing his wealth of knowledge about…umm…script writing? He seems to have written a lot of scripts. I’ve never seen any but he regularly says that he writes scripts in a day or two. So…you have to assume that the quality is awful but the quantity is there.

Or his film making. He made one movie, apparently. Swamp Zombies 2, if I’m not mistaken. I haven’t gotten around to watching that but even from his own accounts, the movie is bad. Nevertheless, it’s a movie.

The Latin Dancing for Nerds people probably aren’t the greatest Latin dancers. So you don’t have to be the best in your field to get a panel.

  • “Shit’s fuckin’ cool.”

Newt replies, “Yea. We have an awesome script and some amazing designs”

Can we see any of this? Because I didn’t get this impression AT ALL from the trailer. Wasn’t the trailer supposed to showcase the awesome script and amazing designs?

Fucking Planet Frankenstein. Nothing Newt does can be described as “awesome”. His writing is fucking horrible. Everything is tits and gore and then slap a stupid pun title on it.

I’m not sure what “11 of 13 projects I wrote in 22 for Indie Film or comic book producers that will begin releasing in 2023” means. Can we expect 11 or 13 Newt Wallen projects to be released in 2023? And actually, not even. They’re slated to BEGIN releasing in 2023. So…they can be released anywhere from 2023 to the end of time.

And why is “Indie Film” capitalised? Is this an organisation? I don’t think so because then he just says “comic book producers”. And do comic books even have producers?

Newt doesn’t know how to write. He can’t even write these fucking tweets so that they’re coherent. But he wants us to believe that he has 11 or 13 projects coming out in the near future. People are paying him for these terrible scripts that he says he’s written. These people are going to somehow employ Newt to work on their films. Newt is going to be the director or fluffer or…something in these movies.

It’s pure delusion. I want to see Newt’s tax returns. Show us proof of all of these Hollywood bigshots paying you money. Newt is just in so much demand for his god awful tits and gore scripts.

All of his ideas are exactly the same. You don’t need to buy 13 of his scripts. Just buy one and then change the names.

Newt, I wish you continued success in your therapy sessions.

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