SupaPixelGirl has a New Name

Say hello to Supa_XO.

She changed her name and closed a bunch of her old accounts not long after I wrote this:

I just advertised her Discord.  What’s the problem?  But this is what she does.  She constantly changes her name.  She’s on the run from…something.  Her own mental illness, I think.

Oh, here’s her new Link Tree.  Get in fast because she’ll change it soon.

Her Discord is still there.  It still has the same insane rules.  She also gives her new links for Twitter and Instagram and whatnot.  Her Twitter is protected.  Only approved followers can see her no doubt fascinating musings.  Also on Discord, she encourages you to DM her if you’re looking for “something else.”  So I suspect that she still has an OnlyFans.  

She’s also uploading shit to Youtube again.  I’ve linked to her latest video at the top.  She’s playing Final Fantasy Adventure.  Oh great.  That was one of my favourite Game Boy games as a kid.  I beat the game many times.  I’m a pro.  Let’s see what SupaMentallyIll has to say about it.

0:00 – God, this voice.  

0:45 – “Ohhhhhh.  So you’ll notice that my controller is a little crazy?”

The controller isn’t the only thing that’s crazy here.  And there’s that awful upward inflection at the end of every sentence.  Where is she from?  I think Seattle or this area.  Is this how people there speak or is this just her crazy thing?

“Please enjoy my voice acting breathlessness.”

I couldn’t quite make out the last word.  But yeah.  She’s painful to listen to.

Should I comment on Supa_XO’s weight?  It’s a thorny issue, isn’t it?  On the one hand, she’s historically presented herself as a sex symbol.  And I’m pretty sure that she still has some secret OnlyFans.

But on the other hand, she’s not currently and actively presenting herself as a sex symbol.  Not that I can see, anyway.  

Plus, there might be a medical explanation for this.  She might be taking some anti-psychotic type medication that causes weight gain.  I don’t want to discourage Supa_XO from taking any such medication.

So it’s probably best not to mention her weight.

Oh god.  Then she reads the intro in a weird “sexy” voice.  What.  The.  Fuck.  I’m getting uncomfortable here . This screams mental illness.

This is taken from a Twitch stream.  I think.  Because she’s at the name entry screen and she says, “What should we name him, guys?”  Maybe she’s just talking to the voices in her head.

I should mention that this is somebody who, allegedly, has some kind of graduate degree in psychology or psychiatry.  The last I heard is that she moved to…was it Boston?  I don’t know.  I’m thinking either Boston or like Maryland.  Around there.  “The East Coast” in any event.  And she moved there because she either had a job lined up or was going to look for work.  Work as a psychiatrist or psychologist.  

That was the last I heard of this.  This was like three years ago.  Maybe longer.  Did she ever get a job?  I don’t think so.  Would you go to this lunatic for help with any issues you may have?  Fuck no.  You don’t want your therapist to be crazier than you are.  And she is fucking off the charts.  She’s cartoonishly mentally ill.  Like in that short where Elmer Fudd or whoever thinks that he’s Napoleon.

1:45 – “We can name him….ummmm….Stud?  I’m trying to imagine — that’s one of the fun things about pixel games, right, is we get to imagine what our hero might look like?”

Oh my god.  Go jerk off, you lunatic.  If you’re getting sexually excited over Final Fantasy Adventure, there’s something deeply wrong with you.  

And her name is fucking idiotic.  Why not just a very masculine name?  Some sort of Nordic name?  Magnus or something.  Well, I suppose that Supa_XO likes the “chocolate” men.  So pick a very “chocolate” name.  Shaka.  Tyrone.  Come on.  Get a fucking imagination.

What if it was a guy doing this.  “I’m going to call my character BigTits”.  He would be declared the biggest fucking loser on earth.  

But…well, I was going to suggest that it’s okay that SupaLunatic is doing it but I don’t think that people do find this okay.  I think that most people are with me on this one.  They would watch this video, see her idiotic name of “Stud”, and say, “This woman is fucking pathetic.”  It’s the only possibly conclusion that anyone can reach.

By the way, I’m genuinely not sure if this is being done on stream or not.  She’s talking to…somebody but she never looks at the chat, assuming that there is a chat.  I’m thinking that she’s actually just talking to herself.  The voices in her head.

3:00 – And then she names the girl “Supa”.

So…god, this is pathetic.  The only saving grace is that I don’t think that the girl features much in the game.  I think she’s just the person you have to save.

She says that she couldn’t get past this “boss battle” as a kid.  Unbelievable.  The game starts you off at a “boss battle” but literally all you have to do is stand there and mash the attack button.  You won’t get hit once.  You only get hit if you move up.  She couldn’t get past this?  The first fucking enemy in the game?  What a gamer!

3:15 – Then there’s some insane editing.  And SupaLunatic is running all over the screen trying and failing to hit this character.

It’s literally as I described.  All you have to do is stand in the place where the game starts you off and mash the attack button.  

“I can’t tell if I’m hitting him or not.”

Oh my god.  He’ll flash when you hit him.  He’s not flashing, ergo, you’re not hitting him.  She doesn’t know this?  Well, she never got past this enemy before.

3:30 – More insane editing and she says “For fuck’s sake” like she’s possessed by demons.

She manages to kill the enemy, apparently for the first time in her life, and then reads the text…like a crazy person.  

4:15 – There’s a character called Willy and she finds this hilarious.

5:00 – More insane editing.  She gets to the next screen, there’s a female NPC, and she zooms in and plays a sound of a guy saying, “Hello, sweetheart.”

Oh my god.  And there’s more editing where some guy makes a bunch of weird sexual comments to this NPC.  Who’s saying this?  Who’s the guy who she got to record these insane comments?  Some horntard?  Her “chocolate” boyfriend?  

6:00 – She has to fight this “boss” again.  She’s surprised by this.

It’s just unfathomable to me that she would have this game as a child and not be able to beat the first enemy.  She must have put absolutely not time whatsoever into this.  The first time you play the game, you might die on this boss.  After that, you figure it out.  You just have to stand there.  It’s easy.

6:15 – More insane editing.  The horntard or whoever says, “Come on motherfucker, come on.”

Maybe these are voice samples from a movie or something.  I don’t know what would be more insane.  Searching for the appropriate voice samples or having some horntard record this shit.

6:45 – She inserts insane laughter.  

Does she not realise that these edits do not come off as funny?  They come off as insane.  Why doesn’t she get this?  

7:45 – She waits for a meter to fill up, thinking that it will give her some health back.  Spoiler: it won’t.  Then she says, “I should probably put some makeup on because I’m showing my face” and she starts putting eye makeup on.

“I have such dark circles, you guys.  It’s because I don’t get enough sleep.”

The voices keep her up at night.

“Doesn’t it look better?  At least I look a little more awake for you guys.”

Again, I don’t think that she’s streaming this.  She never reads from the chat.  She never looks at the chat.  This is just her talking to the voices in her head.

8:15 – “The things I try to do to look nice for you guys, I swear, and nobody cares.  I’ll just comments either saying that I’m a whore or that I’m ugly.”

The two aren’t mutual exclusive but no.  But we don’t need to focus on the physical.  It’s the mental stuff that she really, really needs to pay attention to.  She needs urgent help.

9:45 – There’s an obviously scripted scene where she gets pushed off a cliff and she thinks that she’s going to die.

She doesn’t die, of course, and then she starts farming enemies for health.  Instead of just moving forward like a normal person.  There’s obviously a village or something nearby where you can get your health back.  Clearly, the game doesn’t expect you to farm for health on the first fucking screen.

11:15 – “Guys, let me focus on this and I will come back when I level up.”

I was right.  She’s not streaming this.  This is all for a Youtube video.  There’s nobody watching this live.  

11:30 – So she levels up and you can choose what area to increase your stats.  And she says, “Because he’s a stud, let’s go with power.”

This is just…let’s move on.

14:15 – She rescued “Supa” and doesn’t know what the character does.  Can’t figure it out.  I think when you click “ask”, you get healed.  She didn’t bother to check.

15:30 – She finally figured it out.

16:00 – She died by taking on enemies that were obviously too powerful and attacking them in the dumbest possible way.  What a gamer!

16:30 – She restores her save and then asks to be healed.  She reads the text in a sexual fashion, “Let me treat your wounds, Stud” and then says, “Oh my gosh.  Can I not be horny?”

She needs urgent psychiatric care.

“In my head, Stud is this, like, handsome knight.  You know?”  Then an edit where she shows a picture from some movie or something and the words, “He looks like Pedro I’ve decided…for obvious reasons.”

I don’t know who this is and it doesn’t matter.  

Oh, it’s some Star Wars thing because then she shows a “meme” of a woman touching Boba Fett and she put the word “me” over the woman’s face.

This is really making me feel nauseous now.  There are only like eight minutes to go, though.  I want to finish this.  And it’s a rare time when I actually know the game.  But her mental illness is just…it makes it so painful to watch these videos.

17:45 – “How does my HP have 10?”

Because you got hit multiple times.

Then she goes to a town, buys a helmet, and saves the game.  That’s the video.

Holy shit.  This is the kind of content I’d like to see on a regular basis.  It was crazy as fuck, no doubt about it, but it gives you something to talk about.  This is why I liked Pelvic Gamer.  She used to do completely batshit crazy things like wear a toddler’s train outfit and pretend that the front of the costume was a giant penis.  Or she’d dress up as a man and say that she was going to seduce herself.  Or she would talk about her fondness for eating ass.

Bobdunga was another one.  She’d put a onsie on and do a weird dance.  Or she would give relationship advice under the guise of Saint Dungalous.  Whatever.  Shit like this.  Crazy stuff.

Neither of those ladies do that stuff any more.  Now they’re BORING AS FUCK.  I say bring back the crazy.

Supa_XO has craziness in abundance.  It’s nothing but craziness.  If she’d post regularly, she’d be the whole focus of the blog.  

But alas, Supa_XO is an elusive woman.  As soon as you figure out her new username, she’s changed it again and taken down all of the old videos.  So even though there’s a part 2 to this playthrough, I’ll probably never get to it.  As soon as she sees this, she’s going to disappear and delete everything again.

And how many people read this blog?  I’ll say 100.  She keeps changing her username and deleting her videos over a blog that maybe 100 people read.  It’s hilarious, it’s sad, and it’s crazy.

Fortunately, Newt is still bringing the crazy.  And there’s Horseface McGee.  Even Erin and Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining bring their own sort of craziness.  And Tony from Hack the Movies.  

Everybody has their own eccentricities.  I do as well.  Writing a blog like this probably isn’t something that a completely healthy person would do.  So Supa_XO shouldn’t feel embarrassed or ashamed or anything like this.  She’s putting out videos, she’s doing her thing, I say keep at it.  Don’t let some guy with a blog stop you from enjoying your life.

1 thought on “SupaPixelGirl has a New Name

  1. Hilarious. I always used to see her (the SupaNintendoGirl incarnation) in every comments section of Cinemassacre, with her cleavage photo. The sheer volume of simp replies she got was astounding. Who knew she was such a complex character eh?

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