So he starts the stream by talking about visiting a “friend” of his who’s a “go-go dancer” with some other prostitute “friends” of his and then launches into his shitty movie projects that never get released. The usual bullshit from the old Ideas Man. Then he just casually drops this:
2:30 – “I had a very fun day yesterday with some legal matters.”
3:15 – “I’ve been going through old laptops trying to find pieces of old scripts to build a timeline for my lawyer for some slanderous things that some people have been saying.”
Then people just ask about his whores and the usual bullshit. Seemingly, nobody asked about these legal matters, even though Newt clearly wanted to talk about it. He didn’t include the chat so I can’t see if he just wasn’t answering the questions but I don’t think so. I think nobody asked. So he just starts talking about his whores and this go-go dancer.
Am I completely out of touch or do go-go dancers not exist? That seems like something from the 1960s and 1970s.
11:15 – Newt starts talking shit about James Rolfe and that Toxic Avenger game that Screenwave is working on. Newt claims that it was his idea to make the game and he hopes that it fails because nobody gave him credit for the idea. Everything is Newt’s idea. He’s the Ideas Man, after all. Newt invented video games.
Still not a single word about this slander thing.
12:30 – “I’ve never had a single good idea.”
He’s attributing this quote to Screenwave. Well, they’re not wrong, Newt.
12:45 – “Certain people recently were making fun of the fact that my comic book isn’t out yet when we’re doing that with a very small team and it’s all coming out of my pocket when they have an entire fucking studio and haven’t been able to –“
Then he reads something from the chat about a prostitute or something and loses his train of thought. But Newt said that this comic was ready to be shipped YEARS ago. What the fuck happened? Why does he keep putting it off? Am I going to be sued by mentioning this?
Then Newt says that the first six issues will probably be released “mid-summer”. I think that this is one of those, “James and Mike Mondays will return in February” situations. He didn’t say February of what year. Newt is giving himself a loophole. It’s going to mid-summer, 2068, to coincide with the 50th anniversary of cult classic Swamp Zombies 2, the only “movie” that Newt had some kind of vague involvement with that actually got released.
13:45 – “One of their hangers on was coming at me the other day and I was taking screenshots of it and sending it to a (prostitute) friend of mine and we were having a good laugh at their expense because, you know.”
Wow. You really paint a picture, Ideas Man. What the fuck is he talking about? Just some random person in his Discord or something was talking shit about him being a plagiarist or something, I guess. Maybe Newt is going to start suing random people who go to his Discord and people who leave comments on his channel and people on Reddit.
14:00 – “Once the legal proceedings are over, maybe I’ll do a private — maybe I’ll do a Patreon Q&A again where I can tell you some of these stories. If one of my (prostitute) friends is in here right now, she knows what I did last night, which is a big old ‘fuck you’ to somebody who fucked with me and it’s pretty damned funny.”
Umm…I guess that I have to just take your word on it. You’re pretty light on the details. “Just trust me guys, I did a funny thing. It was super funny. You’d laugh if you knew how funny it was.”
14:15 – “The last three years I’ve been saving up information and research and finding areas that people who think they’re, you know, top of the pops or, you know, have over us, and then we realise that they left a lot of, you know, open areas for us, so –“
Umm…I have to say, Newt, I don’t know. I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.
He’s suing Screenwave or Ryan Schott or Tony or somebody connected with Screenwave. BUT FOR WHAT? I’ve never heard any of these people say ONE WORD about Newt. He’s going to sue them for the catty comments that they make among themselves? He’s going to sue Horseface for shutting down his creepy attempts to come on to her at his (prostitute) friend’s funeral who he fucked in the ass? It’s absurd.
Move the fuck on, Newt. You’re a plagiarist. That’s what you are. You can’t sue somebody over that. It’s true. Exhibit A: Your entire body of work.
He’s just doing this to get close to Horseface. This is what psychotic people do. They’ll file nuisance claims against people who they’re obsessed with because they know that they have to show up in court. He’s going to make creepy comments to her in the witness stand. “Your Honor, at this point, I’d like to show the jury every sexy scene that Miss Quin shot with me.” “For what purpose, Mr Wallen?” “Umm…well, they’ve just never been screened before and I thought that the jury might enjoy them. No? Can I show my comic then? It’s almost done.”
15:00 – “Mel and all of her friends used to be exotic dancers.”
He goes right back to the usual bullshit. Newt, we don’t give a shit. Tell us about Newt Wallen v Horseface.
15:45 – Then Newt tells an absolutely vile story about how his prostitute “friend” Fallon recently had another breast enlargement surgery and she has footage of the surgery and he had this great idea for a movie, incorporating scenes from the surgery, about haunted breast implants that control the host.
What he’s describing is season 10, episode 4 of the Simpsons, the Treehouse of Horror episode where Homer gets a haunted hair transplant from Snake that controls what Homer does. IT’S CLEARLY HIS SOURCE FOR THIS. This is what Newt does. He doesn’t have an original idea anywhere in that fucking pea-sized brain of his.
Stupid fucking plagiarized “tits and gore” bullshit. “Oh, no, this is about haunted breast implants, not haunted hair. Totally different.”
And I don’t know if he talks about it in this video or in a different recent one, I always fall asleep listening to them so it’s all a haze, but he was talking about Sucks 2 Suck. Somebody asked if it was ever coming out. Newt says that Fallon was reshooting a bunch of scenes but Newt insisted that his scenes were fantastic. So fantastic that his prostitute “friend” apparently deemed them unusable. He also says that his scenes were entirely improvised. That’s what he does. He churns out these god awful scripts that look like something a middle schooler would have written and then on the day of the shooting, they just throw the script out and do whatever. Because the script is total shit. But Newt has somehow convinced himself that what he does is good. His scripts are good, his ideas are good, his prostitute “friends” legitimately enjoy spending time with him and aren’t just using him for money. It’s insane. What is he on that causes this sort of massive delusion? Or if he’s not on anything, he should be on something to stop these delusions.
16:30 – He gives the name of this movie, which he hasn’t even written a shitty script for yet, and it’s “Boooooobs”. I don’t know how many “O” exactly, I’m just estimating based on how long he made the long “O” sound.
It’s absolute shit. It’s not funny. It’s not catchy. It’s horrendous. But this is what he does. He comes up with a PAINFULLY unfunny pun title, builds a shitty script around that painfully unfunny pun title, and then usually does absolutely nothing with it. He has thousands of these awful scripts that he shits out in a day. But in the unlikely event that something does happen with the script, IT DOESN’T EVEN GET USED. They just improvise everything.
18:15 – He’s reading from the chat. “‘What are these screenshots that you were talking about earlier?’ What screenshots? From the Toxic Avenger?”
He doesn’t even know what he was talking about five minutes earlier. No, the screenshots from Discord or whatever where somebody called you a plagiarist or whatever. You fucking idiot plagiarist.
26:45 – He’s reading another comment. “Is Hack the Movies still mad at you even though you’ve been kicking ass at film? Not trying to stir the pot.” Yeah, they don’t like me. They never will again. That’s fine. The shit thing about it is that Twitter took away the block feature so now their shit will pop up periodically, like him and Crystal will pop up. Obviously, they can’t interract, I wouldn’t interract, but I liked it better when they had me blocked and I couldn’t see anything that they were doing.”
Uh huh. You’re totally over it, Newt. You’re suing them for some bullshit but you’re totally over it.
28:15 – Oh, here’s the part about Sucks 2 Suck. See previous comments.
31:00 – Newt is back talking about his recent video where he was drunk. He’s explaining that he was with his prostitute “friends” to see another prostitute “dance” and how much he likes this prostitute and he was nervous, et cetera.
32:15 – “Metz is getting jacked, man. Metz is in like crazy, bulked up shape.”
Well, the last time I saw PVC Bondage Guy, which was like three months, she was indeed bulky. But I wouldn’t call that “jacked”. She was just stuffing her face with everything she could get her hands on. She was literally twice the size of “classic” PVC Bondage Guy. And it wasn’t muscle. It was 100% fat.
32:45 – “My lawyer said to me last night, ‘You need to start hitting the gym’ because he wants me to fight this other dude in Vegas this summer.”
THIS is what his lawyer is talking about? Newt is paying for THIS? This completely worthless advice? It’s a scam. He’s going to a scam lawyer. Who, other than a scam lawyer would give this kind of asinine advice? Is this a serious case or isn’t it? If even the lawyer is making jokes about it, it suggests that this is not serious. Why would he take the case then? Because if you have the money, there’s always some shyster lawyer who will take any case, no matter how ridiculous it is. And this is what Newt is doing.
34:00 – Somebody asks him for advice about getting over a breakup with a long-term girlfriend and Newt says, “I’m still getting over that.”
No fucking shit. Newt needs a team of psychiatrists to get him to move past Horseface among the litany of other psychological hangups that he has. There’s nothing funny about this. It’s disturbing.
“It’s not just one person, it’s different people not being in your life any more and how you deal with it.”
Well, if he’s referring to Tony and Justin, he was talking shit about them repeatedly in this video so apparently that’s how he gets over people not being in his life any more. He shits on them.
Then he says that the way he dealt with it is to be around “friends”. We know what that’s a euphamism for. Prostitutes. It’s pathetic.
35:30 – “You got to find yourself. You got to find what makes you happy.”
Prostitutes, in Newt’s case.
37:15 – “There’s gay gentlemen who ask me to take pictures of my dong and I do and they pay me for it. Whatever. I don’t care. You know, money’s money.”
I see.
38:15 – “Even the Reddit trolls, I responded to them to give them my side of the story. It didn’t matter anyway because they just shared it anyway as, ‘Look at this fucking asshole’ and yeah.”
42:30 – Newt is “flirting” with some prostitute who’s in the chat, talking about how he needs her to be in her underwear for some “tits and gore” film that he’s never going to make.
I have to say that I’m disappointed in these prostitutes. NEWT is the guy who they’re shaking down? How much money can Newt possibly have? He must up to his eyeballs in medical debt, student loan debt, and who the fuck knows what else and he’s making $30,000/year at the cinema and blowing all of his money on these fucking awful “tits and gore” movies that never go anywhere.
1:06:00 – “Every dinosaur in my script is named after a famous dinosaur in something.”
This was in relation to a question about Denver the Last Dinosaur and Newt is talking about one of his “tits and gore” scripts that will never go anywhere. And he’s saying this shortly after mocking people for calling him a plagiarist. This is all that he does. Everything is plagiarised. I don’t know how he doesn’t see it.
He was also talking about how the Screenwave people, I think mostly Ryan Schott, was telling him that none of his ideas are any good and he’ll never let Newt make any of these projects. This was back when Newt was working at Screenwave for those glorious three months or whatever it was. And Newt is saying this in a mocking tone as in, “Oh, my ideas aren’t any good? Well, look at what I’m doing now.”
YOU’RE DOING NOTHING. And your ideas are all absolutely, putrid, rotten, fucking monkey shit. Everybody can see it except apparently for Newt. Ryan was 100% right. Newt’s ideas aren’t just bad, they’re…how to even describe the magnitude of how bad Newt’s ideas are. It’s all the same fucking trash.
And then you read his actual scripts and it’s literally like a child wrote it. It’s full of spelling and grammar errors, there’s no character development AT ALL, the plot goes nowhere, it’s just random shit happening for no reason, and there are “tits and gore”.
THIS guy calls himself “The Ideas Man”. The Delusional Man more like. The Psychotic Man. The Derranged Man. The Pathetic Man. The Prostitute-Loving Man. The Stalker Man. But The Ideas Man? No fucking way.
1:06:45 – “Just have new ideas. Let’s do something new.”
He’s talking about Disney but the irony is entirely lost on him. This is a guy who earlier in the stream rattled off various “projects” that he claims he’s working on and they all had titles along the lines of “Cheerleader Strippers from Mars”. Every fucking one of them. The Ideas Man. Hey, Ideas Man, COME UP WITH SOMETHING DIFFERENT FOR ONCE, YOU PLAGIARISING, WHORE-MONGERING, DELUSIONAL PIECE OF SHIT. His brain is so riddled by syphilis that this is all that he can come up with.
Anyway, fuck this guy. I’m not watching the last ten minutes of this shit. He’s not going to have anything interesting to say. When has he ever had anything interesting to say?