The Last Game Boy Color Games – Erin Plays

The triumphant return of Erin Plays. After three entire months, THIS is what she comes up with? This stale as fuck bullshit where she “reviews” the last games that came out on a console? This idea that she blatantly stole from JOHN RIGGS?

She’s totally checked out. Why even bother any more? It’s been years since she put any effort at all into anything. What’s the point of putting the videos out any more? She’s not making money from this. She doesn’t need the money. She’s leeching off of Mike. She must know that she’s not going to become famous from this shit. So why continue?

0:00 – “When I got the purple Game Boy Color and Super Mario Bros Deluxe for Christmas…”

First of all, nobody gives a fuck what hue your fucking fictional Game Boy Color was. Why does she insist on including these stupid fucking details about colours? This isn’t fucking Seasame Street. We all know the colours.

She’s never mentioned having a Game Boy Color before. Not once. So let’s think about this.

It came out in late 1998. Erin aka Cykill1986 was born in 1987. Allegedly.

Unlikely that she got it on launch. So let’s say she got it the following year in 1999. Erin would have been 12 years old.

I don’t know. It doesn’t strike me as genuine. For somebody who likes video games, that would be a fine age to be given a Game Boy Color. But Erin has no fucking interest in this shit and never has. In Christmas of 1999, Erin was getting clothes, makeup, and a Spice Girls DVD and she was happy with that shit.

0:15 – “Nintendo was still making games for the Nintendo Color well into 2002.”

That doesn’t seem like a long time. Last 1998 to 2002? Who gives a shit? Four years? That seems like a SHORTER lifespan for a console than is typical.

Whatever happened to that Nintendo handheld that was 3d? I was tempted to get one but never bothered. It was all a big fad, right?

There was 3d television. I think that some of them required glasses and some of them didn’t. Nothing ever came of it.

What about 3d porn? Is it any good?

Well, that guy’s REALLY into it. The VR stuff with those nerdy headsets, anyway. Speaking of fads.

0:45 – Shantae. She played this a few months ago, on stream, for money. What a shock this is.

Then there’s literally footage of her playing the game on stream, for money. It’s not even disguised.

1:45 – She talks about other attacks that you get during the game but says, “I didn’t make it far enough in this playthrough.” Why bother playing it for the purposes of this video? That would require a tiny bit of effort. Just show the stream footage.

2:45 – “All of the sprites and backgrounds are really colourful and cute.”

Go fuck yourself.

3:15 – Resident Evil Gaiden.

4:45 – “I like the zombies in the purple dresses.”

Take these colours and shove them up your fucking ass.

5:15 – What the hell kind of footage is this? Is this a stream from before she was living with Mike? She has a plain blue background, she’s sitting in a normal office chair, and I think she has an old school Erin Plays logo. Did she use footage from many years ago for this? It’s unbelievable. She can’t put ANY effort into anything.

5:45 – Hamtaro.

6:00 – “The world of Hamtaro is very cute.”

Who the fuck is watching this? She’s total fucking moron. She can’t talk about anything other than colours and how things are “cute”. This is total fucking shit.

6:45 – “All in all, it’s an extremely cute game.”

Yeah. We got that, Erin. It’s cute. What else can you talk about?

7:00 – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

She played it for about three minutes just to get this footage.

8:45 – Some Dragon Ball game.

She’s literally just reading from the back of the box and saying that she’s not interested in Dragon Ball.

She played this one for maybe two minutes.

That’s the video. What a fucking piece of shit. And she’s even wearing the same fucking jean jacket that she always wears.

Give us something new, Erin. ANYTHING. We get it. You suck at video games, you’re not interested in that shit, and you like colours and cute things. What else have you got in that empty head of yours? Anything?

Her entire life is getting fucked in the ass, crying in the bathtub, and doing these awful streams for retards. For $6,000/year.

  • “gotta skip this one cause of HP but good that you’re uploading again”

HP? What?

  • “You’re a HUGE Inspiration to us, Erin!”

Uh huh.

  • “I’d love to watch this video, but sadly, I just don’t have the time.”

Some fucking brainless faggot from TheCinemassacreTruth on Reddit. How embarassing.

Oh, Joe from Game Sack to a moment to tear himself away from looking at Newt’s penis to grace Erin with some more witty comments.

Joe: I pronounce Vegeta similar to vegetable. It’s probably Veh-Jeet-uh but I don’t care… it’s just Dragon Ballz.

Mike: When would you be in a situation where you have to say that word

Joe: I’m hoping never.

Erin: So you say Vege-tah? I hope that’s how you say it.

Joe: I don’t think I’ve ever said it with my mouth, but yes… that’s how it sounds when I think about that word

You know that Mike reads the blog. Whenever Erin says something like, “I always forget the name of this monster”, I’ll say, “How often is that coming up as a topic of conversation?” Mike basically said the same thing here.

So we’ve got Mike responding in the comments basically just to warn Joe that he knows what Joe is doing. We all do. Joe, stop trying to steal of the love of Mike’s life. It’s despicable. Erin and Mike are soulmates. It’s not about buttsex for Youtube promotion. This is true love.

We know that Joe from Game Sack enjoys looking at Newt’s penis. Do you suppose that Mike ever showed his member to Joe? I have to think that it’s almost a certainty that he did.

  • “Have u ever played Spark the electric jester? Also good video 3”

Want to guess Erin’s answer?

“No I haven’t, I’ll look it up. And thanks!”

If she hasn’t streamed it, she hasn’t played it, you fucking moron. Figure it out, retard.

5 thoughts on “The Last Game Boy Color Games – Erin Plays

  1. I don’t know about Erin but I’ve seen other channels the bizarre draw to these kinds of videos. I don’t understand it. Yes it’s easy as shit to make. Look up the list on Wikipedia and read it. But the comments on these kinds of videos are always some faggot retard beating off in his mouth about how amazing it is. “Wow it’s amazing that the game boy was still being made while we had the Xbox at the same time “ or some dumb faggot shit like this. The kind of re-re that watches Scott the Woz with religious, no, Islamic fervor!

    1. “gotta skip this one cause of HP but good that you’re uploading again”
      HP? What?”

      Likely a person who boycotts Harry Potter because of Rowling’s views on the transsexual community

  2. “gotta skip this one cause of HP but good that you’re uploading again”.

    this is the sort of simping horntard who would settle for a tranny and lecture you about him being a “woman”

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